Procrastination Alarm Going Off . . . Maybe | INFJ Forum

Procrastination Alarm Going Off . . . Maybe


Community Member
Jun 17, 2012
I'm an awful procrastinator when it comes to things I should be doing. The rewards look so enticing however I'll end up doing everything but what I should.

"Jack, it's time to study Japanese . . . I wonder what Korean music sounds like?"
"Jack, write another page of your novel . . . That reminds me I've got that other book to read."
"Jack, I want some ice cream . . . But it's all the way downstairs."

I generally hit this brick wall very regularly though unfortunately it's something I had to condition myself into as once I start going on something all time and senses pass me by and before I've know it I've spent an entire day doing something and I haven't nourished my body so I become quite ill (Most likely a big cause for my being underweight but I digress).

Anyway, the point of the thread is because I know I'm not the only one who does this and I'm really curious to see what other people's experiences with such things are as well as to gauge how lazy I actually am.

I look forward to any replies I get to this.
I'm physically lazy on routine shit like that. I keep my appointments tho. Hope that helps. :-D
I don't know, but I really want a procrastination alarm-clock now. :m105:
I'm so bad.

It's even worse because my History course has such little contact time that it is practically all independent study.

I do independent study all the time, but rarely about what my course demands, and never with any kind of gratification in the very near future. Whilst I know that what I am interested in is important and I shouldn't stop because deep down I know it isn't a waste of still sometimes feels like it and considering the amount of gold this degree is costing me; I feel guilty.
I'm... actually getting better at.

Not sure how, but breaking it up into little steps helps? Say you have an essay, just start off the introduction with a few sentences.
Make a prioritized to-do list you can satisfyingly check off, or write your essay in dot point format you can revise later.

Neither, does working non-stop helps cause you burn-out. You need to treat breaks like dessert, savored every now and then.

This is all academic, I haven't figured out a way to keep a regular exercise schedule.

It's false belief procrastinators don't know what they should do, they know exactly what they should be doing, but don't do it but other reasons.

Reasons can be found listed here:
I'm procrastinating working because of the elections, the economy, and my health. I'm sure I have left something out.

Am I lazy? May not be able to pay my bills next month. Have a dear wife and pets depending on me.

I have experienced the futility of the situation in years past. Filling the freezers with fish for food. My hands and back hurt from casting, cleaning fish, cleaning the boat, cleaning out one of the freezers....going fishing again tomorrow. God will provide.

Feel I am making do the best way I can at the moment. The fish are here in numbers October and November. Seems everyone wants insurance estimates with a twist to their advantage(they're asking a loyalist for this). Think of all the meals we can have later. What is my point?

We sometimes are using reason to not do something and rather do something else. We should know better than try and understand these things all the time. Business will pick up after the elections. Money will start showing itself again then. Maybe I am bored with this life and this place and want to sell everything and move. Downsize. See a new world. Meet new people. Maybe I am just procrastinating and lazy. Why do I push myself, then, so much?