I wish...


Permanent Fixture
I wish I could just be an artist and poet and live out the rest of my life.

I am to focus most of my time on my career to reach upper middle class and higher; mainly for people whom I owe a great deal to.

Mainly my Mother and Father who against all odds came here to the U.S. with nearly nothing and ending up with a house in a middle class neighborhood in Queens Newyork.

Also being the part of the 1st american generation of my family I am also to lay the foundation of my future family.

You could say I wish I could do both but the truth of the matter is that money and taking care of my parents, future wife, future child comes first.

I feel the need to worry or even think about money is a disgrace and shame in my life.
I'm with you Naxx...I am first generation as well and feel a lot of obligations on me to succeed for a lot of reasons. I don't know if there's any easy answers. My parents wanted a good life for me and there's a part of me that would feel very ungrateful to throw away the many opportunities I have.
Then we might do what we've always done. Be strong and push on, walk the desert way.
I feel like you, except I'm not first generation anything.
Whoa, I don't know if this is freaky or not, but I think I completely relate to you. No kidding Naxx...hahaha. I also live in Queens and I am first generation, and I feel a same obligation. :o

I see what you mean here~~ But I think for me, the choice of these two things is undeniable. I love my parents so much...me and my twin really do plan on giving back to our parents as much as we can. They are such wonderful people and deserve everything I can give.

I also want to do this for my own sakes as well...it's true, in order to be fully respected in society, you've got to make a foothold for yourself. As you said, if you're not the one that "reaches for the stars", your children will have to do that. I feel like I have the potential and will to do it myself. I want to---so I will.

I guess i'm a bit different than you, in that I never want to be a writer, artist, or musican, though all of these things are very much a large part of my identity. I see those things as sacred---too sacred, to be used to make money. I cringe at the thought of putting pressure on my artistic mind (a mind that is fluid, and should not be tied down to time or money). So while I work more in the world of reality, I hope to continue balancing it out with my music, art, and writing. :)

Of course, these are just my thoughts and i'm sure there are those who feel they cannot live without art. They are so impassioned by it, that they wish to create it every day, every moment. I admire that incredibly~
Oh and by the way Naxx,

I know exactly what you mean about the disgrace of having to worry about such a corrupt thing called money. I hate thinking about money too...that's one of the reasons actually, that I want to make a decent amount of it. So I don't have to think of it that often. :)

Money is nothing, Naxx, in life. It's totally worthless. But in the world of harsh, cold, reality, it is worth A LOT. So I say it's a necessary evil. Don't forget that...
Money, It's a piece of paper that represents something of value; it is neither good nor evil, corrupt nor pure.

Everything starts with a person seeing a possibility of a opportunity and making use of it. It's the steps towards summoning your dreams into reality.

It's not enough to only be master of my mental realm but I also must be master of reality as well.
I think alot of INFJs forget this as they focus on much of their inner world and not outer.

An example, if MLK held those ideas within himself and never took action he would have effected little change.

Theres my take on society, if you don't have the balls to reach and achieve your dreams, it's simple you won't have them.
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I wish I could just be an artist and poet and live out the rest of my life.

I am to focus most of my time on my career to reach upper middle class and higher; mainly for people whom I owe a great deal to.

Mainly my Mother and Father who against all odds came here to the U.S. with nearly nothing and ending up with a house in a middle class neighborhood in Queens Newyork.

Also being the part of the 1st american generation of my family I am also to lay the foundation of my future family.

You could say I wish I could do both but the truth of the matter is that money and taking care of my parents, future wife, future child comes first.

I feel the need to worry or even think about money is a disgrace and shame in my life.

Money is a disgrace and shame to you, but you want it.

Needing others is a disgrace and shame to me. But I want them.