Mass Shooting of Children - WTF?!?!

Now they wrote the guy was a fan of violent video games. I'm speechless. I was hoping they wouldn't bring it up again! It is getting ridiculous. Always this excuse. This and music.
Sorry, just had to write it out.
Just because it is shocking does not equate to it being designed.

The shooter had on SWAT equipment, a bullet proof vest and had a bunch of guns.....are you saying there was no plan (design)?

This is not someone who has randomly flipped out
Newtown Massacre…the MAJOR DISCREPANCIES LIST[/h]
[h=2]by Clare Kuehn[/h]
1) As yet, we have not seen any concrete evidence that any child died.
2) As yet, parents have not been allowed to see their children. (Photoshopped pictures do not count.)
3) As of now, I have seen only one unambiguous statement from a grieving parent (Robbie
4) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother’s ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan–who officials say is very cooperative–claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?
5) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest, if he planned to kill himself?
6) The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with .223 (rifle) casings. But Adam Lanza was found dead in the school with only handguns–a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. But then he could not possibly have been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did?
7) According to the official story, the killing was tightly confined to two classrooms. But then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?
8 ) Joanne Didonato, the principal’s secretary, called in sick on Friday–something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. “Of all days,” she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.
9) The hospital went into lockdown and cleared four trauma rooms, but received only three patients, two of them dead children(according to the official story) and one mildly wounded adult.
10) Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school, when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?
11) What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
12) What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there?
13) What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot, or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?
14) The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?
15) Why were parents told on Friday that “if you haven’t been reunited with your child by now it’s already over”? Does anyone imagine that real parents of real children would simply say, “Okay, the show’s over, let’s go home now”?
16) Would real parents of real children really be satisfied with (possibly photoshopped) pictures of their children? Wouldn’t they demand to see their children one last time firsthand?17) According to the official story, 28 people died but only 1 was wounded. The dead included 20 small, squirmy children–difficult targets even for professionals. How could Adam Lanza achieve such amazingly deadly accuracy, in such a short length of time?
18 ) A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?
19) Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?
20) When Ryan Lanza was falsely identified as the shooter, who deleted his Facebook profile and created many others in his name?
21) Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?
22) Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video?
23) Why won’t police tell us where they found the Henry repeating rifle, the Enfield rifle, and the shotgun?
24) Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
25) Why did a police officer specifically mention, on radio, that “they’re coming at me through this wood,” followed by a fellow officer saying, “This is it”?
26) One officer in the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody(on the ground and cuffed), not dead.
27) Why didn’t Adam’s uncle see anything out of the ordinary in Adam when the two saw each other in June?
28 ) Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said (oxymoronically), “[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school”?
29) Why did police assign an individual state trooper to every grieving family, whether the family wants such “protection” or not?
30) Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it’s for their own benefit?
31) Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza’s brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?
32) Since the alleged shooter’s father is VP of GE Capital, and (like “Batman shooter” James Holmes’s father) was scheduled to testify at the Senate Hearings on the LIBOR scandal, is there a LIBOR connection to this event?
Now they wrote the guy was a fan of violent video games. I'm speechless. I was hoping they wouldn't bring it up again! It is getting ridiculous. Always this excuse. This and music.
Sorry, just had to write it out.

I don't think computer games are going in a healthy direction. they are becoming more and more lifelike. There will come a point where it is virtual simulation.

There are studies that show that visual exposure to violence does have an effect on children

Here's an interesting article about how computer games are being used to subtly brainwash young people:

Although i think drugs and mindcontrol are used by the people behind this attack i'm thinking that this was perhaps more directly orchestrated than that even
I don't think computer games are going in a healthy direction. they are becoming more and more lifelike. There will come a point where it is virtual simulation.

There are studies that show that visual exposure to violence does have an effect on children

Here's an interesting article about how computer games are being used to subtly brainwash young people:

Although i think drugs and mindcontrol are used by the people behind this attack i'm thinking that this was perhaps more directly orchestrated than that even
He wasn't a child though, was he... I played those violent video games and honestly, I see no impact. If anything it is the society that made an impact on me or made me play the violent games in the first place to destract myself. However, I lost the interest long time ago. If you're successible to the manipulation there's little hope there. I think they throw the "video games" and "music" just to destract people from real problems.
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He wasn't a child though, was he... I played those violent video games and honestly, I see no impact. If anything it is the society that made an impact on me or made me play the violent games in the first place to destract myself. However, I lost the interest long time ago. If you're successible to the manipulation there's little hope there. I think they throw the "video games" and "music" just to destract people from real problems.

