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I think a well developed INFJ is aware of boundaries and will analyze specific people (people on their radar) before engaging with them.

A great point to note, as I feel like I can sort of preemptively pick out people with minimal to no interaction
A great point to note, as I feel like I can sort of preemptively pick out people with minimal to no interaction

Yes, and they have no idea we’re sizing them up. lol

I spend the majority of my time analysing people preemptively. When I notice a new person in my environment, this is what happens before I say hello:

First off, of course I voted for myself. That's just a given.

Typical INFJs. Always swooning over INTPs. Y'know if this was an ENFP forum, there would be no competition. They recognize our brilliance, our superiority.
If ENFPs could sit still long enough to create a forum, you can bet I'd be over there rather than here with you INTP sycophants.
First off, of course I voted for myself. That's just a given.

Typical INFJs. Always swooning over INTPs. Y'know if this was an ENFP forum, there would be no competition. They recognize our brilliance, our superiority.
If ENFPs could sit still long enough to create a forum, you can bet I'd be over there rather than here with you INTP sycophants.
Hey! I voted for you too!
Only one vote for INFJs so far. Is it modesty, poor self-esteem, genuine love of kittens and potatoes, or arrogance disguised as humility "I'll show them what a noble person I am by voting any other option"?

Or maybe "choosing between people makes me uncomfortable, it could even hurt someone, so I'll treat it as a mere joke even though I'd like to take it seriously enough to compliment everyone."
Only one vote for INFJs so far. Is it modesty, poor self-esteem, genuine love of kittens and potatoes, or arrogance disguised as humility "I'll show them what a noble person I am by voting any other option"?

Or maybe "choosing between people makes me uncomfortable, it could even hurt someone, so I'll treat it as a mere joke even though I'd like to take it seriously enough to compliment everyone."
Multiple votes are allowed. :tonguewink:
Kittens & Potatoes? Yet another great match

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I'm constantly amazed on this forum by the fact that no matter how absurd or surreal thoughts we come up with, someone is soon going to post a picture about it.
INTJ is best - for the challenge!
Always use the right safety gloves and special trousers though.

Joking aside, I find that I can relax more with INTJs than with most other types. Their need for time out and quiet is the same as mine. My wife is INTJ and we are very similar this way. Another thing Iike about them is that they know what you are on about almost immediately without you having to dredge up half an hour of boring explanations. Just got to remember there's a wild tiger in there that will bite your head off you if you put a foot wrong, and they don't get sentimental about the blood unless it messes up the floor too much.

I like INTPs as much really - great externalised Ni/Ti loops, with lots of Fe/Ne fun to keep it grounded. My best pub discussions on life the universe and everything are with INTP friends.
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Only one vote for INFJs so far. Is it modesty, poor self-esteem, genuine love of kittens and potatoes, or arrogance disguised as humility "I'll show them what a noble person I am by voting any other option"?

Or maybe "choosing between people makes me uncomfortable, it could even hurt someone, so I'll treat it as a mere joke even though I'd like to take it seriously enough to compliment everyone."

Don't like potatoes - it's creepy the way their eyes follow you around.
I prefer INTPs for fun and games. Their Ne is hilarious, and they can be pretty witty too.

Yes, yes, yes. I think they are capable of great insight and stimulating intellectual discussions, but as the discussion progresses they seem to develop tunnel vision and lose site of why such-and-such event even matters. For instance, a school shooting is a symptom of a sick society, The details of the school shooting are irrelevant to the main point.

I think INTPs are extremely arrogant, in general. Discussions between two INTPs usually derail into petty quarrels over semantics; in addition, the goal is to win the debate. INTPs do not seem interested in learning from each other,

Judging from my forum experiences, many INTPs seem immoral and severely lacking in empathy. Basically, many seem to have no character.

****Not true of all INTPs, of course!***

I prefer INTJs for discussing serious topics. I can usually skip the small talk with them and go directly into the rabbit hole. I really appreciate that.
@Wyote you're the Yoddah of this forum. (I'm sure you get my joke) *hugs hugs*