How do you keep your focus?


Capitalist pig
What are some techniques you use to keep your mind focused and free from wandering thoughts when you are trying to concentrate?

For example, I employ some habits that make boring school lectures more interesting and allow me to do something constrictive, yet still be attentive. I will count down from 100 to -100, mentally, and then count up from -100 to 100. If something important is being said I will stop [ if it demands that much attention, though, lectures rarely do.] but will continue when I am able. I find that this counting of numbers keeps my head clear of: Worrying about problems that I cannot solve at the moment, random songs popping into my head, stopping any unwanted story ideas and so forth. My mind feels more aware and attentive in this state. If my thoughts start to drift I say the numbers loudly [ inside of my head of course] and force my attention on counting.

I have asked many people and have received different reponses. Here are a few common ones:
-Yes, I draw or doodle to keep my focus
-Yes, I look to the side of whatever I'm paying attention to [I don't understand this one, so if anyone could explain...?]
-No. I don't ever focus, what are you talking about?
-Well, usually I'll just focus really hard [Yet they fail to mention -HOW-]

Any questions, comments, concerns or responses?
I'm ADD, so I have a lot of difficulty with it. However rituals and lessons from the satanic bible, and various magic rituals written by crowley can help
I'm weird when it comes to focusing, it sort of just... happens. I can't really make myself focus, and when I try to focus, it usually doesn't work. When I am really focused on something, I don't even realise that I am focused. What really lets me know that is when someone walks into the room I am in, and when they say something to me, or poke me, I jump halfway out of my skin, and sometimes onto the floor.
I'm ADD, so I have a lot of difficulty with it. However rituals and lessons from the satanic bible, and various magic rituals written by crowley can help
I bet you were a troublemaker in school.

It's always the ADD or ADHD kids who have problems being a classroom full of interesting things to pick up/throw at others.
no, i was add, not adhd... I only ever threw a chair at someone, and that is because i was up front being polite and answering questions and people were pegging chalk at me
Haha I can find myself in that situation as well. If I am very distraught on my or other people's feelings, I cannot focus. Although playing piano usually helpes me settle into a focusing mood. Hence school does not have one which they will allow me to play on :S

AND SHAI: if you are serious (again the chance at failing to understand lol) on the satanism? You would not actually ever really induce a curse or a ritual damnation on someone, would you?
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Jah, I'm serious on the satanism. But it doesn't mean what you think it does. Very few people actually understand what satanism is, the best definition I've heard is "Ultra Humanism, with strong Social Darwinism ties).

Have a look on wikipedia at First Church of Satan. It's not about damning someone to hell, or cursing them, besides, according to Christianity and Islam and Judaism, a person can only send themselves to hell.
Have a look on wikipedia at First Church of Satan. It's not about damning someone to hell, or cursing them, besides, according to Christianity and Islam and Judaism, a person can only send themselves to hell.

Haha I know that Satanism is not believing in 'the devil' of the big 3. But before I read somewhere that if you have an enemy you are aloud to make a ritual on them, which would be like a spell I think.

I myself am agnostic, though New Age categorized as I found out that those beliefs of mine were a religion haha.
Haha I know that Satanism is not believing in 'the devil' of the big 3. But before I read somewhere that if you have an enemy you are aloud to make a ritual on them, which would be like a spell I think.

I myself am agnostic, though New Age categorized as I found out that those beliefs of mine were a religion haha.

My religious beliefs are new age, I follow like 95% of this stuff:
The way I focus is that if something is important and I find myself wandering, I will walk away or put it down and go do something else, til I can come back to it refreshed. I know that doesn't sound productive, but it works for me.:m202:
Haha I know that Satanism is not believing in 'the devil' of the big 3. But before I read somewhere that if you have an enemy you are aloud to make a ritual on them, which would be like a spell I think.
If someone is pissing him off, he has to tell them to stop, Then he gets to "destroy" them. Another good I've heard for Satanism is its Objectivism, but allows for metaphysical energy working.

As for the original question: I'm really bad at concentrating on something I'm not interested in (like my english papers), but staying away from here really helps.
*returns to paper he's supposed to be writing*
My religious beliefs are new age, I follow like 95% of this stuff:

Haha what a coinsidence! It never occured to me that it could build up a a religion as I had no association to the name what so ever, so I am still getting to know the religion itself. A test is a test and I read a little but still have some reading to do ;) I am really happy that I found it out, assures me that I am not alone out there ^^
