How do people (mis)type you?

I am also a manager, and am responsible for around 35 employees. I do not believe this would be possible if I did not have reasonably good use of Fe. Like you, I want to explore it in a more conscious way. So good to converse with others who understand!

Do you find that it comes naturally to be a leader? Or did you come in to that role through being asked to step up?
Being a manager / director is NOT something that I see as my forte, nor did I seek out the position. I was asked to take on the role, and did so with the hope that I could make a difference, and because of my relationships within the organization.
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I hate when random strangers in the grocery store come up to me and inquire about my MBTI.


Usually I am the one to ask somebody if they are familiar with Jung's work and the MBTI if I am intrigued enough by their mind, usually a fellow N. S types rarely impress me - lifestyles, habits, interests, yada yada.

I don't think I've ever had one person attempt to guess my MBTI. And I like it that way.
I think the gender analogy you use here is only valid if you consider types to be fluid in the same way that gender is fluid. For example, I do think gender is a fluid concept, but I don't think cognitive functions are quite as fluid. I don't think Ni is socially constructed in the same way that (to me at least) gender is. If Donald Trump suddenly affirmed that he had very strong Ni, and believed himself to be an INFJ, I should believe him to be insane.

Gender IDENTITY may be fluid. However there are a number objective, measurable criteria that are readily available with which one can extrapolate with greater than 90% accuracy what someone else's gender is. Sure you can have XY chromosomes, yet identify as a woman, look like a woman, and convince other people that you are a woman. Or vice versa. You can even be a genetic chimera and have the DNA of both genders. Yet that is very, very rare. The percentage of people who do identify with their biological gender is pretty high. And it does not require much insight to determine what one's biological gender is, and the majority of people identify with it. It takes more self reflection to determine that one identifies as something else.
The same cannot be said for cognitive functions . There is no objective, measurable criteria for any of it. There are many differences in how types and functions are described. There is overlap and contradiction, and differences exist along a continuum, while gender, MOST of the time, is binary.
This does not mean that I lack empathy for those who are not binary.
I have been called a mistype once and it was by a hater that glorifies INFJs. I only know i'm an INFJ because I read up on the blind spots. The INFP stereotypes are about INFJs and the INFJ stereotypes are about ENFJs.
welcome to here. . no stereotyping from me, just a greeting
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Hi everyone!

Have you ever noticed patterns in how people type you, both online and offline? In particular, what type(s) that aren’t your actual type do you sometimes get identified with, and based on what observations? It would also be interesting to figure out the logic behind these patterns.

I’ll begin with myself. In real life my most common mistype is ENFP. Online, I would presume it is INTP, or INTJ. I think the difference comes from the fact that real life is more “spontaneous” and I can be quite chatty and tongue-in-cheek in those contexts, or at least I have learned to be so. Online, I ponder and (over)think more, and my rational side is probably way more visible as a result.

Okay, your turn ;)
ENFP and INFP :)
Hehe. Never ENFJ, then?

I was called an extrovert last weekend. Again! :fearful:
Heh, not yet at least... I have too much "P"ness :tearsofjoy: (I mean... you know what I meant) to be labeled a J. But I am pretty convinced I lead with Ni and have extreme Fe so I am not INFP lol

I am surrounded by extroverts... and they all think I am one too. :sweat:
Heh, not yet at least... I have too much "P"ness :tearsofjoy: (I mean... you know what I meant) to be labeled a J. But I am pretty convinced I lead with Ni and have extreme Fe so I am not INFP lol

I am surrounded by extroverts... and they all think I am one too. :sweat:

So in what way do you think you're P-esque, concretely?

I'm curious. Because again, that's not really how I see you (probably because of Fe).
So in what way do you think you're P-esque, concretely?

I'm curious. Because again, that's not really how I see you (probably because of Fe).
Things that I think indicate me as "P" in nature... I am lazy, and I am not disciplined enough to make myself do things I should. I do value and crave structure but I do not adhere to it like I want. I am CONSTANTLY late, always procrastinating, and I don't like to be tied to plans. Oh I love to make those plans but I HATE when I've made a plan and then have to stick to it... haha. I like to keep my options open even though I highly value structure and organization, don't put me in that box because what if I decide otherwise last minute? I can be spontaneous when not lazy, lol. I can't make myself do things I don't want, although I dream and fantasize about becoming someone who is extremely punctual, reliable, structured and organized and direct. I am extremely self absorbed and can be a bit self centered too, in certain situations. I can be very sensitive, whiny, and emo sometimes.

