Humanity and it Progress in the 21st Century | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Humanity and it Progress in the 21st Century

I haven't said that technology is bad. I am saying that a certain aspect of our nature needs to be balanced with another aspect of our nature.

I think if we don't balance these two aspects of our nature then we will end up feeling empty even if we have the latest iphone

It would really help your statement if you actually named or at least described the 'aspects' and how exactly they're supposed to be balanced.

The 'self-discovery' that you stressed in your other post as so important is almost certainly a luxury... you seem to be talking about some sort of highly individualistic sense of well-being or self-knowledge, which simply isn't possible for people who don't have access to the 'right' or 'best' information. To actually fully understand these things you would need the kind of time and energy and education that people outside of the first world simply don't have. And what if people disagree, or don't see the connection? Do you think that we should force them to accept the 'truth'? Or is it just a case of something that is extremely old always being true?

Sure, it's interesting to hear about the hero's journey and yes, I loved Star Wars... but is it really essential to my development?
Then why say spiritual? Because both of those phenomenons are completely animal. You have never seen a mammal sacrifice itself for another member of its family? I think it would be better to say the mammalian part of us, or the reptilian part of us since those are the actual distinctions you are making... The human part of us is actually beyond emotion and beyond fear, the most human part of us is our rational mind and the ability to think and deduce things.

Yeah maybe they are completely animal. I can't tell. "Nature's tricks".
Yeah maybe they are completely animal. I can't tell. "Nature's tricks".
Not maybe, its certain. Its a scientific fact. The same empathy, emotional care of the young and others is expressed in many mammals with a social order. It was an evolutionary advancement over our reptilian ancestors who were mostly territorial and aggressive. Evolutionarily speaking, its much better to work together than it is to work alone. There are natural reasons for morality and building a society based on taking care of one and other than there is for not doing so. Many animals do this. Certain birds display their dominance by feeding the birds around them, this behavior passed down, creates a society of birds where feeding others, gets you fed too.
I don't have problems with word spiritual:D
It can be used for parts of life in wich human cease to something more than just practical every day life. Reason is more than logic:)
I don't have problems with word spiritual:D
It can be used for parts of life in wich human cease to something more than just practical every day life. Reason is more than logic:)
I dont have a problem with it either, unless its being misused. For me the word spiritual implies a sense of belief in a god or some form of a supernatural state... the thing is, empathy, emotions, caring, sensitivity are not supernatural, they are not divine things, they can be explained via the science of life.
the thing is, empathy, emotions, caring, sensitivity are not supernatural, they are not divine things, they can be explained via the science of life.

Ofcourse they can. Even if I belive in god (hey, I know what you think, but this is free country:), it does not mean that divine thing must be supernatural...We live inside laws od nature. We are limited in that way, because we are human. But, beauty is that we can try to make the best inside of given. Spiritual is human.
It would really help your statement if you actually named or at least described the 'aspects' and how exactly they're supposed to be balanced.

I'm talking about a few different dichotomies within our nature but i think they are all inter-related; this sort of idea ties into the dualism of spirituality which says that we live in a dualistic world but that it is possible to transcend this dualistic world

The chinese for example have expressed this dualistic nature of reality as yin and yang. That in itself might be a good point for further study. You can also see this dualism expressed symbolically in Freemasonic representations of the temple of solomon, where they always depict the floor of the temple as chequered black and white.

Freemasonry is kind of esoteric christianity. So these male and female principles are depicted as light and dark but they are also depicted by freemasons as the two pillars of the temple Jachin and Boaz. But these symbols themselves represent something esoteric which is the kabbalistic tree of life which is split into 3 pillars. On one side you have strength and on the other mercy and the pillar in the middle represents a balance of the two.

So i've used the following quote before on the forum by Frater Achad: ''Too much strength is but cruelty and oppression while too much mercy but aids and abets evil''

What this seems to be advising us is to balance out these two aspects of our nature. There is of course much more to these two pillars but this can at least be a launch pad for further study. One book held in high regard by many as a good starting point is Dion Fortune's 'The Mystical Qabalah'

Freemasons are rarely told anything of value in the low degrees. In the higher degrees they are taught qabalah and sex magick

As you can see there are esoteric truths that are kept from the public through careful grades of initiation. This creates an imbalance in society between the haves and the have information asymmetry which i do not agree with.

