INPUT APPRECIATED. What do I get INFJ boyfriend for 1 year anniversary?


Here's the deal, y'all: We're coming up on one year, which is pretty remarkable because we're long distance and we see each other about (a minimum of) once a month. I want to get something/do something for him that is memorable without being overly cheesy and "romantic." Something he'd use would be nice, or something he'd really appreciate without it being super embarrassing. I'm an ENFP, so I tend to be a little gushy anyway, but I try to dial it down where gifts for boyfriend are concerned. His interests are as follows:
1.) He's a gamer.
2.) Adventure Time (show)
3.) Gadgets and general geekery (he's a big Apple fan)
4.) Travel (we met in NYC; for 6 months I wrote him a song [it's a rough cut]: [SOUNDCLOUD][/SOUNDCLOUD])
5.) Church/God
6.) Cats (in that he has one)
7.) Food
That's about it. I'd love your opinions/suggestions. I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not 100% sold on any of them, so any ideas would be extremely helpful.
Thanks so much!
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You have to show you really understand his true self. The gift that will show this will probably be some kind of a book.

How much are you willing to spend?

And what is he passionate about?
Probably between $100-$200.
He's very passionate about God. He leads a Bible study.
He loves his major and his minor as well (Engineering/Japanese).
[MENTION=731]UBERROGO[/MENTION] I assume a lot of it is because he has a large amount of assignments (we're both finishing undergrad). Who knows, later in life, he might be a reader. But in this season, he definitely is not. If I did get him a book, though, it would be The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, because it's wonderful. I do really appreciate your suggestion. Thank you.
Probably between $100-$200.
He's very passionate about God. He leads a Bible study.
He loves his major and his minor as well (Engineering/Japanese).

How about getting him a really nice Japanese Bonsai Tree? That won't embarrass him and I think he will think of it as a unique gift. Also, it will be something that he needs to nurture, just like your love :)

The bonsai tree has several different meanings and you can incorporate one of them into it.

For example, it can symbolize:

-Buddhists see it as a symbol of harmony between nature, man and soul.
-The Japanese see it as a fusion of man and soul, of love and nature (same as Buddhists).
-Others say it symbolizes Heaven and Earth.

Plus, it's a great decoration.

I am going to come back later with more ideas, but that was the first thing that came to mind.
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[MENTION=6281]CrazyBeautiful[/MENTION] That's an awesome idea! Thanks so much! I might really do that!
Not a suggestion, but holy shit, did anyone else notice how talented @rahlenders is?!
[MENTION=1009]bamf[/MENTION] Thank you. That's very kind. I'm a music major and it's kind of what I'd like to do with my life, so it's also pretty encouraging.
[MENTION=1939]Stu[/MENTION] Thanks! I like your name! (It's my roommate's name.) I may try the flowers, we'll see. :)
You really want to please him? Give him a 3some with one of your hot girlfriends. He will probably want to marry you after.