Photo Typing.

I hate this, everyone is ENFP.

Here are my tips:

ESFJs have big boobs and nice smiles

ISFJs look wussy

ENFPS = Happy "alternative"

INFP = Sad "alternative"

ENFJs are bloody hard to guess!
Yeah, I suck at this. lol

I don't have any rubric or idea of what to look for.
It turned into a completely different quiz on me.

I fail even by the laws of averages.
single type: 73/180 (41%)
full type: 1/45 (2%)

What's frustrating is that I'm often just one letter off. I keep mistaking IN for ES, and vice-versa. I usually get the T/F and J/P right, though.
It just kept going so I quit. Seems like about 1/3 were ENFP for some reason.

The only ones I guessed right were INFJs(every one), ENTJs(every one) and an INFP(though I guessed others incorrectly).