Lamest Excuses Ever...


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Link to the story. :m145:

Winner in the, "how dumb do you think I am" category goes to...

Blotter: Report: Principal finds stash

07:13 AM CDT on Friday, May 15, 2009

By Donna Fielder / Staff Writer

A Denton police report released Thursday described the reactions of two Ryan High School students caught with marijuana on April 3.

A principal reported that he was having lunch in the parking lot when he noticed the two youths acting suspiciously in a restricted area of the school grounds. He investigated.

He found a wallet clipped to the waistband of one of the teens that contained several items, including a bag of marijuana, according to the report.

The teen explained that another student had given him the wallet to
and besides, everybody else was doing it
and it shouldn't be forbidden anyway."
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That's pretty hilarious. They're were probably high at the time. Not surprising in Denton, though. The weed is a-flowin' up there.
That's news? That shit happened every day when I was in school!
Lol, not such a strange story actually.

Funny though.
At least a once a week occurrence at my old high school
What makes it funny is the denial and the way they did it.

Obviously this happens a lot...but it's still hilarious. :D
I grew up in Holland. So it happens. We didn't get put in jail for it though. And I never did it at school. I had book stuff to do. I was nerdy.
I really don't get that. Why the fuck do students bring weed at their school? You wanna get high, do it at home like the rest of us. What's so special about school?
I really don't get that. Why the fuck do students bring weed at their school? You wanna get high, do it at home like the rest of us. What's so special about school?

School is sooooo much more hilarious when your high.
I really don't get that. Why the fuck do students bring weed at their school? You wanna get high, do it at home like the rest of us. What's so special about school?

I think it's time we had a talk Taz. *pulls out chair and sits down in it*

You see taz, kids are stupid, they rarely think anything through completely. They can think maybe 3 minutes into the future at most.

Nice talk.
I think it's time we had a talk Taz. *pulls out chair and sits down in it*

You see taz, kids are stupid, they rarely think anything through completely. They can think maybe 3 minutes into the future at most.

Nice talk.

But I... It's not that... I don't think... I can't accept th...

Yeah, you got a point.
But I... It's not that... I don't think... I can't accept th...

Yeah, you got a point.

Lol. That's all.