I don't think video games are responsible for this incident

What concerns me is that there is going to be an increasing bluring of the divide between reality and non reality; i think this is going to be taken advantage of

There is a robotisation of society
I don't think video games are responsible for this incident

What concerns me is that there is going to be an increasing bluring of the divide between reality and non reality; i think this is going to be taken advantage of

There is a robotisation of society
People get detached A LOT. I hate it when someone says all kind of offensive shit on the Internet, then you meet them and they can't say a word. I hate that attitude, I really do, and there's lots of it going on. Sometimes I think people don't feel responsible for anything anymore :/ Very disturbing.
People get detached A LOT. I hate it when someone says all kind of offensive shit on the Internet, then you meet them and they can't say a word. I hate that attitude, I really do, and there's lots of it going on. Sometimes I think people don't feel responsible for anything anymore :/ Very disturbing.

Yeah i think its important to always keep in mind that it is not the peoples fault....they are being shaped by forces they are often not even aware of

Younger people are being born into the middle of all this craziness and don't have any context for it because they have never known any different. If they feel anxious or depressed they are then told that it is them that has a problem when i think it should be abundantly clear to most level headed people by now that it is society that is sick

Its our system

It feeds on war, banking crime, massed drugging of the population and missinformation

No wonder many people are feeling anxious or alienated

We really need to look at which people are behind all these negative aspects, realise that they are all linked and bring them to account for their crimes. I think we are moving closer to that clash.

The cabal behind all this are at war with the american and british people; the people need to realise that they are at war against a completely ruthless enemy
What you are saying here is 'bullshit'...think about it.....these aren't random attacks where someone has spontaneously just snapped! They're at schools directed at kids....there isn't anything more shocking than that....they are designed for maximum psychological effect

muir, is there anything in the world that actually happens apart from the conspiracy?

If some random lunatic had walked into the White house or the Pentagon and opened fire then I might have thought 'yeah, that's pretty suspicious'-- but it's really not so hard to believe that this could have happened in a school full of young children who were not expecting to get attacked.

You can see nasty ideas like these if you go to 4chan on a regular basis… and thousands of people laughing/agreeing/coaxing them on as well. It's really not so implausible that out of the millions of people who have these kinds of ideas that one of them is going to be insane enough to actually carry it out. In fact, the odds are highly in favor of this kind of thing happening.

Look at the bigger picture: out of the 400 million people in the US, you seriously don't think that ONE of them would be able to do something like this on their own?

Come on.
Yeah i think its important to always keep in mind that it is not the peoples fault....they are being shaped by forces they are often not even aware of

The Illuminati, right?

Younger people are being born into the middle of all this craziness and don't have any context for it because they have never known any different. If they feel anxious or depressed they are then told that it is them that has a problem when i think it should be abundantly clear to most level headed people by now that it is society that is sick

I don't think I've ever known a single instance in which someone with anxiety or depression was told that they have a problem, though I think they'd all agree that their feelings are uncomfortable and they'd sooner do without them than willfully hang onto them.

Its our system

It feeds on war, banking crime, massed drugging of the population and missinformation
Oh god, fluoride! The terror! btw, all those other things have been a staple in civilization, in some form, since time immemorial.

No wonder many people are feeling anxious or alienated

We really need to look at which people are behind all these negative aspects, realise that they are all linked and bring them to account for their crimes. I think we are moving closer to that clash.

The cabal behind all this are at war with the american and british people; the people need to realise that they are at war against a completely ruthless enemy
You know, when you use the word cabal, the entire sentence just sounds spicier. Are you talking about the Illuminati again?
At any rate, why are they at war with the US and Britain but not Canada or Australia, if it's an English-speaking culture thing? Or is it a Western culture thing? If it's Western culture, why isn't most of Europe, America's Hat, and the Land Down Under included in that? How do you know that they are so ruthless? Is there a scale for the severity of whatever kind of warfare you're talking about that goes from 1 to 10 and can quantitatively define the breadth/depth of this warfare as completely ruthless?

