North Korean foreign policy: please study this

Famine and pestilence is never pretty anywhere. Don't forget the mosquitoes that are worse than I have ever seen. I wear a plastic raincoat with hood up and hands in pockets just to let the dogs out. Storms form where they do, and they go where they do. Sometimes they even come back.

How about all the fires in the US? The earthquakes in the US and Mexico. People don't wish to understand why, they just want to survive. Shame so many folks suffer for another's arrogance.

I hear the people are rioting in the streets of reference: just heard. Oil rich to me means earth suckers, which leave voids and removes coolants.. See thou hurt not the oil and the wine(they had to put a little wine in the water to drink it).

Launching long and intermediate range missiles over other countries into the ocean is not acceptable. Continuing on a path to build(or purchase) nuclear weapons is no longer acceptable. Both the North and Iran have to man up from their pride and accept that. Many years ago I stated something similar to, if the Palestinians and others that hate Israel would put their guns down, there would be no war. People cannot seem to understand they are the aggressor and not someone else. They blame all their shortcomings on others. Hardly anyone can afford what they are spending. To say your people would eat grass so you could continue on your warpath is violating all kinds of human rights. Firing ICBMs over Japan is violating all their rights. Those countries' allies must understand what complete destruction means to them. They will no longer get anything from there. It could end up one large Chernobyl. How about trading for green oil? Nuclear waste? I personally would not want that on my doorstep. What about all the human beings living there? They deserve a life without fear of being destroyed. Someone needs to have a sitdown with the leaders of those countries and explain reality to them, instead of all these threats.

It's getting very close to time to separate what's good from what's bad: what's necessary and what's not. What's affordable and what's not. It's coming, no matter what we agree or disagree with. If stickers are left to seed, there will be more next year.
They will destroy the grass and take over the yard. They will be spread to other yards by humans, pets, shoes, tires, animals and sometimes birds and the wind. Easy thing about stickers, though, is seeing them for what they are. Some people are not so difficult to see, and bad for us if we igmore them.