
Amoureux des Chatons
Staff member
947 sx/sp
@flower posted an original thread here, but the link from that thread is no longer active.

a new link is to be found HERE.


Abuse.......strong lifetrap lifetrap
Insufficient lifetrap lifetrap
Sosial lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap
Unrelenting lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap
Emotional lifetrap
Pessimism lifetrap
Approval lifetrap lifetrap
Emotional lifetrap

Detailed results

Lifetrap strength: strong

24% of people answering the test got the same result. 60% scored at least medium strength. Your answers:

I don't trust other people very easily and I believe that I will eventually be betrayed or abused. 1
I have been abused or taken advantage of by important people in my life. 6
I have to protect myself and I push people away so that they can't hurt me. 1

You fear that other people will hurt, cheat, be violent, abuse or take advantage of you in some way. You probably don't feel confident and safe but rather you see threats in your relationships. It is usually hard for you to trust other people. You might have doubts about the intentions of others and you believe they will deceive you one way or another, sooner or later. You will not let anyone get close to you and you do not dare to open up to in your relationships. You are careful and you may test whether other people are worthy of trusting. However, you may be attracted by people who are abusers and you let others treat you badly. Repeated emotional experiences of exploitation or abuse tend to strengthen the lifetrap. This eats out your self-esteem, and you find it hard to get out of a relationship where you are being mistreated.

Statistics: lifetraps of the people answering the test

Scoring at least medium in the strength for each lifetrap. The statistics is based on 25000 most recent results in the Finnish version of the test.

Self-sacrifice 87% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Subjugation 82% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Unrelenting standards 75% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Pessimism 70% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Approval seeking 68% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Emotional inhibation 68% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Sosial isolation 64% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Insufficient self-control 62% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Abandonment 61% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Abuse 60% (Your score: strong)
Failure 58% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Punitiveness 57% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Emotional deprivation 55% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Vulnerablity 54% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Defectiveness 54% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Dependence 48% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Entitlement 35% (Your score: no lifetrap)
Enmeshment 28% (Your score: no lifetrap)


I’m not so sure I agree with the results, but I answered the question “I have been abused or taken advantage of by important people in my life.” with a ‘fully agree,’ because that’s true. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yep, seems fair.

Subjugation very strong
Abuse very strong
Approval seeking strong
Failure strong
Pessimism strong
Sosial isolation strong
Abandonment strong
Defectiveness medium
Unrelenting standards medium
Dependence medium
Vulnerablity medium
Emotional deprivation weak
Self-sacrifice weak
Emotional inhibation weak
Punitiveness weak
Insufficient self-control weak
Entitlement no lifetrap
Enmeshment no lifetrap
I shouldn't have taken this test, I have so many problems lmao. No Machiavellian ones either, only those that make you feel weak.

Pessimism, social isolation, subjugation, deformation, vulnerability etc.

Don’t compound it by being the kind of man who wishes to avoid appearing weak. :)

And yes, I know that as part of the cultural ideal, those things are mutually exclusive. :rolleyes:

I shouldn't have taken this test, I have so many problems lmao. No Machiavellian ones either, only those that make you feel weak.

Pessimism, social isolation, subjugation, deformation, vulnerability etc.
Maybe? I rather like you though ^_^ and I'm sure others here appreciate your presence.
Does that count for something?

I'd taken it but didn't like giving out my email. Yes it says it won't be stored and all that. I'd still rather not lol
I'd taken it but didn't like giving out my email. Yes it says it won't be stored and all that. I'd still rather not lol

I used an alt, and nothing came of it, but I get ya’.

Abuse.......strong lifetrap lifetrap
Insufficient lifetrap lifetrap
Sosial lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap
Unrelenting lifetrap lifetrap lifetrap
Emotional lifetrap
Pessimism lifetrap
Approval lifetrap lifetrap
Emotional lifetrap
Okay, geez, we get it already, you're amazing.

I'd taken it but didn't like giving out my email. Yes it says it won't be stored and all that. I'd still rather not lol
You can just leave it blank. But for future use:
Okay, geez, we get it already, you're amazing.

Made, not born and bred. That’s therapy, drugs, 30 years, and self-work, on top of screwing the pooch uncountable times. Until I learned something different.

Plus, almost dying changed my outlook on many things. To some degree, it’s not so much that I am well, but that I don’t give a fuck any more. Not in a jaded way, but in a finite time seize this opportunity love the one you are with enjoy yourself kind of way.

Made, not born and bred. That’s therapy, drugs, 30 years, and self-work, on top of screwing the pooch uncountable times. Until I learned something different.

Plus, almost dying changed my outlook on many things. To some degree, it’s not so much that I am well, but that I don’t give a fuck any more. Not in a jaded way, but in a finite time seize this opportunity love the one you are with enjoy yourself kind of way.

When you learn how to tolerate one fear, you automatically get less afraid of everything else.
Maybe? I rather like you though ^_^ and I'm sure others here appreciate your presence.
Does that count for something?

I don't feel a lack of love and support, though. Or that I am unlovable. But thanks :)

I am just more awkward around people than I wish to be. Not all, but the fact that it varies so much from people to people annoys me.
I don't feel a lack of love and support, though. Or that I am unlovable. But thanks :)

I am just more awkward around people than I wish to be. Not all, but the fact that it varies so much from people to people annoys me.
oh okay good ^_^ and totally you're welcome

What would you supposes causes this awkwardness?
When you learn how to tolerate one fear, you automatically get less afraid of everything else.

Yes, very much this.

To be fair, in my early 20s I was a CPTSD-addled, insecure, unmedicated, ego-driven, self-injurious, selfish, smarter-than-the-rest drug hoover who was going to die by 30, or die trying.

Fortunately, the forum never got to experience any of that. Not to spare my embarrassment, but to spare everyone my insufferable glib prick persona. And I’ve likely forgotten a lot.

My wake up calls were pipes to the temple. My withdrawal/isolation surely prevented me from leaving an even-bigger damage trail.

At some point I wanted to be better, but I also wanted it to be quiet in my head, on account of both my ADHD, and (what I now understand of my) Type 9 Enneagram. But I had to release the wound-up chaos energy I acquired as a child first.

oh okay good ^_^ and totally you're welcome

What would you supposes causes this awkwardness?

I mean my awkwardness is simply being quiet, smiling, not knowing what to say. This usually happens in like fast pace group interactions. I am sure I don't even appear THAT awkward to others, but I am in my head. I think it's because I am from a family of extroverts, like the very loud ESTX types, so I judge myself for being too quiet, shy etc.

It's whatever, I am learning to live with it and accept it. With every year it gets better, I'm more comfortable in my skin. There are more important things anyway, like intimate relationships or my own interests. I don't obsess over it too much.