So on an individual level these energies we are talking about here (because everything is energy) are simply different tools in our tool box. If we rely too heavily on one this will not suit every situation. As an example lets say that you are using an online forum as a way of learning and socialising but everytime you enter a discussion or debate you are combatative and aggressive....these would represent a kind of aggressive warrior energy. But is that approach always the best one?

For example if you are trying to console someone or nurture a child or share a tender moment with a loved one....would they be appropriate times to bring an aggressive warrior energy to the situation? I would argue not. So then we have to bring another energy to the situation; a softer, more compassionate energy. For ease lets call these two energies male and female.

But what if you have been mistreated and are hurting as an individual. This might make you more defensive and suspicious. It might make the ego create defences which engage the warrior spirit more freely. So then if you are looking to balance out more as a person in order to flow more freely and easily in different situations then you would then have to consciously figure out how your ego was affecting your mood and behaviour. By making these underlying things conscious for example through meditation, therapy, self reflection or altered states of consciousness in general then you might be able to reconcile with some of the hurts that have created the defences and thereby manage to quell the warrior energies enough to let a softer more compassionate side shine through

So that is one dichotomy

There are other dichotomies; for example anyone using this forum for a while will be aware of another glaring dichotomy that rears its head all the time creating divisions between people. That is one that has been identified by the scientist Carl Jung who in his long career interviewed many thousands of people (so he had a large sample pool!). This dichotomy is between the thinking and feeling cognitive functions. We all use both but we often have a preference.

One thing that i've noticed in my time here is that it seems that the feeling types engage more willingly with unquantifiables and abstracts whilst the thinking tyes like logic and quantifiables (they often like to post charts showing facts and figures).

My personal view on this is that both these sides bring something useful to a situation; both bring value to society. The problem comes when one side of that dichotomy does not respect the abilities and strengths of the other side. For example a thinking type might say to a feeling type: ''you're talking complete rubbish; if you can't prove what you are saying with hard fact then it has no validity whatsoever''

This however would be a mistake because not everything is easily quantifiable. The unconscious world for example and its products such as dreams and visions....these are not so easily quantifiable and as a result they are often discounted by the rationalist. The expert in the abstract however may be able to discern meaning in those things and apply them to the betterment of others.

So i would advise that the two sides of that dichotomy keep in mind at all times that the other side does have strengths and abilities as well and that just because the other sides abilities seem alien does not mean that they have no validity

I would argue that for society to strictly stick to a rational view and to discount the abstract would be to cut away half of human nature and potential. Particularly as the abstract side is usually the well-spring of art

This is what seems to be happening in our society. For ease lets call this dichotomy the left brain/right brain dichotomy. The ancient egyptians were aware of this dichotomy as were many other ancient peoples. They represented these two aspects of our nature as bird (right brained) and reptile (left brained). They told of Horus battling Seth which is the individual’s battle with ego. The eye of Horus was torn out and ripped up but put back together again by Thoth. So in the battle with Seth and in the two eyes we have dichotomy represented. One dichotomy is between the two hemispheres of the brain: coldly rational and warmly abstract, male and female, dark and light etc.

The Winnebago Indians had a myth about two twins. One was reflective and introverted and one was extroverted and dynamic. These two twins were invincible and defeated all enemies until they became so prideful that they killed one of the four animals that hold up the world. The punishment for this was death but the twins managed to find balance between them and were allowed to live.

These myths point to the fact that the ancients had an understanding about the different aspects of our nature, what their strengths and weaknesses are and what dangers are in store when the two are not in balance.

So how might such a thing manifest in our society? The ideology of fascism with its reverence for ''fatherland'' and its cult of the personality for a strong male figure is often described as 'patriarchal'. It could be argued such an ideology is very male orientated, and that certainly is abundantly clear in german architecture if you go there....its very angular, muscular and masculine (not rounded, soft and feminine). So what happened with that particular masculine culture? The nazis built up a lot of very aggressive warrior energies with lots of marching and aggressive saluting and eventually those male energies had to go somewhere and they exploded outwards. The leading nazis were fully aware of esoteric knowledge and many were members of secret occult societies such as the Thule society who had the swastika and a sword as their emblems (the sword is a very phallic male symbol and the swastika is a representation of the sun which is a male symbol. The nazi flag put the swastika in a circle which is a male symbol within a female symbol). They were heavily influenced by the ideas of the Theosophical society.