Bonus points if you respond without saying "You have to look at the facts for yourself."
Newtown Massacre…the MAJOR DISCREPANCIES LIST[/h]

PS: I just want to add that this is one of the most ridiculous and offensive things that I have seen online.

No proof that kids died? WTF- you think that people actually deserve to see PICTURES OF THE VICTIMS?? If your child was shot in the face would you want that picture circulating online???

Someone calls in sick in a season notorious for flu and colds in a place where flu and colds circulate ALL THE TIME (kids tend not to wash their hands), and it's somehow suspicious?

Why would she give her son access to guns and ammo?? Seriously?? Everything that everyone does has to make complete sense and of course she would know that one day her son would be doing this?

I don't even want to go on-- I get that you don't like capitalism and that makes sense, but saying that this is part of a conspiracy is just wrong.

Your theories would have a lot more credibility if you didn't predictably side with whoever said something along the lines of 'it was the elites' once in a while. Most people know that the real reason that a lot of these theories are so popular is because the people who put them forward have been able to build cults around themselves and profit from telling people that it's not their own fault, or that they don't have to be afraid of each other, or that random attacks that don't make sense never really happen, because the culprit is always 'the elites' and all bad things in the world are a direct result of their power.
muir, is there anything in the world that actually happens apart from the conspiracy?

The families making up the cabal at the centre of the conspiracy have been exerting influence through banking for centuries

The central family is the Rothschilds whose banking dynasty really started gaining massive traction in the late 1700's. Since then they created branches across Europe. these became a central banking system that came to dominate governments

This cabal battled with the US population to get a central bank made in the US but were resisted for a long time. The US constitution was largely created to protect the people from the bankers. Eventually the bankers got their central bank made which they missleadingly called the 'federal reserve'. This enabled them to dominate the US economy and government.

They have sought to extend their control over every aspect of american life. This process has now been going on for is there much not affected by the conspiracy?

No not much. They want to control anything important

If some random lunatic had walked into the White house or the Pentagon and opened fire then I might have thought 'yeah, that's pretty suspicious'-- but it's really not so hard to believe that this could have happened in a school full of young children who were not expecting to get attacked.

You can see nasty ideas like these if you go to 4chan on a regular basis… and thousands of people laughing/agreeing/coaxing them on as well. It's really not so implausible that out of the millions of people who have these kinds of ideas that one of them is going to be insane enough to actually carry it out. In fact, the odds are highly in favor of this kind of thing happening.

Look at the bigger picture: out of the 400 million people in the US, you seriously don't think that ONE of them would be able to do something like this on their own?

Come on.

I'm not saying its not possible that a lone crazed gunman has done this; what i'm saying is that we shouldn't blindly swallow the corporate news version of events. We should look into it and be sure of whats going on because this isn't just about those poor kids that were killed and all the other people that have been hurt directly or indirectly by this event.....this is also a political issue regarding gun control

I think there are many different aspects to this:

  • Gun control. The UN is pushing for greater gun controls. The UN has a long term plan to dissovle nation states and to create a single centralised world government. The people behind the creation of the UN were the likes of the Rockefellers who are one of the banking families in the cabal. So beware that although they may dres up their claim with lifty talk of global peace and good governence what they actually mean is that they want to rule us like a king ruled serfs in fuedal times. The right to bare arms was enshrined in the constitution because the founding fathers had just waged war against the banking cabal who were (and still do) controlling the British government. They see guns as a barrier to them achieving their neo-fuedal aims
  • lets say hypothetically that a lone gunman carried out this attack. There have been other attacks and there are other forms of violence as well, the worst of which is state sponsered violence carried out by governments. Bare in mind that the US government kills hundreds of thousands of children in its various campaigns. Sometimes with bomb and bulelts and sometimes with sanctions and sometimes with dirty weapons left behind such as depleted uranium, cluster bombs and land mines). So the question then is why all the violence?
  • The cabal have been behind all the wars of the last few centuries and they have been creating a very violent and unstable world. They shape our current society in a multitude of ways whether it is their negative media, their violent computer games, their dumbing down of the education system or the drugging of the population with psycoactive drugs

The point being that whether the cabal acted themselves or whether an individual that is a product of the society the cabal have created did it the cabal is still responsible directly or indirectly
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The Illuminati, right?

