Late Night Commercials


Not Afraid to Use His Beard
All right, I work second shift so I am up late. I have to watch all the f...n' late night commercials/infomercials. Which ones do you hate the worst? My answer would be ALL OF THEM. I'll pick a couple though. Why do they assume that all men up late have erectial disfunction? And why do they assume we are stupid? Viagra and Extendez are particularly annoying.

I hate the Girls Gone Wild commercials. They're Ever-y-where!!! Stupid Caribbean drums...
I recently saw a late night commercial that made me laugh out loud it was so cheesy and cheap looking. The people smiling so widely and looking so fake it was hilarious.

Something that isn't hilarious is when I saw the movie 2012 last night. It was the most storyless movie I've seen in a long while. Not that I was expecting much. I like John Cusack, but he couldn't help. The absurdity of the action sequences were too unbelievable. Didn't care much about the characters...Woody Harrelson was the best part.
I was disappointed. I wanted it to scare me about the real 2012, but the movie sucked so bad I don't care anymore.

Late night commercials.
I recently saw a late night commercial that made me laugh out loud it was so cheesy and cheap looking. The people smiling so widely and looking so fake it was hilarious.

Something that isn't hilarious is when I saw the movie 2012 last night. It was the most storyless movie I've seen in a long while. Not that I was expecting much. I like John Cusack, but he couldn't help. The absurdity of the action sequences were too unbelievable. Didn't care much about the characters...Woody Harrelson was the best part.
I was disappointed. I wanted it to scare me about the real 2012, but the movie sucked so bad I don't care anymore.

Late night commercials.

Not to sidetrack my own thread, but your review is almost exactly what I read on my favorite movie site. No plot, jumps around, liked JC but he couldn't save it. You aren't Harry Knowles are you ??
I HATE the Magic Bullet blender infomercial. It's on during the day sometimes too, I know, but it's so God damn annoying.

I don't know about you guys, but I find the viagra commercials hilarious.

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Not to sidetrack my own thread, but your review is almost exactly what I read on my favorite movie site. No plot, jumps around, liked JC but he couldn't save it. You aren't Harry Knowles are you ??

I knew I should've been a movie critic.

Seriously though, I've never read a review about it. Truth be told I'm a little stoned now, so maybe count it up to psychic thought transfer?? :m202: