Intuition vs. Future Prospects


Something has been bothering me for the last couple of weeks. I've always operated around the belief that we make our own future; that the future is left undecided because, well, anything could happen. Everything is in constant flux.

But then you introduce something like intuition. You get that feeling about somebody, or something. For example, you accidentally take a wrong turn and you end up in an unfamiliar neighborhood that somehow feels so... welcoming. You don't give it a second thought after that. But then, ten years down the line, you move to that same neighborhood and don't realize it was the same one you stumbled onto all that time ago until you actively recall it.

Or better yet, you just know you're going to see someone again in the future who is neither significant or particularly likeable, but you just know. And then, a couple of years later, after you've forgotten all about them and that peculiar knowing, they contact you, and they rock your world entirely.

I wonder how much of that is wish-fulfillment, or sensitivity to the patterns of behavior that lay out probabilities. And how much of that is just your own brain playing tricks on you.

What are your thoughts on this? Have any of you experienced anything like this before? Describe it.
Something has been bothering me for the last couple of weeks. I've always operated around the belief that we make our own future; that the future is left undecided because, well, anything could happen. Everything is in constant flux.

But then you introduce something like intuition. You get that feeling about somebody, or something. For example, you accidentally take a wrong turn and you end up in an unfamiliar neighborhood that somehow feels so... welcoming. You don't give it a second thought after that. But then, ten years down the line, you move to that same neighborhood and don't realize it was the same one you stumbled onto all that time ago until you actively recall it.

Or better yet, you just know you're going to see someone again in the future who is neither significant or particularly likeable, but you just know. And then, a couple of years later, after you've forgotten all about them and that peculiar knowing, they contact you, and they rock your world entirely.

I wonder how much of that is wish-fulfillment, or sensitivity to the patterns of behavior that lay out probabilities. And how much of that is just your own brain playing tricks on you.

What are your thoughts on this? Have any of you experienced anything like this before? Describe it.

I constantly ponder free will vs fate. This is a very interesting topic to me and I have a few examples. However, I cannot discuss it right at this moment. I will wait till later today!
I think...and this is very counter-intuitive...but its how I feel...There is fate, but free will can change that fate...perhaps that street you felt so welcome on was fated...but the next day you decide to quit your job and move to Guadalajara...well fate has just changed for you...Fate guides us yes, but we are beings of spontaneity, and life...sometimes we throw fate for a loop!
I hold your same view of free will/fate Entyqua--I believe in both. I believe if we are aware enough, we can more consciously affect our own fate.

I had one event happen this last winter that has had a domino effect that I am still seeing the effects of. Something small that has turned into a few something not-so-smalls in my life.

A younger supervisor who I knew (but not well) came to my shift and we became friends. Though the course of months she was constantly on Facebook at work. Although I didn't have much interest, I watched her on it and eventually became intriged enough to get on myself. That's where all the dominos started.

People flooded back into my life, and especially her (the one). Resolution, inner change, and an altered perspective followed. And not just from her, but from many others that I re-connected with as well. I started writing poetry again like mad, and haven't stopped since. It also got me involved in the MBTI world. I found this though a FB quiz. And now here I am.

Oh, they sent her back to first shift less than two weeks after I got on FB. Almost like she was just there for that reason. A lot of fate, but some freewill in there too I think.
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Yeah, sometimes, things happen, and it seems there's no rhyme or reason, but yet later down the road, there's a realization that you'd never have had, if things hadn't taken the turn they did, even if the experience was not necessarily positive.

Questing, like you, a series of events in the last few months occuring online started me writing again. And it's helped quite a bit to deal with things I didn't have a chance to address before. It's a blessing I can't explain. And I've learned quite a bit. It's really interesting. It's taught me to better handle situations I've struggled with for a long time.

Now is this fate, or something else? I'm thinking it's something else.
I experience stuff like this often. I definitely believe in free will, and the idea that we create our own future, but more on with small scale things. However, I also believe that our lives also have a lot of pre-set plans that can not be altered; they are meant to happen whether we like it or not. When stuff like this happens, I believe you are simply picking up on the "fate line" that will come full circle later on in life.
I believe that fate is the path you are supposed to take. When everything falls into place and you feel connected to your destiny, you are making the right choices and going about things in the way that is most aligned with your central purpose. D
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