New Joisey...Politics at its best.


Passing through
Jersey, one of the mob capitals of the world, just got their wings clipped in major way. How the heck will this state make it through to next year, eh? Ain't like it's bigger than a nub on a tic's back...


Officials lambast NJ corruption after 44 arrested
By DAVID PORTER, Associated Press Writer David Porter, Associated Press Writer 59 mins ago

NEWARK, N.J. – Officials are decrying political corruption in New Jersey after more than 40 people, among them rabbis and elected officeholders, were arrested in an investigation in which some were accused of laundering tens of millions of dollars and of black-market trafficking of kidneys and fake Gucci handbags.

The 44 arrests Thursday were a remarkable number even for New Jersey, where more than 130 public officials have pleaded guilty or have been convicted of corruption since 2001.

"New Jersey's corruption problem is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation," said Ed Kahrer, who heads the FBI's white-collar and public corruption division. "Corruption is a cancer that is destroying the core values of this state."

Gov. Jon Corzine said: "The scale of corruption we're seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated."

The arrests were headline news in Israel on Friday morning, with the front pages of all three of the country's mass-circulation dailies featuring pictures of bearded ultra-Orthodox Jews being led away by law enforcement officials.

Micky Rosenfeld, a spokesman for Israel's national police force, said Friday that Israeli police were not involved in the investigation. He would not comment further.

Federal prosecutors in the U.S. said the investigation focused on a money laundering network that operated between Brooklyn, N.Y.; Deal, N.J.; and Israel. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey.

Prosecutors then used an informant in that investigation to help them go after corrupt politicians. The informant — a real estate developer charged with bank fraud three years ago — posed as a crooked businessman and paid a string of public officials tens of thousands of dollars in bribes to get approvals for buildings and other projects in New Jersey, authorities said.

Among the 44 people arrested were the mayors of Hoboken, Ridgefield and Secaucus, Jersey City's deputy mayor, and two state assemblymen. A member of the governor's cabinet resigned after agents searched his home, though he was not arrested. All but one of the officeholders are Democrats.

Also, five rabbis from New York and New Jersey — two of whom lead congregations in Deal — were accused of laundering millions of dollars, some of it from the sale of counterfeit goods and bankruptcy fraud, authorities said.

Others arrested included building and fire inspectors, city planning officials and utilities officials, all of them accused of using their positions to further the corruption.

The politicians arrested were not accused of any involvement in the money laundering or the trafficking in human organs and counterfeit handbags.

Hours after FBI agents seized documents from his home and office, New Jersey Community Affairs Commissioner Joseph Doria resigned. Federal officials would not say whether he would be charged. Doria did not return calls for comment.

Authorities did not identify the informant, described in court papers as a person "charged in a federal criminal complaint with bank fraud in or about May 2006." But the date matches up with an investigation that led to charges against Solomon Dwek, the son of a Deal rabbi.

The younger Dwek was charged at the time in connection with a bounced $25 million check he deposited in a bank's drive-through window. He has denied the charges. Dwek's lawyer did not immediately return a call for comment Thursday.

Most of the defendants facing corruption charges were released on bail. The money laundering defendants faced bail between $300,000 and $3 million, and most were ordered to submit to electronic monitoring.

Among those ensnared by the informant was Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano III, prosecutors said. The 32-year-old Cammarano, who won a runoff election last month, was accused of accepting money from the developer at a Hoboken diner.

"There's the people who were with us, and that's you guys," the complaint quotes Cammarano saying. "There's the people who climbed on board in the runoff. They can get in line. ... And then there are the people who were against us the whole way. ... They get ground into powder."

Cammarano was accused of accepting $25,000 in cash bribes. His attorney Joseph Hayden said his client is "innocent of these charges. He intends to fight them with all his strength until he proves his innocence."


Associated Press Writers Angela Delli Santi and Beth DeFalco in Trenton, N.J.; Wayne Parry in Deal, N.J.; Samantha Henry and Victor Epstein in Newark, N.J.; Larry Neumeister in New York and Matti Friedman in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

Link to story: Copied 7/24/09, 8:45am
Among the 44 people arrested were the mayors of Hoboken, Ridgefield and Secaucus, Jersey City's deputy mayor, and two state assemblymen. A member of the governor's cabinet resigned after agents searched his home, though he was not arrested. All but one of the officeholders are Democrats.


Well, I guess Governor Corzine (D) isn't going to be re-elected, even with Obama supporting him. I went to an Obama-Corzine rally, and half the people were there because Obama is our black president.

