INFJ "the greatest"......possible?


Permanent Fixture
do you think that we INFJs can be very productive individuals?

i really do think so...:mhula:

provided....we have good supportive friends, loving people who care about us, and basic needs, and things that we want and crave for.. like our desires and dreams....

provided with these things, i think INFJS can be great and productive people... :m023:we can influence people in good ways.....

we can be really happy people when we get what we want.. don't you think so?


i thought that IF we had these...... it happened to me once...then.....

I FORGOT WHO I REALLY WAS. ... or should I was the time when I KNEW WHO I REALLY WAS.......:m107:

i think that if we're too caught up with those things and we become overly happy.....YES WE CAN BE VERY VERY VERY PRODUCTIVE AND HELPFUL AND KIND PEOPLE .....but we forget something.....:m075:
i hope im not the only one giggling after reading this.
i'm happily confused (maybe it's all those monkeys distracting me)

yes INFJs like any other type can be very productive i agree with you

soulseeker, your posts are always packed with much vibrance of energy, but sometimes i find them hard to respond to

i find the monkeys :m015:EXTREMELY CUTE.....

ehehehe... yeah i do have a lot of energy at night..and when i'm VERY VERY HAPPY...

really? why is it hard to respond to? :m075:

i find the monkeys :m015:EXTREMELY CUTE.....

ehehehe... yeah i do have a lot of energy at night..and when i'm VERY VERY HAPPY...

really? why is it hard to respond to? :m075:

same here. It was also so close to a full moon last night that i could barely control myself!
I don't think INFJ's are the "greatest" personality type. Some types tend to have more potential issues then others. And to be honest, I think INFJ's are up there in that respect. Just because we are caring individuals with alot of drive to get things done, doesn't make us the best.