Politics and INFJs.

well...I'm middle of the road, I've voted republican and democrat in my life. I have very strong likes/dislikes on both sides and don't think l'll ever choose one to fully cling to...
I'm actually a fascist. No.
Maybe infjs (and other feeling types) are more likely to be democratics because they focus more on how systems affect people, rather than how to utilize people into systems or institutions. Meh. I'll think about it more later.
I'm actually a fascist. No.
Maybe infjs (and other feeling types) are more likely to be democratics because they focus more on how systems affect people, rather than how to utilize people into systems or institutions. Meh. I'll think about it more later.

again, with you - im thinkin' intj. think about a recent problem at work... were you more concerned about how it affected everyone involved, or how to solve the problem directly? do you have trouble reading emotions? do you analyze rather than emote?

F's are probably more democratic definitely. NF's especially. NFJ's and NTJ's seem to logically support their beliefs well... whatever those beliefs may be.
I love freedom so I hate politics worst thing ever to happen to man kind. There is a code of conduct in the world and if we just tried to be better people it could happen ha ha in a dream world. God what was I thinking... Anyhow I would say I believe in the constitution of the unites states and if we just shook all the dead leaves from the tree and let it see the sun again it could grow and prosper once more. It's really a people problem if ya ask me. People have to realize that they can actually get together and change the government. It's what We The People means problem is where is We when we need them?
Yarr, I be a conservative. And I hate what the 2 party system be doing yarr.
I am nor democrat or republican. I am just very liberal. So, naturally, I have much more friction agients republicans.
I've ended up voting Democratic in all of the national elections over the past 28 or so years, though often voted for excellent Republicans in our local (town) elections back in Connecticut.

Overall, I consider myself closest to the Green Party, but Ralph Nader has pissed me off so much I've gone back to the Democrats.

I consider individual candidates of any party as fairly (I do my research) as possible, but yes, when it comes down to it, our country is still primarily two-party, and I'm FAR closer to the Democrats philosophically than to what the Republicans have become.
i don't really believe in gov't but view it as a necessary evil. i think it should be limited as much as possible. although, in the last election i voted green. so go figure.
I always thought that left wing vs right wing was a crude way to divi up people into political ideologies. (No offense It was an interesting article non the less)

Here is test that uses four axis to determine you political leanings.


I have a funny feeling this post will be moved, I said it first!!!
I always thought that left wing vs right wing was a crude way to divi up people into political ideologies.

I agree completely. Sort the cattle. When I visit my mom, she has conservative talk radio on non-stop. These creepy demagogues and the way they rile the masses.
again, with you - im thinkin' intj. think about a recent problem at work... were you more concerned about how it affected everyone involved, or how to solve the problem directly? do you have trouble reading emotions? do you analyze rather than emote?

F's are probably more democratic definitely. NF's especially. NFJ's and NTJ's seem to logically support their beliefs well... whatever those beliefs may be.

You think I'm intj? Is that what you're saying? I'm most likely not because I consider how my actions and decisions will affect the group. I focus on people. I see systems as something meant to sustain people, so if anyone is negatively affected by a decision, the sacrifice isn't worth it. I emote... but I filter it through an objective thought process because I am concerned about how everyone else will end up feeling. And my feelings aren't always going to be what's best for everyone else, so I take their feelings and thoughts and needs and abilities into consideration and compromise between my own and theirs.
I think that's pretty democratic.

I'm not a democrat or a republican. If anything,I have commie leanings though we all know communism hasn't really proved itself successful. Love it in theory, but in reality it doesn't seem people are capable.
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I'm a liberal/libertarian. I'm a supporter of both gun rights and marijuana legalization. I was pretty enamored with Ron Paul about this time last year, and I'm still interested in the Federal Reserve.