They've been given many names by different people for example: power elite, east coast establishment, the milner group, the council of 300, the illuminati, the military industrial complex, the globalists, the international financiers, the international investors, the communist plot, the secret society network etc etc, but essentially people are all talking about the same group of families

Some say the illuminati were first created by the jesuit Ignatius Loyola, others say it was the bavarian illuminati created by the jesuit trained Adam Weishaupt. Today it is generalyl directed at the secret society that is exerting massive influence over the media for example the movie industry or the music industry

The bavarian illuminati attracted many influential members into its ranks and was shut down by an edict by Elector Karl Theodore when he found that the group was plotting to take down some of the royal households of europe. The group then went underground for example into grand orient freemasonry.

Washington the first president of the USA who was himself a freemason had this to say about the illuminati:

Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798.
Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into.
It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.

My occupations are such, that but little leisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of any kind; the reading of letters, and preparing answers, absorb much of my time.

I don't think I've ever known a single instance in which someone with anxiety or depression was told that they have a problem, though I think they'd all agree that their feelings are uncomfortable and they'd sooner do without them than willfully hang onto them.

What we have seen is a medicalisation of human anxiety and a classification of all human emotional ditress as 'disorders' in the DSM

What this means is that as the cabal shaped society, many people were not happy with the society and felt anxiety and distress. But instead of the authorities recognising that the people weren't healthy or happy and changing the system accordingly they classified their distress as 'disorders' and plied them with drugs to shut them up. The aim being not to cure people of their distress but merely to calm them down. This is an approach that does not recognise peoples experiences as something that has an effect on their wellbeing. It merely claims they have a chemical imbalance and that they need to be drugged. It is a system that tells people that they are not ok as they are but are in fact some how defective and need to be made right with chemicals

In short it is a system of control that deals with symptoms not core problems

Oh god, fluoride! The terror! btw, all those other things have been a staple in civilization, in some form, since time immemorial.

Banking has been around since time immemorial? No only a few hundred years ago the money lenders were goldsmiths.

The secret societies have been behind all the wars and the massed drugging of the population has been a recent thing in its current format. It started in the last century.

Before that the public were supplied with alcohol to keep them docile. The vicotrian queen of England, Queen Victoria had this to say about it:

"Give my people plenty of beer, good beer, and cheap beer, and you will have no revolution among them."

When Britain was flooded with cheap gin due to the expansion of the empire it had terrible effects on the health and the happiness ofthe public as captured in the work of the engraver Hogarth's famous piece 'gin alley':


You know, when you use the word cabal, the entire sentence just sounds spicier. Are you talking about the Illuminati again?
At any rate, why are they at war with the US and Britain but not Canada or Australia, if it's an English-speaking culture thing? Or is it a Western culture thing? If it's Western culture, why isn't most of Europe, America's Hat, and the Land Down Under included in that? How do you know that they are so ruthless? Is there a scale for the severity of whatever kind of warfare you're talking about that goes from 1 to 10 and can quantitatively define the breadth/depth of this warfare as completely ruthless?

Bonus points if you respond without saying "You have to look at the facts for yourself."

The cabal work exoterically through the central banking system and esoterically through secret societies so yes other countries are under their control. Their influence has been felt around the globe through imperialism, neo-imperialism and now through neo-liberalism

They are seeking to centralise their power further so they create organisations like the UN and the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF and the World Bank

Their financial system has been centred around the US dollar which was made the world reserve currency after WWII but the dollar is now collapsing. They will create a new currency just like they created the euro as an umbrella currency in Europe. In fact they have already created a new currency through the IMF called 'special drawing rights'

Not all countries are under their direct control and many countries are seeking to create their own markets using currencies other than the dollar. For example one of the reasons Iraq was invaded was because Hussein was going to start trading oil in other currencies. iran are now doing the same and they are now in the firing line of the cabal.