The Thule society believed in a plot by a group called the Priory of Sion to take over the world and they set their mind to opposing that occult group. They created their own chivalric order of knights called the SS based on the teutonic knights of the medieval period.
Hitler had fought in the trenches of the first world war and was badly injured by gas. He was also decorated for bravery. Germany was initially winning the war until the USA entered the war and then the balance tipped the other way. After the war the Germans were subjected to a humiliating defeat and reparation payments that crippled their economy. In time the Germans found out that the reason the USA had entered the war was due to secret agreements made behind closed doors between the Zionists (who wanted to create the state of Israel), the British government and the US government.

The zionists had said to the British government: ''if we can get the USA to enter this war on your side you need to give us the state of Palestine that you currently control''. The British agreed to this and the zionists got the USA into the war and the Germans were defeated. After the war these dealings became public with the Sevre Peace Treaty where a document called the 'Balfour declaration' came to light that had been written by Britain's foreign secretary Arthur Balfour and sent to Baron Rothschild a leader of the Zionist Federation agreeing to hand over Palestine.

Germany had welcomed many jews in who were fleeing from persecution in Russia. The jewish community in Germany had been allowed to thrive and had grown wealthy. When the germans then found out that the jewish community had been scheming with their enemies the british to bring the USA into the war they weren't too pleased about it.

So that was the climate into which Hitler entered politics. A decorated war hero who felt he and the german army/people had been stabbed in the back by the jews. So he then used occult knowledge to build up very aggressive, male, warrior energies among the german people in an attempt to restore their pride and position of power in the world

That's not a version of history you will be taught in the classroom but it is nonetheless true. I'm not excusing any of the actions that any of these parties took, i'm simply giving a real world example of how these different energies can be manipulated among the populace. This has become much easier with the advent of modern media and the Nazis were experts in propaganda

So that's on a societal scale. I personally don't like fascism as a system...i think it is imbalanced and coldly rational....lacking in compassion. On an individual level....for someone looking to get to grips with these aspects of our nature, carl jung advised that men assimilate the anima which is the feminine aspect of our nature. It is this feminine archetypal aspect of the human psyche that is often represented symbolically in spirituality as a goddess.
These are all tools to help us work within our own psyches at improving ourselves. The terms 'male' and 'female' are not meant to reflect men and women but are rather just words being used as hooks to hang concepts on....they are not to be used as a finger pointing tool between men and women....they are aspects that exist in all of us
[FONT=&quot]These underlying archetypes are aspects of our psyche and are[/FONT][FONT=&quot] NOT meant to be worshipped as things external to ourselves. [/FONT] If you are worshipping jesus as something external to yourself than you have missed the point

The point is that you are supposed to cultivate a relationship with spirit yourself.

Jehovah is the material world. Jehovah is YHVH: Yod-He-Vav-He. The hebrew letter for spirit is 'shin'. When you bring spirit down into the material world you get: Yod-He-Shin-Vav-He or Ye-He-Sh-U-Ha....yeheshua....Jesus

Jesus is simply christed consciousness.....someone who has accepted the holy spirit into them. That is the aim for many on the spiritual path, to become a christed consciousness. That is why Jesus says 'the kingdom of heaven is within'. It is about the individual’s personal spiritual path to enlightenment it is not about following someone else. It is about finding your true self and living in accordance with that. Part of that process will be balancing out imbalances within yourself. jesus went through that process in the desert where he cleansed himself of his demons and balanced out the different aspects of his nature and managed his ego.

Such ideas are very dangerous to the authorities because the elites do not want individuals coming to their own truths. Elites want people to do as they're told. John the Baptist was beheaded for standing up to the authorities so Jesus knew the risks. In the story he gets a band of bodyguards together and tells them to get swords so that they can protect themselves. They then travel around the country spreading these spiritual ideas; they keep on the move to stay one step ahead of the authorities.

This story of this spiritual radical then spread into the Roman empire and gained popular support. The Romans tried to squash it by feeding christians to the lions but that failed so they realised that they would have to try and manage it instead. They did this by holding a series of councils for example at Nicea. At these councils the Roman elite decided how they could mould and package christianity in such a way to make it useful to their empire. The only way to do this was to hide the message about personal empowerment and truth seeking and instead to externalise it and literalise it so that people worshipped an external god or icons instead of pursuing their own spiritual path.

