
down the rabbit hole
What makes you cringe when you read profiles about your type? And what are the biggest misconceptions people have about you?
sumone said:
What makes you cringe when you read profiles about your type? And what are the biggest misconceptions people have about you?

:? You mean my type?
sumone said:
What makes you cringe when you read profiles about your type? And what are the biggest misconceptions people have about you?
Easy part: the biggest misconception is that I have no feelings/emotions, just cause I don't share them doesn't mean they're not there. I shit you not my boss continually tells me in jest that I'm heartless, if only he knew the half of it!

What makes me cringe?

INTJs spend a lot of time inside their own minds, and may have little interest in the other people's thoughts or feelings. Unless their Feeling side is developed, they may have problems giving other people the level of intimacy that is needed.
Stuff like that. Maybe I've developed something that is different to the norm, I don't really think so, but I certainly have a deep interest in other peoples thoughts and feelings it's just that I can rationalise them, if someone comes to me with a problem I want to fix it, if they simply want to complain I have no time for them... I do find it natural to empathise though. What I find difficult is putting my defences down and letting others in, I hate that because of this I can be perceived as heartless by those that I keep at a distance or by friends that never bother to ask deeper questions, I'm not an emotionless bot, damn it!

Most of the details in an INTJ profile is just information for me to take from it what I will, it doesn’t describe me as an individual.
This is very similar to what I cringe about too, when I read that INFJ's may seem cold or emotionless. Or that we're shy. I don't know, 'they' are seeing something different to what we really are.
I was reading somewhere that as INFJ's get older their thinking function develops and they will sharpen up concerning logic and reason. So I guess I'll be an INTJ someday! I suppose the same would be true for you - your Feeling function will develop more fully later on.
I can't imagine myself being logical and reasonable!
well, perhaps moreso in the rational sense, sumone. but yet, still much more inclined to react off emotion than logic, i think (<ummm, uh oh?)
sumone said:
I was reading somewhere that as INFJ's get older their thinking function develops and they will sharpen up concerning logic and reason. So I guess I'll be an INTJ someday! I suppose the same would be true for you - your Feeling function will develop more fully later on.
I can't imagine myself being logical and reasonable!

:) Well, the thinking function that we'll most probably develop is Introverted Thinking (it's happening to me already!), as opposed to the INTJ's Extraverted Thinking.

So we'll begin to act more like INTPs (who use Introverted Thinking)- wanting exactness and internal consistency of thought, rather than trying to organise and maximise efficiency.

An INTJ would start developing Introverted Feeling rather than the INFJ's Extraverted Feeling, so might go down the INFP path- which could be why INTJs tend to like INFPs.

The ENTP also may be attracted to his opposite on the N side: he approaches the INFJ. But the INFJ is humorously and preposterously different from the seemingly similar ISFJ. In the INFJ lies the soul of the “author” — the meaning-giver, the mystic, the oracle. Perhaps the INFJ is a conservator of the soul, a sort of messiah. At any rate, there is something about the “author” (very broadly conceived) which the ENTP covets. Prometheus had to pay dearly for giving fire to man. The Promethean ENTP may figure that, though his INFJ mate may not rescue his body from the vultures, at least the INFJ might rescue his souls from Hell.
I dislike the idea that my soul needs rescuing from hell.

But if the relationship is to be short-term, this fact is likely to be verbalised, just in case it is not obvious. NTs are likely to honour a personal commitment once make, even though the relationship was not consummated as satisfactorily as anticipated. Nor is the NT likely to verbalise any disappointment or dissatisfaction if such is the case.
I dislike the idea that I would not verbalise my disappointment or dissatisfaction. I do of course express my dissatisfaction regularly with people with whom I am in voluntary relationships with. I consider them my equals or superiors and do them the honour of informing them of any changes that are necessary either for the relationship, or my life.

NTs tend to be relatively uninterested in acquiring wealth and as mates, therefore, tend to be satisfied with modest comforts.
Fie! I most heartedly and passionately disagree with these statements and sentiments. I am currently lying in a double bed with 5 black fake fur blankets on top of me, three large pillows in black satin covers, a teddy bear, looked down upon by 4 oil paintings. I desire wealth and power.

The above Objections are from the information at this source:
Are you saying that until your dying day attaining wealth and power will be your number one goals?
sumone said:
Are you saying that until your dying day attaining wealth and power will be your number one goals?
Of course not, doesn't mean they aren't high priorities.
sumone said:
This is very similar to what I cringe about too, when I read that INFJ's may seem cold or emotionless. Or that we're shy. I don't know, 'they' are seeing something different to what we really are.
I was reading somewhere that as INFJ's get older their thinking function develops and they will sharpen up concerning logic and reason. So I guess I'll be an INTJ someday! I suppose the same would be true for you - your Feeling function will develop more fully later on.
I can't imagine myself being logical and reasonable!
Personally I don't believe people change type, I do believe a lot of people are mistyped to begin with however. Other than that we mature and those who want to develop improve on problem areas such as feeling for an INTJ or thinking for an INFJ.

I think the crux of it for us INxx's is the letting others in and sharing our emotions, it's not something we're naturally good at, those damned emotions run deep and can take an effort to fully reveal, not for everyone though.

Seriously I find INFJ’s some of the most warm and emotional people. It’s just that it can be difficult to get really close as trust needs to be build first.

sciski said:
An INTJ would start developing Introverted Feeling rather than the INFJ's Extraverted Feeling, so might go down the INFP path- which could be why INTJs tend to like INFPs.
What disturbes me a Bit about the INTJ Thing is that People would think we are Monsters. And some of the People would actually stay away from me only because they read or heard that "INTJs are Monsters". O_o
I don't know but I don't feel like a Monster. I mean I CAN be when - let's say - a Group of People mocks a single Person. Then I will go all demonic, because this is just annoying me (Injustice). But normally I am uh...nice I guess.
Actually I think that People who judge others just by a weird Thing such as a "Letter" are pretty stupid. They aren't worth my Time anyways. ô.o
I hate it when people think that INTJs don't have feelings, or don't care about other people's feelings. I'm on an INTJ forum, and we have smilies, maybe not dramatically expressive animated monkeys, but we do have measured bits of feeling.

Seriously though, I care about your feelings. I just don't act on that caring all the time. Also, though I make decisions with my head, my brain takes into consideration my emotions (as well as more practical considerations.)

Plus, I'm just as imaginate. I love making things up and daydreaming and being disorganized. Also, like the INFJ, I'm "drawn to sad things."
the way I see INTJ's (I'm close friends with every INTJ I know of in the area, so I've gotten to know the type pretty well), they have feelings, they just recognize that they are often irrational, don't like the irrationality of them, and choose not to act on them. So when something upsets them, instead of moping and groaning, or even shedding one (possibly metaphorical) tear over it, they'll just go fix it and be done with it. The feelings exist, you just can't see 'em that easily (I've found that to read an INTJ, one really has to look at how they act towards their goals, strong emotions are denoted by a great focus on the cause of said emotion).
Does anyone have anything to say about enfp/intj interactions?

I ask because my two friends feel really uncomfortable around each other. Could this be a manifestation of "oh man, that intj is a monster" because of what they see as proper tact is different? Yeah, probably. It's strange to see this enfp's lightbulb crackle around him and other intjs when, for the most part, his body the strongest vessel for universal love with most others.