Many countries are having their gold repatriated from US and European banks at the moment as they believe that when the fiat currency collapses the world will revert back to a gold backed currency. China is stocking up as is India (which has vast private stores of gold) and venezuala and Germany have both had Gold repatriated

I call them ruthless because of their methods: assassinations, false flag operations, problem reaction solution, human experimentation, drugging of the population, suppression of workers rights, suppression of true democracy around the world for example through the overthrow of democratically elected leaders and their constant war mongering because they profit financially from war through war loans and through the supplies given by their corporations whether oil or weapons etc
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PS: I just want to add that this is one of the most ridiculous and offensive things that I have seen online.

No proof that kids died? WTF- you think that people actually deserve to see PICTURES OF THE VICTIMS?? If your child was shot in the face would you want that picture circulating online???

Someone calls in sick in a season notorious for flu and colds in a place where flu and colds circulate ALL THE TIME (kids tend not to wash their hands), and it's somehow suspicious?

Why would she give her son access to guns and ammo?? Seriously?? Everything that everyone does has to make complete sense and of course she would know that one day her son would be doing this?

I don't even want to go on--

You've barely touched on the points that person has brought up!

What about all the questions about the evidence?

I get that you don't like capitalism and that makes sense, but saying that this is part of a conspiracy is just wrong.

It doesn't even need to be part of a conspiracy for cabal involvement. The cabal want guns taken off the US public. There are 2 main aspects to this event:

1. Who carried out the event and why
2. the issue of gun control in the wake of it

Your theories would have a lot more credibility

They'd have a lot more credibility if you actually looked at the evidence i'm providing you with

if you didn't predictably side with whoever said something along the lines of 'it was the elites' once in a while.

Its because i know how pervasive this thing is now

Most people know that the real reason that a lot of these theories are so popular is because the people who put them forward have been able to build cults around themselves

No they're popular because more and more people are able to see whats going on

and profit from telling people that it's not their own fault, or that they don't have to be afraid of each other, or that random attacks that don't make sense never really happen, because the culprit is always 'the elites' and all bad things in the world are a direct result of their power.

Its going to be a real eye opener for you when you really grasp this thing, to see how extensive it is
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You've barely touched on the points that person has brought up!

What about all the questions about the evidence?

What can I say to that? I don't know, you don't know, the person doesn't know.

I'm mostly arguing that it's in extremely poor taste to go around demanding pictures of dead children or whatever it is you think would constitute 'concrete proof'. It's quite possible that local law enforcement is thinking the same thing and they're trying to save the people involved the grief of seeing those pictures posted online. And since when are pictures like this EVER made available to the public?

Even if some horrible monster stole them and posted them online so people could laugh and be grossed out and make memes out of them, there would still be people like you jumping on them, examining them, claiming they were fakes. You'd need to produce all 20 mutilated corpses, find some way to preserve them, and take them on a nationwide tour before these people would give up their insane theories.

I don't have the energy to go over all of the other points in detail-- there are too many and none of them are even slightly valid.
But look at this one:

Why won’t police tell us where they found the Henry repeating rifle, the Enfield rifle, and the shotgun?

The thing happened about a week and a half ago and she's already demanding to know all of the details?

Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?

Why not?????

The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?


26) One officer in the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody(on the ground and cuffed), not dead.

The parent who was making his way to the school around that time? Someone who heard the gunshots and ran from the school like a coward, and doesn't want anyone to know?

22) Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video?

Because they didn't want the fucking media to make hilarious memes out of the dead children?

30) Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it’s for their own benefit?

Because when people lose their children, they sometimes get pissed off enough to try to seek revenge?

24) Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?

You've got to be fucking joking-- they're supposed to release camera footage NOW? Oh yeah, that's exactly what everyone needs to see-- real video footage of six year olds being murdered. Great plan!

I can't even go on-- it's all just too stupid and wrong to even address, and there is nothing that is ever going to convince you that it isn't the elites who are doing it, so it's all pointless anyways.
What can I say to that? I don't know, you don't know, the person doesn't know.

No YOU don't know, i do know

I'm mostly arguing that it's in extremely poor taste to go around demanding pictures of dead children or whatever it is you think would constitute 'concrete proof'. It's quite possible that local law enforcement is thinking the same thing and they're trying to save the people involved the grief of seeing those pictures posted online. And since when are pictures like this EVER made available to the public?

