One of the 80%?

How funny, alcyone.

I read this story earlier today with interest.

"She conversed normally, but she also spoke of a mission that she had to fulfill."

Since she "didn't want any contact with her family," but seemed healthy and coherent after a year alone in the woods, I too wondered if she might have been an INFJ.
Could be INFP as well.
Sucks.. too bad they're making her leave. I hope she is able to find someplace else where she can live out her secluded naturalist life.. I bet she might be an ISFP.. supposedly that type is very intune with nature and feels most peaceful and stable in it.
Reminded me of this;


Seems like more of an INFP thing to do but INFx fo' sure.
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HELL YEAH! Thats what I'm talking about! Thats what I want~ With just a bit of running water and electricity please!
It impressive that’s for sure, I love the fact that he hasn’t shut himself off from the world, he isn't some weirdo hermit or fanatic so he's easy to relate to.

I recon it would be awesome to do but there are things like music that I couldn’t go without so I’d need a generator at least and even then I don't think I could do it for too long, I would *cough* miss people *cough*.
I bet she might be an ISFP.. supposedly that type is very intune with nature and feels most peaceful and stable in it.

Yes could be ISFP except for we are too lazy for "missions". :D
I read today she was "picked up" by her sister. I get the impression they're suggesting mental illness. Makes you wonder how she survived all those years without her "family's care" doesn't it, especially when she was hostile at the suggestion of returning to them?

Ah well. I wish her the best in her new adaptation.
Haha! Give yourself more credit than that!

:wink: It is a pretty good excuse for going superintrovert and living in the wild for a while "I was on a very important mission, top secret so can't tell you any more..."
I'm thinking Infp or Isfp myself.
I didnt realize it was illegal to be poor in other countries. I think it is bullshit that people are not allowed to sleep/live on park benches or national parks. It truely is a world for the Rich Party.
I didnt realize it was illegal to be poor in other countries. I think it is bullshit that people are not allowed to sleep/live on park benches or national parks. It truely is a world for the Rich Party.
I think she is mentally ill and I have no idea what her personality type is based on the article.
She is living in the woods but is on a "mission".

What is with the title of this thread? I don't understand it.
And.. I still don't see why that qualifies her as mentally ill.. just because it deviates from the norm?