My girlfriend is borderline ESTP/ESFP. She's pretty extroverted but naturally has a very shy/reserved side. I'm very introverted. Every now and then I think we have a problem that might relate to that difference but nothing major What does anybody think?
I'm not sure what you want as an answer. Also, give a little more background on things so we can give more insight.
I am an INFJ and I dated an ESTP for 8 years. We made a good match for her because I made sure she was emotionally satisfied, sexually satisfied, and financially satisfied because those are things I could control and do. But she was never ultimately satisfied and she could never ever understand the depths of me. My mind operated on an entirely differnt level, and she had like most estps i know the most annoying habit of cutting me off mid sentence and then trying to control and dominate the discussion.

Ultimatly we broke it off because we were just too differnt.

I know this probably isnt what you want to hear, but thats how it went down for me in that case.