The person was simply saying there was no evidence as yet. The news does sometimes show the removal of bodies from a scene

What you need to appreciate is the climate in which all this is happening. The wider picture is of a takeover of the US government. You might not have grasped that yet, but many people have and they are doing what any sane person would do which is to be vigilent

Why not lisetn to the words of this famous and well respected journalist chris Hedges and as you do bare in mind that he has opposed the governments recent NDAA which allows the detention and torture, without trial of US citizens (all part of the political climate at the moment). Obama said he would block the NDAA if it made it as far as him....well it did and he signed it; he lied to the US public.

Here's a brand new news article about Senator Rand Paul callling the NDAA an 'abomination' yet it has still been passed through the senate:

Chris Hedges warns of neo-fuedal takeover


Even if some horrible monster stole them and posted them online so people could laugh and be grossed out and make memes out of them, there would still be people like you jumping on them, examining them, claiming they were fakes.

Don't tell me how i would react to them

The only way to do justice for these people is to work towards stopping it and that is only going to happen when people realise what forces are at work here

You'd need to produce all 20 mutilated corpses, find some way to preserve them, and take them on a nationwide tour before these people would give up their insane theories.

No you'd have to take the power out of the hands of a cabal of bankers before people would stop discussing how their government has been taken over by a cabal of bankers

I don't have the energy to go over all of the other points in detail-- there are too many and none of them are even slightly valid.
But look at this one:

Here's the are not willing to look past the narrative spun for you by the corporatocracy

Why won’t police tell us where they found the Henry repeating rifle, the Enfield rifle, and the shotgun?
The thing happened about a week and a half ago and she's already demanding to know all of the details?

Fucking right people should be given the facts and pronto its their kids not the kids of the politicians

Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?

Why not?????

It wasn't just two pistols though was it?

The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?


Did she qualify as a teacher by being stupid?

26) One officer in the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody(on the ground and cuffed), not dead.
The parent who was making his way to the school around that time? Someone who heard the gunshots and ran from the school like a coward, and doesn't want anyone to know?

Listen to the youtube clips i've posted of police scanner messages and eye witness accounts that talk of other shooters. Also at other massacres as well

22) Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video?
Because they didn't want the fucking media to make hilarious memes out of the dead children?

I don't think that sort of thing would be 'hilarious' do you?

If you keep on that track you justify away our rights to know anything at all:

Government spokesman: 'we've decided not to let you vote for your government anymore as we are tired of the hilarious memes you make online'

30) Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it’s for their own benefit?
Because when people lose their children, they sometimes get pissed off enough to try to seek revenge?


24) Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
You've got to be fucking joking-- they're supposed to release camera footage NOW? Oh yeah, that's exactly what everyone needs to see-- real video footage of six year olds being murdered. Great plan!

I think that could be a good idea. Let an independent panel see footage. have known opponents of the cabal who are known to be principled to see them for example Chris hedges...yes thats a good idea

Or would you rather they go into an FBI shredder?

I want to see footage of the plane hitting the pentagon while we're at it...seeing as it is one of the most camera watched buildings in the world you'd think they'd have some footage!

I can't even go on-- it's all just too stupid and wrong to even address, and there is nothing that is ever going to convince you that it isn't the elites who are doing it, so it's all pointless anyways.

You've totally avoided the gun control issue which is where there is unmistakable involvment by the elites; see for example the statement i posted by Jay Rockefeller
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The AP reports that a Virginia man was arrested yesterday after walking into an elementary school outside of Luray with a two-by-four inscribed with the words "High Powered Rifle" on it. And in an awful coincidence, the school shared a name with the scene of last week's shooting in Connecticut—Sandy Hook.

Do people really need to use the bodies of 20 children as a soap box for their political pet issues?

And do people really need to call elementary schools "Sandy Hook"? That sounds like the name of a filthy sex act that has no place in a classroom.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know...
Obviously reptilians making a false flag attack to ban guns.
No YOU don't know, i do know

If you already know, then why do you need to see video footage, etc?
Go out and DO something about it.

Honestly, the worst that will come of this is USA gun laws become more like Canada's gun laws, which as far as I can tell still allow you to own semi-automatics, just not ones that fire hundreds and hundreds of hollow point bullets before changing cartridges. Oh yeah, and you have to be at least somewhat not insane before you can own one.

They're not going to bankrupt the gun manufacturers-- it's one of America's biggest industries.
People will still be able to kill each other, don't worry.