Any people who did not abide by this new state sanctioned, literal, externalised religion were killed as 'heretics'. The roman catholic church carried on this policy of torturing and burning heretics in order to maintain control of what was left of the roman empire. But they couldn't kill all the heretics and they couldn't bury the truth about christianity: that you are supposed to become christ

The Jesus story is another archetypal hero myth. Jesus IS Osiris. The other damage the Roman elites (judeo-christian cover up) did was to say that jesus ascended to heaven where he will stay until judgement day. This is incorrect. These death and re-birth gods keep dying and being reborn...its a constant process because that cycle is the cycle of the universe and it is the process of our perceptions as they evolve. The Holy ghost is the feminine principle, the anima. When we assimilate that we become a christed consciousness. It is the uniting of opposites: the male and the female, light and dark, conscious and unconscious, the end of dualism: enlightenment

I think that because many people have been distracted by the elites from these spiritual/psychic processes and these ideas have been largely hidden from them, many people are in a state of arrested development or are feeling like they are lacking purpose and meaning in life. I think they may seek to fill that void with material things for example technological gadgets but until they balance out these aspects of their nature i don't think they will achieve that and humanity will keep trashing the planet to feed the consumerist culture that never satiates people because it is psychic junk food and doesn't nourish the soul

That brings me to the 'how to' part of your statement above.

The things i have talked about above are the tip of a spiritual iceberg. They are simply a starting point for further exploration. I can't give you all the answers; firstly because i don’t have them and secondly because only you will know what your true self is and how to live in accordance with that; or as the chinese say 'to flow with the Tao'. But various spiritual systems can act as tools for exploring yourself.

The 'self-discovery' that you stressed in your other post as so important is almost certainly a luxury... you seem to be talking about some sort of highly individualistic sense of well-being or self-knowledge, which simply isn't possible for people who don't have access to the 'right' or 'best' information. To actually fully understand these things you would need the kind of time and energy and education that people outside of the first world simply don't have. And what if people disagree, or don't see the connection? Do you think that we should force them to accept the 'truth'? Or is it just a case of something that is extremely old always being true?

Sure, it's interesting to hear about the hero's journey and yes, I loved Star Wars... but is it really essential to my development?
I think that the process of trying to find your true self and then living in accordance with that is what people can start to do once they have sorted out the basics such as shelter, warmth, food and water.

It is spiritual nourishment. So sure as long as a person has food, water, shelter and warmth they can keep their body alive but it doesn't necessarily mean that life will be worth living. What makes life worth living is feeding the soul which can be done in many ways and it doesn't need education

Where education perhaps helps is where people have had their heads full of cultural garbage and have many material belongings but are still not happy. These people need to unlearn the rubbish that has been programmed into them. Arguably it is the people in the most industrially advanced countries who are the most spiritually bereft. I would also argue that there has been a deliberate policy on the parts of the elites to keep anything that empowers people away from the workers. People in industrialised societies often have to work very hard and never have quite enough money....i think that balance is maintained by the system to keep people from having the time or energy to pursue the spiritual yes i agree that is an issue in our society
[FONT=&quot]Concerning the hero myths and modern ones such as star wars...these can be valuable sources of spiritual energy/psychic energy. They can help us on our path to our own truth.

There is a light v's dark dualism portrayed in Star wars (which is full of qabalistic references eg Yod is a path on the tree of life, Daath is the false sphere of knowledge, death, star, universe etc are all on the tree as well). Such a struggle between light and dark can't end though can it? One side beats the other side so the loser goes underground, gains strength then rises up and overthrows the other side and then it is repeated.

Perhaps a better approach would be to try and reconcile the two sides lol....balance them out; recognise the strengths of the other. The jedi are compassionate but the sith are fantastic organisers and doers...I mean building a death star takes some gotta hand it to them

I would argue that the left brain dominant part of our society are trying to suppress the right brained part. The equivalent of the death star in our society is the surveillance state which they are currently building. Have you heard of 'Trapwire'? It is facial recognition software that is currently tracking people around many US and UK cities. It was found out about through hacked emails from the intelligence organisation Stratfor that were then handed from Anonymous to Wikileaks who published them. They also have voice recognition software.

A left brain way of seeing the world is being pushed on people by the education system and the media which are both currently controlled by the left brained dominants who are coldly rational in their decision making; for example they do not think about externalities such as human suffering because they are imbalanced...they lack the compassion of the right brained dominants. Until the two balance out we are going to live in an oppressive and violent world

But the right brain is re-asserting itself through activism and protest around the globe and the left brain economic system is teetering on the verge of collapse. It is an opportunity for humanity to balance out a bit, but the left brain is enthral to the ego at the moment and probably won't share power willingly