Infj and mental disorder

Is it just me who thinks infj personality comes with many mental disorders and that's one of the reasons we are rare because maybe we're ideal humans but not practically perfect creation for survival.

I think INFJs are more able to work with and around any disorders than others as we're able to see the logical side of our behavior and make the needed adaptations. First step with any issue is to recognize one has it. Without that no progress will be made.

Over the years I've known a number of folk with mental diseases, all of them denied that they had anything that needs help and even feared help itself as though it is a sign of weakness or that they need to be locked up. None of them were INFJs. It is so hard to see people you love get progressively worse when you know therapy and some carefully monitored prescriptions to control the chemical imbalances could help immensely.

Now all that said, self-diagnosis and treatment is dangerous and is a growing phenomenon with the internet and sites like webmd. My own aunt succumbed to cancer that may have been treatable as she had read too much online about it and she convinced herself there was no hope. (She may have been an INFJ.)
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No, I don't.

I think people with mental disorders gravitate toward the INFJ type and are mistyped because having a mental illness makes one feel alone, misunderstood, and alienated, which are some of the traits paired with the INFJ type (despite the fact that all human beings sometimes feel this way).

INFJs are purportedly one of the types most likely to seek therapy, which leads to mental wellness.

It's possible that different types are prone to different, specific mental illnesses. – I have no official data to back this, but there are fun charts online, such as this one:

Also, immature and under-developed people of any type are prone to unhealthy behaviors, so if you gather a bunch of unstable and/or immature people of a certain type (any type) it will skew the evidence that the specific type has problems.
No, I don't.

I think people with mental disorders gravitate toward the INFJ type and are mistyped because having a mental illness makes one feel alone, misunderstood, and alienated, which are some of the traits paired with the INFJ type (despite the fact that all human beings sometimes feel this way).

INFJs are purportedly one of the types most likely to seek therapy, which leads to mental wellness.

It's possible that different types are prone to different, specific mental illnesses. – I have no official data to back this, but there are fun charts online, such as this one:

Also, immature and under-developed people of any type are prone to unhealthy behaviors, so if you gather a bunch of unstable and/or immature people of a certain type (any type) it will skew the evidence that the specific type has problems.
Thanks for sharing the link. :o do you see the graph of infj .
Is it just me who thinks infj personality comes with many mental disorders and that's one of the reasons we are rare because maybe we're ideal humans but not practically perfect creation for survival.

A great book that tackles personality type and mental illness is Conscious Orientation by J.H.Van der Hoop. He was a Jungian who spoke about certain illnesses in certain types.

I have BPD and Anxiety. Very poor Ni can be seen in schizophrenics.
A great book that tackles personality type and mental illness is Conscious Orientation by J.H.Van der Hoop. He was a Jungian who spoke about certain illnesses in certain types.

I have BPD and Anxiety. Very poor Ni can be seen in schizophrenics.

This is psychology at the level of "that historic person must have had asperger", or, "he must have had that personality type" --- we are however talking psychological types.

A general rule is that psychiratric disorders, or diseases of the mind aren't either developments disorders, maladjustment or environment.

What literature says on the topic as it relates to MBTI, is that schizophrenic have below average IQ (usally under 100) and terrible theory of mind (as in empathy and sympathy with acknowledgement of other minds).

And yes, inchoherent babble, word salad or lacking logic and lacking semantic cogency in describing concepts and form associations, yeah, schizophrenic have extremely poor "Ni".

It's one of those things that due to a combination of these things with low IQ and poor theory of mind, they cannot tink them selves out of confusions or obcessions.

Sorry, not be difficult and argmentative; can be fine to talk about it like this.
But it is a slippery slope to go from "like this", "looks like that" and can explain it like this to stereotyping.

This being said, there are visual thinkers; and have seen a few I think, they seemed perfly fine apart from word salad, relying mostly on body language.

As something neurologically degenerative, halucinations can come from things like reduced eyesight where the mind fills in blanks. Does'nt mean you start talking to shadows, or can't tell the difference be that and dreams. Known to happen to eldery when eye sight is reduced enough, suddenly a napkin can be floating in the air. This is vision, and not degenertive hearing and the like, or where someone with poor theor of mind in combination with bad IQ can't tell the difference. Not being bothered can be better than emotional support and reckognition by a professional therapist sometimes.

So when reading Jung and others, from before what we consider modern medicine.

Here is what it actually looks like:

In addition, one can perhaps argue that psychosis often gets applied to extroverted, and schozphrenia for introverted where the main difference is internal versus external subject-object preference for the gobbelygook.

