I am crying.

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Shai Gar

I just watched the 1944 classic Mark Twain.

I have to stop watching these old movies that take the time to invest you emotionally in a character before killing them.
I prefer the modern movies, they can't do that.
I just watched the 1944 classic Mark Twain.

I have to stop watching these old movies that take the time to invest you emotionally in a character before killing them.
I prefer the modern movies, they can't do that.

What about Dr. Horrible's sing along blog?
Spoiler below... highlight to read.
Why did joss have to kill off penny?
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Joss Wheadon is an exception, I cried during Serenity because he put 14 episodes into making me love them.
I think we ought to put SPOILER ALERT in the Op somewhere XD. Stop spoiling movies for me! Its bad enough when some guy back in 07 made a forum banner of all the movie endings we'd care about. Shhhhhhhhhh ;).
The movie is a biographical.

Sorry to spoil for you the fact Samuel Clemens is dead, but Napoleon died at Waterloo and the titanic hit an iceberg and sunk.
I just watched the 1944 classic Mark Twain.

I have to stop watching these old movies that take the time to invest you emotionally in a character before killing them.
I prefer the modern movies, they can't do that.

Amen to that. Doesn't matter what the medium. I still hate this move with a vengeance.
Ah, well they couldn't make mark twain or his wife immortal, that'd not be accurate.

Depends on the movie really, if they take the time to invest you in a character, killing them or someone who has a close relationship with them is not cheap.

Although these days they don't bother investing you emotionally into a character.
The movie is a biographical.

Sorry to spoil for you the fact Samuel Clemens is dead, but Napoleon died at Waterloo and the titanic hit an iceberg and sunk.
Sorry smartass, but what you said made it sounds distinctly like he was killed as part of the movie plot, outside of plain old "this dude died like every other human does". I don't know how he died, but you said "killed" which means not natural, and thus still counts as a spoiler. You weren't expecting it, either.
I was expecting it. He came in and out on the Haleys Comet. It was the day of Haleys and his wife had died. He had gotten his Oxford Honours and was lying in bed an old, old man.

Still, there was a lot in Mark Twain that I admired, so even though I knew he'd die, it was an emotional moment.

Also, saying that he was "killed" is commenting on movies that show the deaths of characters in order to further the emotional theme of the movie. They could have run a text screen saying that he died in such and such a way, but chose not to.