I'm very socially liberal, but I'm not sure who I will vote for.
Crime is crime. Was an incident locally involving a close friend and another man days or weeks ago over a bump in a parking lot. The younger man showed disrespect for the older, but only told the police his side of the story....naturally. The older gent had to move on into his doctor's appointment. Things deescalated and the younger person and police went away, leaving the older gent with his pride hurt from being told he was just an old man. The older man fought in WW II.
Shared that with a friend later and they asked if the younger guy was white or black.?? Told him I honestly did not know. Why was that important to him? I know, I know.....
The story makes it sound like the state of Israel had something to do with it, which bothers me a bit. Wonder how much money from America goes to help support illegal militias in the Middle East that fight Israel?
You may see more of this until someone gets tired of it all. Milk can be spilt on both sides of the table....
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To be honest with you, justme, I don't think the reporting was that biased. The reporter might have jumped the gun by implying everyone's guilt, but I think a greater story is the idea that three New Jersey mayors were tagged. There was maybe a paragraph and a half regarding the rabbis and possible ties to Israel. What I would've taken out (the only extraneous information) was the bit about them all being Democrats. That information could've been implied by a (D) after the official's names.

No, in my opinion this is more of a story about political corruption. I think the surprise was the rabbi complement, and the reporter didn't go into as much detail there than he did with the officials.

I'm sure we'll hear more about it later, though.

I'll reserve total judgment as I usually do, until I hear the whole story.
To be honest with you, justme, I don't think the reporting was that biased. The reporter might have jumped the gun by implying everyone's guilt, but I think a greater story is the idea that three New Jersey mayors were tagged. There was maybe a paragraph and a half regarding the rabbis and possible ties to Israel. What I would've taken out (the only extraneous information) was the bit about them all being Democrats. That information could've been implied by a (D) after the official's names.

No, in my opinion this is more of a story about political corruption. I think the surprise was the rabbi complement, and the reporter didn't go into as much detail there than he did with the officials.

I'm sure we'll hear more about it later, though.

I'll reserve total judgment as I usually do, until I hear the whole story.

I agree wholeheartedly. Been sharing too much politically this week and some of the smaller things seem to make the biggest points when used by some folk. My reaction was from a long week of little things. Guess if we scratch a tick bite too much it will fester a bit. :thumb: Looking forward to a day off.
israel is a rogue nation with more un condemnations on it than any nation on earth. Their military is responsible for destroying a us naval vessel. Never apologised. If i had a computer and not just a phone i would prove that. Do not waste concern on them.
Posted via Mobile Device
The inner spirit of a man; there is something to be concerned with.
There is corruption in most places around the globe. It is a good thing to clean the crib every now and then.
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I feel sorry for all of the people that put their trust in those rabbi and donated all of that money to charity. That's pretty sad really. Taking charity money is basically stealing from the poor. I don't mind really religious people (rabbi, priest, imam, etc) but sadly we often reminded that people are humans. And there are many people living behind a mask. Religious leaders, politicians, bankers teachers, etc. Honestly who can be trusted in this world anymore? I mean we all kinda expect politicians to be sort of... but.....
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I feel sorry for all of the people that put their trust in those rabbi and donated all of that money to charity. That's pretty sad really. Taking charity money is basically stealing from the poor. I don't mind really religious people (rabbi, priest, imam, etc) but sadly we often reminded that people are humans. And there are many people living behind a mask. Religious leaders, politicians, bankers teachers, etc. Honestly who can be trusted in this world anymore? I mean we all kinda expect politicians to be sort of... but.....

You expect politicians to be trustworthy?

Anyhow, update....Apparently one of the guys arrested was found dead in his apartment. They say it doesn't look like a homicide.....but who knows and does it matter?

updated 7:54 a.m. PT, Wed., July 29, 2009

JERSEY CITY, N.J. - A political consultant who was one of 44 people arrested last week in New Jersey's massive political corruption scandal has been found dead in his apartment.

Hudson County prosecutor Edward DeFazio says a relative found the body of 61-year-old Jack Shaw in Jersey City and called police Tuesday evening.

Federal prosecutors had accused Shaw of taking $10,000 in bribes from a government informant and proposing the cooperating witness make a $10,000 campaign contribution to an unnamed Jersey City official.

DeFazio told The Jersey Journal newspaper of Jersey City the death doesn't appear to be a homicide. He says an autopsy will determine the cause of death.