Nihilist question


The Romantic Scientist
I only have one question:

Why does life have to have a purpose? Can't we just say that we 'pooped into existence'?
Some people need to have meaning for there insignificant lives. Me? I'm just happy to be here.
Some people need to have meaning for there insignificant lives. Me? I'm just happy to be here.

I'm happy that you're here too.

Do you know how honored I am to meet people that others in a hundred years won't have the same privilege to meet ? This is a one-in-a-lifetime thing

(sorry, just talking to myself here)
It is hard to be motivated without one?

Can't you have a superficial purpose?

It's like when you're playing a video game and you want to beat it because that's the purpose of it. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make a difference if you beat it or not because in the end, it doesn't matter but you can still enjoy it.
Can't you have a superficial purpose?

It's like when you're playing a video game and you want to beat it because that's the purpose of it. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make a difference if you beat it or not because in the end, it doesn't matter but you can still enjoy it.

Nice analogy.

Are you sure you're not an S type? Both this thread and your sig is very Se-esque thinking.
Nice analogy.

Are you sure you're not an S type? Both this thread and your sig is very Se-esque thinking.

Not quite, although I do aspire for Se traits from time to time. As I lived for the majority of my life inside of my head, making absurd connections and trying to make sense of it all, I forgot one major thing among all that: to live.

That's why I'm leaning towards more of S-type activities to engage me to the world. And let me tell feels good lol
Not if you find something you care about.

Unless you're drawing a distinction between the meaning of life and meaning in life, then that thing you care about would be the meaning of your life. And if you are drawing a distinction, then this is just semantics.

Can't you have a superficial purpose?

It's like when you're playing a video game and you want to beat it because that's the purpose of it. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make a difference if you beat it or not because in the end, it doesn't matter but you can still enjoy it.

What exactly is "superficial"? How do I distinguish between a superficial purpose?

I mean, even if I view my life as a video game, which I literally have at times (not necessarily clear states of mind, mind you), that is still real to me, and during those times life seems more meaningful than ever. Yes objectively that meaning is superficial, but it wouldn't be to me.

In the grand scheme of things, the Earth is a grain of sand on the beach of the universe.
why indeed. i've wrestled with this question probably my entire life. i don't know why.... i don't know why fabricating an individual purpose, like simply living to be happy, isn't enough... i wish i knew, and i wish i could stop caring about it, but it just isn't that easy. my heart aches for some sort of meaning, some overall plan or purpose to this entire existence... to think that it's completely random and for no reason at all except to be is truly, at some fundamental level, incomprehensible to me. the consequences of such a reality would shatter everything i believe in... i'd put my faith into a fabricated reality before i'd ever believe it was all for nothing...
I used to struggle with this too, but a few years ago I realized I was happier than ever, without some greater meaning or purpose to apply to my life. The obvious biological goals that every living thing has are enough for me.
I'm so immature, I laughed at the thought of being pooped into existence. The cosmos really had to go!

My grown up answer is that I don't think life has to have a purpose. I think it's pretty nihilist to say the meaning of life is to live. Simply put, we are alive so our only true "destiny" is to live and then die. For some people that works absolutely fine and they are able to live happily with the thought.
I'm so immature, I laughed at the thought of being pooped into existence. The cosmos really had to go!

My grown up answer is that I don't think life has to have a purpose. I think it's pretty nihilist to say the meaning of life is to live. Simply put, we are alive so our only true "destiny" is to live and then die. For some people that works absolutely fine and they are able to live happily with the thought.

From what I've gathered, that's existentialist.
From what I've gathered, that's existentialist.
Could be. I've always been under the impression that to a nihilist there is no meaning to life, be it internal or external, and we're simply alive because we are. To that extent, the only purpose of life is to live and then die seeing as the basics of life encompasses those two stages.

I always thought that existentialism is the belief that life has no given meaning/purpose, but we can find one for ourselves. I could see though how "the only meaning of life is to live" could be existentialism though.
Could be. I've always been under the impression that to a nihilist there is no meaning to life, be it internal or external, and we're simply alive because we are. To that extent, the only purpose of life is to live and then die seeing as the basics of life encompasses those two stages.

I always thought that existentialism is the belief that life has no given meaning/purpose, but we can find one for ourselves. I could see though how "the only meaning of life is to live" could be existentialism though.

Nihilists believe that only things that serve a logical purpose should be allowed to survive. Therefore no art.

This is why I was rather taken aback when you hinted at being a nihilist earlier in this thread.
Metaphysical origin leads to ethical conduct, leads to political implementation, and when those are out of the way you can focus on enjoying the moment.

For those with religion, they typically know their metaphysical origin and so they understand how to act in a structured manner that is in accordance with meaning.

Almost everyone needs a certain level of structure, and if one doesn't understand any fundamental purpose or origin, then it can be hard to move forward.

Existentialism focuses on just the opposite: Life is meaningless, but that doesn't matter. According to existentialism, what DOES matter is how you choose to live in order to overcome that meaninglessness, and catering your life to what is most important to you.

Usually the tinge of pain comes when we are soul searching:
"What(who) am I?"
"What am I in relation to the world?"
"What is the world?"
"Is there something I should be contributing to rather than just myself?"

We yearn for structure that is so prevalent in everyday matters, but so elusive in terms of existence.

Nietzsche may have said that only the strongest can create such a structure for themselves.

The search is always a personal, and many times lonely, journey.
Nihilists believe that only things that serve a logical purpose should be allowed to survive. Therefore no art.

This is why I was rather taken aback when you hinted at being a nihilist earlier in this thread.

Art is perfectly logical. Idiots dismiss emotion as separate from humanity.
...My small brain doesn't understand this. to define 'purpose' ? Isn't 'enjoying one's company', 'saving the world', 'FOR TEH LULZ', 'for society and all that's supporting', 'a smile' and all things inbetween are all a purpose? Does it matter if we have no purpose 'given'? Don't most of our purpose was gained in life, by either society and/or ourselves? (guess I'm an existentialist here?) uUuuuhh...?

.......I'm sprouting nonsense here. LOL
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