Heh... but... these are only the negative aspects though, why is that all I came up with? (Sorry INFPs, I don't hate you, I actually love you...)

Edit.... I am also very artistic. I express myself through writing and music and many ways.
Things that I think indicate me as "P" in nature... I am lazy, and I am not disciplined enough to make myself do things I should. I do value and crave structure but I do not adhere to it like I want. I am CONSTANTLY late, always procrastinating, and I don't like to be tied to plans. Oh I love to make those plans but I HATE when I've made a plan and then have to stick to it... haha. I like to keep my options open even though I highly value structure and organization, don't put me in that box because what if I decide otherwise last minute? I can be spontaneous when not lazy, lol. I can't make myself do things I don't want, although I dream and fantasize about becoming someone who is extremely punctual, reliable, structured and organized and direct. I am extremely self absorbed and can be a bit self centered too, in certain situations. I can be very sensitive, whiny, and emo sometimes.

Heh... but... these are only the negative aspects though, why is that all I came up with? (Sorry INFPs, I don't hate you, I actually love you...)

Edit.... I am also very artistic. I express myself through writing and music and many ways.

So you are INFP after all :grinning:

Just kidding. You know, as Ni-doms INFJs are actually not that obsessed with structure. They need a frame but are quite happy if the frame is loose enough so they can freely move within it.
So you are INFP after all :grinning:

Just kidding. You know, as Ni-doms INFJs are actually not that obsessed with structure. They need a frame but are quite happy if the frame is loose enough so they can freely move within it.
Yeah, like you said we are the least "J" of the Js lol. But yeah I truly desire to be more "J"ish. I am attracted to the order, because I think my like is chaotic. I am attracted to the stability because my life has been unstable. Maybe this is beyond types...
Oh and I regrettably love validation. :(

Edit: It's okay to need validation, its just not something I want to need... for myself. I want to be strong in of myself. A warrior who needs nobody.

PS I accidentally posted this in another thread I was active in LOLOL see so disorganized!:tearsofjoy::sweatsmile:
Oh and I regrettably love validation. :(

Edit: It's okay to need validation, its just not something I want to need... for myself. I want to be strong in of myself. A warrior who needs nobody.

PS I accidentally posted this in another thread I was active in LOLOL see so disorganized!:tearsofjoy::sweatsmile:

Would you say your need for validation is as strong as it ever was? How does today compare to, say, 2017 when you joined the forum?
Would you say your need for validation is as strong as it ever was? How does today compare to, say, 2017 when you joined the forum?
Oh, it can't compare... I've grown leaps and bounds. Thanks to my lovely friends here. <3
You know as many arguments as I came up with for P... I have as many for J... isn't it weird how we are so contradictory? Me in particular! Haha
(stalking April this morning?).. .I myself am about half and half J and P. . it is my weakest indicator
(stalking April this morning?).. .I myself am about half and half J and P. . it is my weakest indicator
LOL! I am not one who gets offended at being stalked, my friend. Stalk away! Haha but I know it is only because you are all over the forum as per usual, as I was last night... and you are simply contributing to many of the same posts. :) See? Logic... haha

Oh and yes, me too... I even had a test say INFP once.. hehe. ONCE. >.>
LOL! I am not one who gets offended at being stalked, my friend. Stalk away! Haha but I know it is only because you are all over the forum as per usual, as I was last night... and you are simply contributing to many of the same posts. :) See? Logic... haha

Oh and yes, me too... I even had a test say INFP once.. hehe. ONCE. >.>
the simplest answer is usually the best and most correct. . or something like that
Oh, it can't compare... I've grown leaps and bounds. Thanks to my lovely friends here. <3

I thought so too.

Focus on that, April, it will protect you against self-critical thoughts :)

I myself am about half and half J and P. . it is my weakest indicator

Weakest indicator... but best indicator you're INFJ! :wink: