
Permanent Fixture
I forget
Forgive me if there is already a topic like this, but I'm having trouble telling whether I'm an INFJ or an INFP. I keep reading descriptions on each type, but both just sound so much like me.

If your an INFJ or an INFP, how do you act? What is the difference? If you have any links, that would be great to, thanks so much!
These are some of the reasons of why I would think I'm an INFJ:
  • My need for closure and organization in situations that are related to people. I'm not very organized with other details such as having everything organized in my room.
  • Focusing more on connection and ideas that arise from my inner world. Predicting patterns and strategizing how events will come about.
  • Being cautious of what to say or how I come across to others. In other words, I want people to accept me who I am and will sometimes go to great lengths to avoid disagreeing with someone.
  • Being extremely paranoid of everyone and trying to dissect the intentions of what people are trying to say.
  • I always want to know what I'm getting myself into, I need direction and structure, I hate surprises.
  • Have the tendency to know what others want moreso than them.
Reasons I may think that I'm an INFP:
  • People telling me so.
Here are a few things (there are more) that have shown me that I am an INFJ. Keep in mind these are just the points that are for me. Different people call themselves INFJ's or INFP's for different reasons:

+ Ni is my first function, and it is stronger then all the rest. Se is also my lowest function.
+ I am very very future oriented, and organized.
+ I speak more in absoulutes, and am less ambigious.
+ Put anything and everything in boxes.
+ Clear communication is extrodinarly important to me (this is because of Fe), and I make a point for this to come across to other people.
+ I am much more inclined to ask why, then to be captivated by things.
+ I need to nail things down, and don't do well with weighing a bunch of options.
+ And lastly, I don't get along with most (I say most becuase I am friends with a few) INFP's, and they largely bug me with their passive (in some ways passive-agressive, and if you know me I abhor passive-agressive nature more then any other trait) nature.
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+ And lastly, I don't get along with most (I say most becuase I am friends with a few) INFP's, and they largely bug me with their passive (in some ways passive-agressive, and if you know me I abhor passive-agressive nature more then any other trait) nature.

Yeah, I don't get along with most INFP's either. I'm attracted to them at first but then we get into neverending arguments about stupid stuff.
^ My best friend is an INFP. I thought INFPs and INFJs would get along well.
I notice my INFP friend is excellent with language, always correcting my grammer (which sometimes I find pretty funny and tease her jokingly about), also with french as well. Are INFPs usually better with language then INFJs?
There both supposed to be good at language, but INFJ's are supposed to be better from what I remember.

That being said, I am abosultely horrible with spelling and grammer.
I don't think anyone would know if INFPs were better with grammar than INFJs. Both types are perfectionists about things that are important to them.

Things I've noticed XNFPs have in common are that we are constantly on a mission to obtain more self-awareness. Nearly every experience we have; good and bad, gets sifted through our minds until we pick out nuggets of life lessons and self-revelations. Then we apply this insight to our principals and try to live accordingly.

We have impossible expectations for ourselves and are usually career committophobes, shifting majors and then careers often to find the perfect fit where our inner principals can be implemented in the world.

If you hear someone speaking passionately/complaining about oppression, or discrimination or alienation or exploitation, chances are they are XNFP.
If you hear someone speaking passionately/complaining about oppression, or discrimination or alienation or exploitation, chances are they are XNFP.

Yes, this is a big thing to look for. ENFP's tend to vocalize this more and do so unprovoked. INFP's will when it is coaxed out of them by something.
I see what you did there...

