Professions you'd want to try | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

Professions you'd want to try

Oh man. Is that a profession?
  1. Bear care-taker.
  2. Professional dog-walker.
  3. Crossbreeding animals.
  4. Chemical warfare manufacturing.
A naturalist. Preferably on a project to study wolves by living among them.
Also a ballerina. I have been told I have a natural "pointe" but I seem to have missed that calling..
Besides being a sailor I always wanted to be a gangster and wear a black suit like dudes do in Reservoir Dogs.
Being a writer, a musician or an artist comes close..
Bogus fortune-teller
UN Peacekeeper
Marine salvor
Any kind of federal law enforcement official, but especially FBI and USMS
I want to be a zillionaire, so I don´t have to have a job and just relax. And after I am relaxed enough, I will try whataver I like: being a priest, being a musician, being a painter, being a fashion designer, cosmetic producer and make-up artist, movie maker, director... whatever :)
violinist, gardener, pilot, hair stylist, make-up artist
I've been thinking about occupational therapy as a legitimate profession recently.
violinist, gardener, pilot, hair stylist, make-up artist

You mentioned my favorite instrument that I play, and that reminds me that for a few years I wanted to be an audio engineer. Still do, except not so much that I would devote myself to it as a career.
President of a country
Forest ranger
Professional diver for national geographic or something like that
Anthroposophic school teacher.
ufologist and a ghost buster