No need to explain . . .


What's beautiful about human communication is the ability to find people who you can communicate with without saying much. Whether it's a friend, partner, even a complete stranger. The ability to understand someone without having to work at it. The idea that someone "gets it" or "gets you" is remarkable.

It's one of the most interesting things which always amazes me.

The idea that someone can communicate so much meaning without words or having to explain yourself or thoughts in detail is pretty awesome.

So, what are your experiences with this?
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There's a saying that goes somewhere along the lines of "a true friend is someone you can sit with in silence and feel like it's the best conversation you ever had."

I remember reading that and feeling it was so true. My ex and I could have entire conversations without using words. Anyone on the outside wouldn't know what was going on, but we were exceptionally in tune. We could read each other's facial expressions and body language and communicate ideas without opening out mouths.

I love it.

I have a couple friends who just "get me" without me having to explain myself. It's so rare, but I really appreciate it when it happens. It feels like too much effort to have to explain yourself to everyone. It's a relief when you don't have to.
I recently met a person that shares so many traits with me, that most of the time we just don't finish sentences and communicate in complete silence for hours because there is just no need to shed the words when you just understand that other person so well. It was very strange at first and funny, then it just became so normal. Still I'm amazed by it, because I never have experienced it in a such way and to that extreme.
Yes. It happens if you spend enough time together.
yeah man. I love this feeling. been a long time since I had done something like that with anyone though.

happened a few times before though. really cool
yeah, like when you look at each other at the same time with the same smirk.
After all, its rude to make comments in class, but it's good to know someone else is thinking the exact same thing.
What's beautiful about human communication is the ability to find people who you can communicate with without saying much. Whether it's a friend, partner, even a complete stranger. The ability to understand someone without having to work at it. The idea that someone "gets it" or "gets you" is remarkable.

It's one of the most interesting things which always amazes me.

The idea that someone can communicate so much meaning without words or having to explain yourself or thoughts in detail is pretty awesome.

So, what are your experiences with this?

I've had a smattering of relationships (of all sorts) where the chemistry was pretty good; but I don't know that I've ever felt the above.
yeah, like when you look at each other at the same time with the same smirk.
After all, its rude to make comments in class, but it's good to know someone else is thinking the exact same thing.

Is freaking funny and the both of u just have to control your laughter
When i wrote the original post, i described the idea in a very romanticized/idealistic way, when in reality, this usually doesn't come so easily but occurs as enfy can be shy mentioned, after a period of time when both parties come to know each other. I'm starting to appreciate the value of that connection which develops when someone makes the effort, and takes the time to get to know someone, to get to that point where there's no need to explain. The idea that someone puts some work or effort in getting to know someone they care about, is a wonderful thing. Although it's nice if it comes easily or naturally, it's the time, attention, committment, and investment both people give to a relationship which matters in the end.

I've met people i felt this connection with but it was still unsatisfying. Nothing really developed from it which left me feeling unfulfilled and disappointed. So, although those connections are nice, it's not enough. There must be something else besides that connection to feel fulfilling.
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I have a twin. We communicate like this all the time. It's really a special thing to be able to communicate with someone this way and know them so well that you're just automatically on the same plane.