Oslo, Norway Bombed; Gunman attacks Youth Camp | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Oslo, Norway Bombed; Gunman attacks Youth Camp

Norway is in shock and unbearable greif after this terrible event. The people at the youth camp where from all over the country, attending to the annual summer camp of Labour party. I lost none of my beloved ones, but I know some of them by name since they lived not far from me. We are all just stunned and horrified and extremely pissed off. It seems impossible to comprehend the same way the universe is impossible to comprehend. All these lives for a fucking violent fanatic who wants to save the world his way; by exterminating cultural relativism/multiculturalism and Islam, and instead follow a cultural conservative regime. In his manifesto, which is online, he reckons the revolution will be a success by the year 2083 and that when that time comes, the number of traitors executed by firearm should be limited to 200 000. A true nut, in other words. He will only be remembered as one of the worst mass-murderers in history.
By the way, that is 94 confirmed deaths until now but more are missing, probably carried away by sea currents.
Norway is in deep shock and sorrow after this horrible massacre took place. I personally know people who have taken part in the rescue events in connection to the attack. Norway is a small nation with few people, and most of us have a direct or indirect connection to the recent incident. Norway is very grateful for the support that has been given all over the world. It has been difficult days, even for us that has not been directly involved. The whole nation is affected so deeply that it will change every norwegian forever. Fortunately norwegians seems very prepared for the future. This massacre is totally despicable and unbelievable. Still hatred is not a fruitful response to these actions. And i think the nation as a whole has shown great bravery and worthiness.

Was Hitler wrong or what! I haven't seen any reason for it all happening, except for a supposition that it might be about Norway fighting in the middle east. Any idea? :3

The man was Norwegian and claims to be part of a wider group (though it seems unlikely). He has associated himself with the English Defence League, though this also seems a bit suspect. He is clearly delusional and psychotic and it will probably turn out to be that he was on his own and he did it because he's insane and that's basically it. He says he did it to save Europe from Muslims, but that's sounds pretty delusional as well. He deliberately targeted the ruling left wing party who have not taken a hardline on keeping muslims out of Europe as he would like.

I thought I would share this with people here. This is the best article I've read on this yet. However, reading the comments below made me really angry. Sometimes people are just stupid :-/

Norway is in deep shock and sorrow after this horrible massacre took place. I personally know people who have taken part in the rescue events in connection to the attack. Norway is a small nation with few people, and most of us have a direct or indirect connection to the recent incident. Norway is very grateful for the support that has been given all over the world. It has been difficult days, even for us that has not been directly involved. The whole nation is affected so deeply that it will change every norwegian forever. Fortunately norwegians seems very prepared for the future. This massacre is totally despicable and unbelievable. Still hatred is not a fruitful response to these actions. And i think the nation as a whole has shown great bravery and worthiness.

I certainly agree!
Norway seems like an amazing place to live with a truly humanistic culture.. I hope they don't change for this psycho.

This is a lil tangent, but I was browsing the 'net and came across this: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1989083_2137380,00.html
I'm have to say I'm touched at the level of care for the psychological well-being of even prisoners..I esp. like the part about how the prison guards are encouraged to eat and play basketball with the inmates to encourage good behavior and socialization.

Anyway, my opinion is that this guy is a psychopath and cannot be rehabilitated..

I've read that the max is 21 years even for murderers, but then I've also read that the courts can keep extending it for five year increments (upon review) and keep him incarcerated if deemed a threat--which could potentially be the rest of his life. Did I understand that wrong?

Stay Norway, Norway!
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acd: Whether or not Norway is an amazing place is a question related to the famous "eye of the beholder". It certainly is a place with enourmos wealth, and lack of poverty makes it easier for a society to establish humane ideals. Still, its important to remember that poverty is a relative factor. Its not easy being poor in a country where the average person is wealthy.

Norway is not used to high crime rates. It is a big country with few people (now close to five millions). I guess its hard for other countries to understand this norwegian mentality of openess and equality. Police are generally unarmed, and the King and Queen take part in mass gatherings, and walk among people without considerable safety measures. Norwegians take great proud in this egalitarian way of thinking. People who become too arrogant, who separate themselves from main society, just dont sustain leaders over time. It is a mentality that has both its pros and cons. A person like Silvio Berlusconi would never had much of a political career in Norway i am sure. He is too rich, too much of womanizer, too clownish, irresponsible and slick.

Norwegians want to identify with their leaders. They want to think that the PM could have been me, or my neighbour. It certainly is a good thing that people with power dont remove themselves too far from the masses. Still there is a downside. It is best described by the norwegian/danish term "jante". You shouldnt stand out too much, you shant think too highly of yourself. Its a mentality that can be very destructive, especially to artists. Its kind of a small-town mentality that has grown into the whole nation. Its ok to do well in school, just not too well... if you know what i mean. Norwegians can be very envious. Its probably easier to stand out in a nation like us, i dont know.

I dont find it strange that other countries might look upon Norway and norwegians as naive. Breivik certainly did. But to give an analysis about the current tragedy, i certainly cannot see anything that could have been done different before the incident. For instane, Israel is one of the most well guarded countries in the whole world. Still terror attacks are part of everyday life in that society. I certainly do not want to live in a society like that. Freedom is not for free, it has its prize.

After the disaster there has been much talk about responding to hatred with love. Some critics say that the mentality of norwegians would have been different if the killer was not one of our own. Its hard to say.

Yet i am proud of the way young people handled the situation. Victims at Ut
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RIP to all the victims of the attacks.

May all the innocent souls rest in peace.

And to all the Norwegian people, please stay strong. <3
God/Yahveh/Allah bless their souls. *prays*.

All I can say now. :|