Internet Percentages/Online Results.

Ok, after browsing through some polls, and tests online, I noticed the massive amount of people who claimed to be Introverts and Intuitives. The percentages for types such as INTJ,INFP,INFJ and INTP were all way above the percentages of other types, not far behind extroverted types who have Intuition as one of their main functions. In contrast, the extroverts and Sensing types where much ridicuously lower, with percentages falling around 7-10 shorter(No joke)...

I been wondering the cause of this..

Is it that

1)People who score high on introversion or intuition usually spend more time online or are more interested on mbti.
2)The amount of I's and N's are actually hiegher than previously thought
or 3) People who take this tests are usually not honest or do not analyze what they respond carefully and claim to be this types.
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Is it that

1)People who score high on introversion or intuition usually spend more time online or are more interested on mbti.
2)The amount of I's and N's are actually hiegher than previously thought
or 3) People who take this tests are usually not honest or analyze what they respond carefully and claim to be this types.

I would say all of the above.
Yup. What TDHT said, for the most part.

1. You will definitely find a higher percentage of introverts on the Net. We communicate better online than we do in person. We can take all the time we need to say what we need to say, and we can edit everything before we post. It's awesome for an introvert. I don't know if more introverts are interested in MBTI, but I've heard that more INxx folks are.

2. Is it really that there are more INxx folks than previously thought? I don't think so. I think it's more that we feel more comfortable online, therefore we will contribute more online than in person - and we congregate more online simply because it's easier.

3. There will always be those who mistype themselves, but IMO it's not our responsibility to call them type X or type Y if they feel they're type Z. Eventually that person will figure it out. We can help them decide, but MBTI is a self-discovery; eventually you'll discover what your true type is because you'll be yourself. It's much easier to be yourself than to pretend you're someone you're not.
I think it is a combination of 1 and 3 for the most part.
Ok, after browsing through some polls, and tests online, I noticed the massive amount of people who claimed to be Introverts and Intuitives. The percentages for types such as INTJ,INFP,INFJ and INTP were all way above the percentages of other types, not far behind extroverted types who have Intuition as one of their main functions. In contrast, the extroverts and Sensing types where much ridicuously lower, with percentages falling around 7-10 shorter(No joke)...

I been wondering the cause of this..

Is it that

1)People who score high on introversion or intuition usually spend more time online or are more interested on mbti.
2)The amount of I's and N's are actually hiegher than previously thought
or 3) People who take this tests are usually not honest or do not analyze what they respond carefully and claim to be this types.

All of the above but I think #1 is really big. The people who are interested in assessing their type are more likely to show falsely high readings.

Example, I saw a site where ENFP shows a higher % than ENFJ in online tests, by a significant margin yet in real life they find similar numbers.

ENFJs are less likely to really try and endlessly search for who they are. They are not as focused on this aspect as ENFP, and therefore don't take as many online tests.

I think there is a huge danger to posting MBTI % numbers when only 5,000 people are tested for example. You really need to test everyone in the world to find the proper percentages. Since this is improbable, people tend to put statistics to it anyway out of curiosity, but these statistics usually do more harm than good.

The types that are least likely to "self search" are also going to show up the lowest relative to what they would be if everyone in the world was tested.