Imagine: outside threats


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4w5 5w4
Maybe this thread belongs here? I couldn't decide where to put it but I think it'll exercise your imagination.

Imagine there was some sort of otherworldly threat to Earth. You can imagine aliens or something similar, it doesn't matter what. This thread isn't for thoughts on extraterrestrial life. Just imagine there is a great threat to mankind. I understand there are already things that threaten our Earth, I'm simply imagining something more pressing.

Do you think if there was such a threat, countries would band together?

If not, why?
If so, how do you think this could work?

Our history has been human v human. I couldn't and wouldn't fight for any country on this planet if it meant going up against other humans. If there was some threat to the Earth other than humanly quarrels and environmental neglect, I wouldn't have to think about laying my life on the line. Then at least I would know and agree with what I would be fighting for.

If this became reality and there was some kind of Earth Force created I personally think it would be a mess. At least in the beginning. I can think of all sorts of problems that could arise. From cultural differences and language to leadership and structure. There are many things that could go wrong. Especially if it is formed quickly in the face of danger. I'd hate to see us wiped out because we were unprepared and couldn't put differences aside, so it can't hurt to think about these things now. Just in case or just for fun.
Sure. History is replete with examples of alliances being formed to tackle 'outside threats'.

There's not much difference between an alliance to fight Napoleon, the Axis powers, or Warsaw Pact, and one to kick the ass of some Xenos scum.
Sure. History is replete with examples of alliances being formed to tackle 'outside threats'.

There's not much difference between an alliance to fight Napoleon, the Axis powers, or Warsaw Pact, and one to kick the ass of some Xenos scum.
I think there is a slight difference though. These alliances are formed on similar opinions and individual goals. And in the end we are still fighting ourselves. Sure we have seen countries banding together before, to fight against other countries that banded together... the only thing we can relate this to right now is movies and we probably shouldn't do that.
I think there is a slight difference though. These alliances are formed on similar opinions and individual goals. And in the end we are still fighting ourselves. Sure we have seen countries banding together before, to fight against other countries that banded together... the only thing we can relate this to right now is movies and we probably shouldn't do that.
There was universal cooperation over the ISS (well, until that went to shit, lol), so I think we have enough cause to believe that it would be possible.

The UN exists, which ought to be impossible under the kind of disunity you're imagining. Given an existential threat as the one you describe, I think, actually, unity is almost a certainty. I mean, the US and USSR preferred to have a red telephone between the White House and the Kremlin to avoid nuking the fuck out of each other by accident, and they were supposed to be locked in a vicious ideological struggle at the time.

I'm quite optimistic about this. People are decent.
There was universal cooperation over the ISS (well, until that went to shit, lol), so I think we have enough cause to believe that it would be possible.

The UN exists, which ought to be impossible under the kind of disunity you're imagining. Given an existential threat as the one you describe, I think, actually, unity is almost a certainty. I mean, the US and USSR preferred to have a red telephone between the White House and the Kremlin to avoid nuking the fuck out of each other by accident, and they were supposed to be locked in a vicious ideological struggle at the time.

I'm quite optimistic about this. People are decent.
I'm not saying it's not possible. I agree with you that if something happens we have to band together. I just see it not going flawlessly and think it's good to consider solutions
I think the way humans work generally is to band together very strongly in the short term and then destroy one another in the long term.
So if it's a fast moving imminent threat I think we would be surprisingly ok and cooperative.
If it was a slow approaching doom then it would be a clusterfuck.
It may return to some sort of okayness again for a super slow thing that we can properly prepare for.

Basically a mid speed threat is our demise.
I think the way humans work generally is to band together very strongly in the short term and then destroy one another in the long term.
So if it's a fast moving imminent threat I think we would be surprisingly ok and cooperative.
If it was a slow approaching doom then it would be a clusterfuck.
It may return to some sort of okayness again for a super slow thing that we can properly prepare for.

Basically a mid speed threat is our demise.
The outcome heavily depends on what the threat is. If it were a slow approaching threat how do you think we would be doomed? I can see time tearing us apart but like I said it depends on what we are up against and how we have to prepare.
The outcome heavily depends on what the threat is. If it were a slow approaching threat how do you think we would be doomed? I can see time tearing us apart but like I said it depends on what we are up against and how we have to prepare.

Sure, I don't disagree. I was just stating in broad terms with how humans seem to behave I'd guess that to be how it'd go.

If it were a slow approaching threat how do you think we would be doomed?

Basically a lot of infighting would ensue over a bunch of simplistic shit that people would over complicate.
Degradation of plans and communication over time. Tower of Babel and all that.
Sure, I don't disagree. I was just stating in broad terms with how humans seem to behave I'd guess that to be how it'd go.

Basically a lot of infighting would ensue over a bunch of simplistic shit that people would over complicate.
Degradation of plans and communication over time. Tower of Babel and all that.
I could see it. Surely there would be a rise of radical groups in opposition. Seems to happen often.