*sigh* I told you guys, lol. I really don't notice spelling or grammer errors until someone points it out to me. By brain simply isn't wired to notice it. However, I have gotten a lot better with it then I used to be.
If you hear someone speaking passionately/complaining about oppression, or discrimination or alienation or exploitation, chances are they are XNFP.
Okay, I actually think I'm both. I can't stand these things and when such things happen in my daily life, I need to make people aware of it and what dangers it has.
Sometimes I hate structures, but sometimes I need them.
On the other hand, I'm always analyzing what people say, ...
*sigh* I told you guys, lol. I really don't notice spelling or grammer errors until someone points it out to me. By brain simply isn't wired to notice it. However, I have gotten a lot better with it then I used to be.
Oh I thought it was a joke :P
Okay, I actually think I'm both. I can't stand these things and when such things happen in my daily life, I need to make people aware of it and what dangers it has.
Sometimes I hate structures, but sometimes I need them.
On the other hand, I'm always analyzing what people say, ...

I suppose that the difference between an INFJ and an INFP doing this would be that an INFP has no problem disrupting harmony to rile people up for a cause, they act as catalysts.

The INFJ, however, will be tactful and polite and try to bring people into agreeance. They will act more as mediators in the situation with the goal of raising awareness.

That is the way I see it.

The difference is Fi which INFP's prefer and Fe, which is preferred by INFJs.

Fi is about expressing one's personal values, remaining true to one's own ideals first above the consensus. Fi is about sustaining personal freedom and expression for the individual and individuals within a group.

Fe is about making sure the group is in agreeance and coexisting harmoniously. Fe is about bringing people together and compromising.

Fi has a more difficult time compromising on what is important to them because Fi does not want to "water down" their beliefs or ideas etc. etc.
It's a blessing and a curse for INFPs. It makes us passionate and harder to "control" yet it also alienates us from others by being stubborn and obnoxious.

The good thing about INFPs is that usually we're pretty laid back and go with the flow. However, once someone crosses that one defined line with us, we dig our heels deep in the dirt and don't give in.
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I suppose that the difference between an INFJ and an INFP doing this would be that an INFP has no problem disrupting harmony to rile people up for a cause, they act as catalysts.

The INFJ, however, will be tactful and polite and try to bring people into agreeance. They will act more as mediators in the situation with the goal of raising awareness.

That is the way I see it.

The difference is Fi which INFP's prefer and Fe, which is preferred by INFJs.

Fi is about expressing one's personal values, remaining true to one's own ideals first above the consensus. Fi is about sustaining personal freedom and expression for the individual and individuals within a group.

Fe is about making sure the group is in agreeance and coexisting harmoniously. Fe is about bringing people together and compromising.
Hmm, then it seems that it changes from time to time.
I'll give an example: Last year, at christmas, some people just decided we had to give money to a good cause. Normally I would've been okay with that, but they just demanded 2
Yeah, that's a good example. I'd do something like that.
Yeah, that's a good example. I'd do something like that.
Nice to know. So hum.. can I buy you a drink?
I actually really respect people who have strong values and fight for them, even if I don't agree with them. Unless if they have unfounded arguments. So no debating on religion for me, it gets me pissed off :P
I suppose that the difference between an INFJ and an INFP doing this would be that an INFP has no problem disrupting harmony to rile people up for a cause, they act as catalysts.

The INFJ, however, will be tactful and polite and try to bring people into agreeance. They will act more as mediators in the situation with the goal of raising awareness.

That is the way I see it.

The difference is Fi which INFP's prefer and Fe, which is preferred by INFJs.

Fi is about expressing one's personal values, remaining true to one's own ideals first above the consensus. Fi is about sustaining personal freedom and expression for the individual and individuals within a group.

Fe is about making sure the group is in agreeance and coexisting harmoniously. Fe is about bringing people together and compromising.

Fi has a more difficult time compromising on what is important to them because Fi does not want to "water down" their beliefs or ideas etc. etc.
It's a blessing and a curse for INFPs. It makes us passionate and harder to "control" yet it also alienates us from others by being stubborn and obnoxious.

The good thing about INFPs is that usually we're pretty laid back and go with the flow. However, once someone crosses that one defined line with us, we dig our heels deep in the dirt and don't give in.
I think I have Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling, according to an test. I don't like getting people riled up for a cause, I would like to keep the peace and raise awarness instead.

Thank you so much everyone!