Male=INTJ Female INFJ what do you think?


I am an INTJ dating an INFJ. Have any of you (females) dated an INTJ (male)? What should I do? I think it could work - it has worked so far. What do you think?
I am an INTJ dating an INFJ. Have any of you (females) dated an INTJ (male)? What should I do? I think it could work - it has worked so far. What do you think?
First things first, respect their emotions. Feeling as though we are wrong because we feel or that feeling equals not having thought is a big no-no. Sure we can be irrational, but even a 'logical' conclusion can be irrational, and emotion can have logic in it as well as logical having value assessment and emotions in it.
Next, expressing how you feel in words is also important. Showing in actions but never saying it makes us wonder if you are just going through the motions out of guilt or feelings of obligation, and not that you care for us. It may be hard if you are not use to it, but she will encourage you every time you do.
Next, if your INFJ has a temper, buy a helme- I mean, its best to let us cool off in a manner of our choosing. If she is angry because of something in the relationship, try and encourage two-way communication in the relationship, by telling her she can tell you anything, and that you want to know.
I'm an INFJ-ish male married to an INTJ female and THAT works well.