And here we have someone that talks about neurological function and empirical basis for framing a context.

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Perhaps I should have gone into more depth? I understand we are talking about psychological types. Van der Hoop is a Jungian and is exactly talking about that.

Introverted Intuition is the part of our cognition that sees imagery in our minds, generated from the unconscious.

When Ni goes extremely bad, the material reality and the "spiritual" reality are intertwined, (Ni/Se cannot be told apart) -- and the spiritual reality, (What Jung calls the imagination because it occurs in the mind) -- is projected out into the schizophrenic's material reality. Therefore, they begin to hallucinate things that are not really there.

See, I did not bother going into depth about the other forms of Schizophrenia. I just made a quick statement and logged out, really. But he also mentions Ideas Of Reference, (which he found to go hang in hand with Introverted Feeling) -- which goes into paranoid schizophrenia.

So, I do realize there are other forms of it as well as other things that contribute to someone maybe seeing things that are not there. I was simply explaining the Ni portion since someone made a thread directly related to personality type theory and mental illness.

Of course, Schizophrenia can be found in any type, whether Introverted and Extroverted. Ni is just the subjective portion of everyone's intuition in which I am aware everyone has.

I don't really recall typing, "looks like this or looks like that" anywhere. I just made a short statement really and failed to elaborate ....

I have a bit of a disagreement at times with "modern" anything for a couple of reasons..but nice insights, nonetheless.
Lots of rage, schizotypal, sense of injustice and delusions

Get that stuff sorted out

You are projecting. INTP rage is an actual thing. Or socially inapropriate outbursts to be specific.
Also, they can be fond of things like ballet without necessarily being gay, because they are "psychotic".

Title of song = leisure active.

Sorry for foreign language, but my favourite INTP stereotypical example.
Also oddly popular quite often for always being interesting something and personally indifferent.

Screw it! He has a song I like a lot and worth translating, which as psychologically type is a bit melancholic and vulnerable INTP:

Det er ingenting som fenger lenger
Eller føles ut som en ekte følelse
Og det har nettopp begynt å øse ned
Så jeg håper du har plass
Jeg håper du har plass til meg, igjen
Om så bare en madrass som kan ligge inne på dass for min del
Jeg håper jeg får pass inn i ditt palass
Jeg kan roe meg og liste meg som om jeg gikk på glass
Jeg håper det er plass til meg et sted inne i hjertet som du arvet av din mor og meg

Jeg håper du har plass, jeg håper du har plass
Jeg kommer helt alene og ikke med noe pass
Du kan si når jeg må skjerpe meg og sette meg på plass hvis du finner et vindu til meg
Fang meg når jeg faller eller mister meg selv og siste flammen eller gnisten
Jeg skal la deg gråte ferdig før et liv på min bekostning hvis du finner et vindu til meg

Nothing catching attaches for longer
Or feeling like an actual feeling
And it has started pooring down
So I hope you have space
I hope your have space for me, again
If just a mattrass that can lie among the trash for me
I hope I can have a pass for your palace
I can calm down and walk there as if walking on glass
I hope there is space for me a place in your heart that you inherited by your mom and me.

I hope there is space, I hope you have space.
I come all alone and not with a free pass
You can say I need to grip myself and put me in my place
if you can find a window for me
Catch me when I fall or lose myself and the last spark or flame
I shall let you finish crying for a life on my expense
If you can find a window for me.

So first two blocks of text roughly.

Or maybe INFP? male/female at the other end can be hard to tell.
Some details of this text however, not entirely sure, he's 24 years old in august, so certain phrases....
Maybe be a bit "reverse".
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This is where I feel stuck. The emotions I feel to everything around me is just too intense. And the lack of compassion, dedication and responsibility 'out there' is so beyond me that everything I encounter causes too much stress for my body. Literally. Almost everything becomes a PTSD issue for me. So, the immense fear and sadness causes me to cry constantly and stay in as much as possible. I have to be really ready to venture out because of the energy I share. But, there has been nothing that has helped the extreme emotions. Medicines, meditate, DBT, CBT whatever. And, it just seems to become more intense as I age. Something that I can NOT just 'shut off'. I just went into Walmart and cried! How embarrassing.
A FB friend suggested I take the 16 personalities test. I had NO IDEA what I was. He must have known. So, I am so hoping for ideas from this forum, but I am still trying to figure the damn thing out. Where to look for threads. They seem to not go in chronological order. So, I need all types of help.
Almost zero response to my INFP/INTP comment and complaint.
Logic is a tool, feel me?
Ni Te Fi Se.

