People who are only interested in one thing at a time


Rothchildian Agent
Do you know anyone like this, they are only interested in one thing at a time and will usually only consider any other thing in relation to the one which which they are fixated with at the time, for instance someone who is interested in fitness who is only interested in a popular movie in so far as it may give them ideas about fitness training or allow them to evaluate how fit actors are.

Is this natural or unnatural do you think? A quirk or a personality trait?
I did know someone like this but her brain had been severely damaged in a car accident. She would become obsessed with things and was quite inflexible. It was either about the obsession or she wasn't going to talk about it.
I know someone who is fixated with erich fromm and sees the whole world through a fromm prism!
I know someone who is fixated with erich fromm and sees the whole world through a fromm prism!

I guess its better than a lot of fiction written about the Rothschilds but whatever's your poison.
I guess its better than a lot of fiction written about the Rothschilds but whatever's your poison.

Well have a wee dram of irony to chase down your half of poison!
Well have a wee dram of irony to chase down your half of poison!

I allowed you to bait me there and I shouldnt have done that.

On the other hand you are the master baiter.
"All men- UGH!" - feminism
From a scientific standpoint, human processing is designed serially; that is, we are designed to consider singular items and events in sequence. Obsessive thinking is simply the exaggeration of a natural tendency.

Anyway. Although I'm flexible about conversation and shared activities and the like, my investigation of topics is very obsessional in nature. I look thoroughly at one subject at a time until I have absorbed all of the information I can about it and synthesized it all to be coherent. I've always been this way and know several others who are as well. I don't think it's a problem unless it leads to a decrease in daily functionality and balance - as in, the obsession narrows one's focus until all other important things are ignored.
I think it's natural especially for introverts, because it allows us to focus our energies on one thing instead of feeling scattered. When you delve into one specific area, it feels as if you're immersed and fully engaged, giving you a sense of knowing something inside out.
I've heard about it, but as far as experiencing it myself.....soooort of nope?

I can connect one interest into another; but I still am interested in both.
Sure. Gotta see an interest through to its conclusion at the expense of others.
"All men- UGH!" - feminism

Actually, I had an discussion with a friend of mine once and she stated that definition of masculinity in person, is that he/she can focus on a thing at the time and be be good at it. And definition of femininity is that person have lots of interests. I did not agree and but I could not at the time state my disagreement clearly enough. I think it is very general.

I think it is general inclination, that exist in every person and is activated under some psychological conditions. Inclination to obsess and be addicted.
Do you know anyone like this, they are only interested in one thing at a time and will usually only consider any other thing in relation to the one which which they are fixated with at the time, for instance someone who is interested in fitness who is only interested in a popular movie in so far as it may give them ideas about fitness training or allow them to evaluate how fit actors are.

Is this natural or unnatural do you think? A quirk or a personality trait?

This is a natural quirk of the idiot and/or unnatural personality trait of the genius.
I allowed you to bait me there and I shouldnt have done that.

On the other hand you are the master baiter.

I think it was you doing the baiting especially when seen in the context of your comments immediately before you posted this thread in the random thread

But then you do like to jerk around
I knew someone at work who was completely obsessed with hurling (an Irish sport). He would talk about nothing else and would try to divert all conversation to that topic. He would read and re-read the hurling section in the papers and knew everything there was to know about his home team.

Dear gods, but he was so boring. I will say that he never broached the subject with people who had no interest in it, he would just remain completely silent instead.

I can get a bit obsessive myself, but my excessive curiosity means I constantly move onto new subjects.
From a scientific standpoint, human processing is designed serially; that is, we are designed to consider singular items and events in sequence. Obsessive thinking is simply the exaggeration of a natural tendency.

Anyway. Although I'm flexible about conversation and shared activities and the like, my investigation of topics is very obsessional in nature. I look thoroughly at one subject at a time until I have absorbed all of the information I can about it and synthesized it all to be coherent. I've always been this way and know several others who are as well. I don't think it's a problem unless it leads to a decrease in daily functionality and balance - as in, the obsession narrows one's focus until all other important things are ignored.

Yeah also some avenues of exploration branch out into new areas and this kind of tree of knowledge exploration blossoms and keeps growing!