Movies You are Looking Forward To


Community Member
I don't often have favorite movies that I remember, but more often have movies that I'm looking forward to seeing. I'll obsess over it until it's released. The last movie I was looking forward to was Coraline, which I really enjoyed. It may hold up as one of my favorites.

Currently I'm looking forward to 9.
Little Big Planet on the Big Screen?

Also, the music in the trailer is just awesome. If it's not OST, I'd like to figure out what the track is.
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Star Trek
Transformers 2
Clash of the Titans remake
I heard Tim Burton was doing that! That goes on my list as well.

It is one of my favorite stories, and the tim burton factor increases my liking of it by 10 fold, he is PERFECT for this movie!
Wolverine movie
JJ Abrams' Star Trek
Sleep Dealers
Phoebe in Wonderland
Fast and Furious 3*

*For research! Really! :p
Wolverine Origins, Transformers 2, pretty much it.
Wolverine, so I can see Deadpool. I just hope they don't fuck him up making him into a tough silent guy with only a few witty lines. That's wolverine. Deadpool has to have the most lines in the movie.

I don't really look forward to movies, or else they let me down. Movies are things I go to see to kill two hours and be mildly entertained doing so.

That said, I look forward to meeting up with another writer and producing a few of my movies.
Wolverine, so I can see Deadpool. I just hope they don't fuck him up making him into a tough silent guy with only a few witty lines. That's wolverine. Deadpool has to have the most lines in the movie.

I don't really look forward to movies, or else they let me down. Movies are things I go to see to kill two hours and be mildly entertained doing so.

That said, I look forward to meeting up with another writer and producing a few of my movies.
lol, Deadpool no scars or mask.
You didn't know?


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Oh, you haven't heard the latest, SH...he's Ryan Reynolds, all right, but there's more that happens to his character later. Things that I think are rather iffy directorial decisions, but I'll let y'all read the spoilers for yourself, if you find them.
Oh, you haven't heard the latest, SH...he's Ryan Reynolds, all right, but there's more that happens to his character later. Things that I think are rather iffy directorial decisions, but I'll let y'all read the spoilers for yourself, if you find them.

I've found them. I'm well aware, and hoping that it remains heresay.
Me too! Nothings final until the final cut. And even then there's always the director's cut...
Yes, also it's nice to see Cyclops will be in the movie, after they butchered his character in the other films.
Storm was a mother figure to me as a kid.