Actually, Concepts, logic, feelings and making sense of things.
In this order and things makes a bit more sense as to my general order of prefence of adressing the different things.

Others have different premises, and an overwhelimg amount of formu members here would be more prone to agreeing to INFP/INTP if there were more actual rather than imaginary interaction as the latter is a bit more of a naivete better not left unatended for the types.

Who is this response to? I certainly hope not me. Because I was responding to the INITIAL Thread topic.
Nobody, other than those with questiosn concerning primary and secondary functions.
were in the middle of an edit, and lost internet for a little bit.

So here it it is without breaking the chronology by editing.

Almost zero response to my INFP/INTP comment and complaint.
Logic is a tool, feel me?
Ni Te Fi Se.

Actually, Concepts, logic, feelings and making sense of things.
In this order and things makes a bit more sense as to my general order of prefence of adressing the different things.

Others have different premises, and an overwhelimg amount of formu members here would be more prone to agreeing to INFP/INTP if there were more actual rather than imaginary interaction as the latter is a bit more of a naivete better not left unatended for the types.


So, ironically, the expressions "feel me" and "seen", where the latter to me is a bit more senses.
Actually goes through my mind as from when I was living in jamaica and could speak a bit patois.
I was considered really weird to there, but I liked it. There is a cultural mess within the whole system.
Rather universally however, asking, "feel me" is Fi and Seen as Se.
If nothing else, think of a Rasta when in doubt about introverted and extroverted interaction between the two expressions.

There is a huge difficulty finding that inner reference to the concepts and the true self.
But pretty much, if you cannot be clear and specific you are probably not quite there.
Likewise, culturally, perhaps Russians for S/T are about as good as S/F.
In russia, pretending that a different word is a different concept can carry you quite far.
As far as different word as different concept in Russia.
Had the pleasure of having a russian Intel Corporation employee explain to me what a API is in BINARY and ASEMBLY language form.
And then show me a us a patent for it, super amazing dude, so by descriiping something that is compiled in binary in different words you got a patent for it?

Cool! That will basivally never work, and are you a moron?

Edit: I was double offended, first of at all is that level of quality software patent for someone who works with open source and has had it for a hobby for closer to 20 years.
And the level of bullshit is something that can pass in court room if there are nobody around to explain the difference between a standard, a programming interface (words rather than assembly code) versus binary code and the required assembly, and also "words" coming from the API. As not being anything that qualifies as an idea since the invention of networking for hetrogeneous systems.

Ok so to explain this intel reference:
"Early FORTRAN compilers supported no recursion in subroutines. Early computer architectures supported no concept of a stack, and when they did directly support subroutine calls, the return location was often stored in one fixed location adjacent to the subroutine code (e.g. the IBM 1130) or a specific machine register (IBM 360 et seq), which only allows recursion if a stack is maintained by software and the return address is stored on the stack before the call is made and restored after the call returns. Although not specified in FORTRAN 77, many F77 compilers supported recursion as an option, and the Burroughs mainframes, designed with recursion built-in, did so by default. It became a standard in Fortran 90 via the new keyword RECURSIVE.[19]"

He explained inter and intra process communication using stacks and how to connect them in modern computing languages from the perspective of assembly and hardware as some kind of invention. This requires hardware and comunication hardware with communication capability between computers, and a way to describe how data enters the "stack" where actually recursion and others are are tricky if you only have assembly to work with.

Edit: just realised I could have been offered a good job and a lot of money from intel if i entertained that. Someone from intel research showed me a patent he was involved with. Another proof I'm also a bit dense and brain damaged.
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No, he wasn't responding to you. You're fine. :)

Do you know that famous scene from Taxi Driver? That's Ifur.

So what is an INFJ?

I propose from the perspective of mannerisms stemming from psychological types.

That this is a bit INFJ ish:

That this is a bit INTP ish:

Sometimes it's better to start with the naivete, what's being tested?

Hint: Aldous, becuase you know her barrel isn't wet and therefore it may already be dead, that idea of biology for the playful that comes from bitches and witches alike. Aurora, it's that which can be felt that others truly care about, that there is harmoney and continueity in spite of violent flow of emotions.

In short, whats in your FACE! and what's the more subtle naivete.
As this involves a conscioues prominence and preference conversly.
Better to simply fy it this way, if the expression is an idea, acceptance, feeling or a sensation.
If it is nursed and carried with nuance and subtley, it's a primary cognitive function.
Do we then in addition have indiaction of the converse NAIVETE?
In both of these artists it's extremely loud and clear that Aldous is INFJ and Aurora INTP.
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