Interesting Conversion Therapy Article

Yeah, creeeepy. First of all, I did not know they had evangelicals in the UK. (really! I had no idea.)

And oh, good f#%$ing grief, she is blaming the freemasons for homosexuality? And a difficult birth?

Also, it seems very sad that lots of people are paying lots of good money to be turned straight. That is telling of how difficult it must be to be gay, in a way that I'm afraid I never fully realized. These therapists have a pretty tidy little business plan based on preying on these men's insecurities. $40 an hour to pray at you and prey on your insecurities seems like nothing short of a profitable scam. That one guy, David, even talks about getting people's private insurance to pay for it, and he's a supposed ex-gay man who likes to encourage arousal in clients in-session too --- yeah LINE? Crossed. Creeeeeepy doesn't even begin to describe that.

Satya, do you know of any culture that accepts and is friendlier to homosexuality? I am genuinely curious to know. It seems like western culture in general is unaccepting; I wonder if it is like that everywhere.
These therapists have a pretty tidy little business plan based on preying on these men's insecurities. $40 an hour to pray at you and prey on your insecurities seems like nothing short of a profitable scam.

Actually it was 40 pounds an hour which comes to about $64 US.

Satya, do you know of any culture that accepts and is friendlier to homosexuality? I am genuinely curious to know. It seems like western culture in general is unaccepting; I wonder if it is like that everywhere.

Canada. Apparently they think the US is nuts.
Really? Who told you this about Canada? Do they have evangelicals there too? And as far as being gay-friendly, do they walk the walk or just talk the talk? Do you know of any other places?

(I really do wonder, I am trying to work out what makes places different... I am not trying to harrass or challenge you.)
Really? Who told you this about Canada? Do they have evangelicals there too? And as far as being gay-friendly, do they walk the walk or just talk the talk? Do you know of any other places?

(I really do wonder, I am trying to work out what makes places different... I am not trying to harrass or challenge you.)

Certain cities are considered gay friendly.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands is considered the gay capital of Europe. The Castro District of San Fransisco is considered the gay Mecca of the United States.

Generally what makes a place gay friendly is where there are a lot of gays. The reason for that is because the gay population has the ability to drive out gay unfriendly businesses by not doing business with them or even boycotting them. One of the greatest predictors for whether a person supports gay rights is how much contact they have with gay people. So wherever you have a lot of gay people you will have gay friendly policy. Case in point, Salt Lake City, Utah is the epicenter of the LDS church which has been adamantly anti gay for decades, and yet the city has one of the largest gay populations in the United States. The result is that even though the region is extremely conservative and gay unfriendly, that particular city can pass things like job and housing discrimination protection for gays.
That is true, and I did not know that about Utah...

You NEED to visit Key West. You really do.

Still, those places are all enclaves, not cultures. I wonder if there are any countries or cultures that are intrinsicly gay-friendly -- meaning big groups that treat gay people well just as a matter of course, not simply because they are grouped together in large enough quantities to pose a threat... you know? Isn't Thailand pretty gay-friendly throughout the larger culture? Why? What about places like Russia or India? That is the sort of thing I am wondering about... are you aware of any whole countries or big groups that are gay friendly?

And the reason I am wondering this, is that if you could look at those larger groups you may be able to learn something about how to change things here.
That is true, and I did not know that about Utah...

You NEED to visit Key West. You really do.

Still, those places are all enclaves, not cultures. I wonder if there are any countries or cultures that are intrinsicly gay-friendly -- meaning big groups that treat gay people well just as a matter of course, not simply because they are grouped together in large enough quantities to pose a threat... you know? Isn't Thailand pretty gay-friendly throughout the larger culture? Why? What about places like Russia or India? That is the sort of thing I am wondering about... are you aware of any whole countries or big groups that are gay friendly?

And the reason I am wondering this, is that if you could look at those larger groups you may be able to learn something about how to change things here.

The Mayor of Moscow recently referred to the gay pride parade in that city as "the work of Satan" and has been trying to stop it. India just recently got rid of its law against sodomy via a High Court verdict deeming it unconstitutional, but a Muslim group is trying to get it reinstated.

So I wouldn't say that Russia or India is very gay friendly.

The Netherlands probably represent the most tolerant attitude towards gays. Of course, they are one of the most liberal countries in the world. Thailand and Sweden probably tie for second.
Kind of reminds me of the guy in this video, around 5:26.

[ame=""]YouTube- Penn and Teller - Family values (part 2)[/ame]

Healthy Man Love FTW!
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This is absolutely sickening. It reminds me of the movie But I'm a Cheerleader where they send a lesbian teenager to a deprograming camp to turn her straight. Homosexuality/bisexuality is no an ILLNESS. it is simply LOVE. Those therapists should never see the light of day again.
Really? Who told you this about Canada? Do they have evangelicals there too? And as far as being gay-friendly, do they walk the walk or just talk the talk? Do you know of any other places?

(I really do wonder, I am trying to work out what makes places different... I am not trying to harrass or challenge you.)

Toronto. Ottawa. Vancouver. Those are the big three. Gay Pride parade every year in T.O. I should post up pictures.
It's depressing that people go through school and are supposed to get edumacated and become psychologists but still hold on to these ridiculous views.
Psychology may be a SOFT science, but it's still a SCIENCE god damn it. And there are rules and procedures FOR A REASON. And These People KNOW that and yet they ignore them to push their own views. They are so blinded that they think they are helping people. And they ignore FACTS just so they can CONTINUE TO BELIEVE THEIR RETARDED FALLACIES!!!!!!!!!!!:msith:
MAJOR PET PEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!