News in Boston


On Holiday
I live in Boston and this story was on the news. A woman was drunk and fell onto the tracks of the T (our subway system). These men that were standing on platform were heroically, leaning over the tracks flagging the driver to stop. The news should the footage and it was extrodinary. There were 4 men of different ages leaning far enough over to endanger their own lives for the life of this woman. WoW!
What an amazing story. When I feel like one person cannot make a difference, I hear stories like that - where 4 men, whether or not they made a difference (you didn't say if they were able to save her), made a difference by inspiring others. Very cool.
What an amazing story. When I feel like one person cannot make a difference, I hear stories like that - where 4 men, whether or not they made a difference (you didn't say if they were able to save her), made a difference by inspiring others. Very cool.

Yes they saved her. The driver was able to stop in time! Sorry!
its stories like this that give us all hope!
I know how to link utube to facebook but not here. I dont know if someone who knows how to do it wouldnt mind connectiont it.:m079: It stinks being technologically challenged.
Deathjam- My ADD brain just about almost exploded when I tried it is a sad state that I am so technologically challenged . Thank you for your efforts and wonderful idea to post it.

Cherice Lewis is the name of the operator who was able to stop in time! Another hero! She threw on the emergency brake to stop the train in time.
She said that she almost died twice. Once by almost being hit by the train and by the third rail.