
Any kind of relationship (friendship, love...)?
What do you think, experiences...
Is it something wrong with my question?:)
Except my English...:), ha, ha.
Help, I try to learn something about two persons who are really important to me at this moment:m032:
It could work. It would be an interesting dynamic. Communication might be tricky. Honestly I don't know, but didn't want to ignore your question.
Helpful Elf pretty much says it - and it depends on the relationship you have with that individual. Just because someone is a different personality from you doesn't mean you won't get on. In fact you could have two of the same personalities and fight like cats and dogs. I think you'll have problems communicating, sure (neither of you share the same cognitive processes in the same order). But it'll be up to you to make it work.

I dunno, I haven't dated an ESTJ and I don't have ESTJ friends. I have an ESFJ friend but she often drives me nuts...and I've had some run-ins with some not-so-pleasant ESTJ women. I'm not the person to ask. :hippie:
Have fun with it!

And I agree with the others you have to put extra effort into communicating. And you should probably get used to the idea that you'll be frequently misunderstood. Like if you expect to be understood your set yourself up for dissapointment.
And you should probably get used to the idea that you'll be frequently misunderstood. Like if you expect to be understood your set yourself up for dissapointment.

So far I've learnt that it's not personally if they don't do what I expect sometimes. They just don't think that that is important (so I have to tell them). I've learnt also that I can learn ESTJ-language, but they can't learn INFJ language because most of time ESTJ people are not aware of any other language:)
I think I'm making progress:) My two ESTJ friends are worth it!
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See my blog page about this. My dad is an ESTJ, and our relationship is less then glamorous.
I sit next to an ESTJ.When i am silent, she thinks that there is something wrong with me or she gets angry.She tries to stop me from doodling or daydreaming in class but sometimes helps me in school work from what i have missed out.Gets upset and angry when i tell her to keep her toblerone chocolate for herself.She feels frequently misunderstood and has hard times expressing herself.Unable to understand why she gets angry when i am quiet in lessons although i do give responses and replies to her when she speaks.
I know one lady who's an ESTJ and she's a really nice person and easy to get along with. However, back in high school I was friends with a girl and I think she's ESTJ and she drove me absolutely insane! I think the success of the relationship may be down to whether the person is a mature ESTJ or an immature ESTJ.
I have an ESTJ friend, and our relationship is shallow (we only smoke together lol) at best. It's the little quirks he has that drive me up a wall (he worries too much, has no feelings, can be extremely rude, likes to be right all the time). We disagree about almost everything (mostly because he likes to be right and I always think I'm right) but we keep it cordial, although it is strained.