How can we take it back? | Page 26 | INFJ Forum

How can we take it back?

Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State

This is why we can’t have nice things.
Brain-damaged school administrators.

Texas School Suspends 9-Year-Old For Terrorism Because He Brought Imaginary Hobbit Ring To Class

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"Kids act out movies that they see.
When I watched Superman as a kid, I went outside and tried to fly.

I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence.
If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back.”

This is for all the veterans without a voice.

Cashier Asked a Disabled Veteran What Was Wrong With Him and This Is His Blistering Response

Build your own small businesses and large companies, as well as support existing small businesses and companies that do things the moral way. That's the beauty of American opportunity and that's how you take it back. Don't tear down capitalism, make it work for you.
Build your own small businesses and large companies, as well as support existing small businesses and companies that do things the moral way. That's the beauty of American opportunity and that's how you take it back. Don't tear down capitalism, make it work for you.
I’m not tearing it down because I don’t think people are ready for that firstly.
But there can be a capitalist system that is almost infinitely more fair than the playing field we currently have.
The problem with boycotting those goods and services that you disagree with morally or on any other basis is we have far too many monopolies in the US…in the 1940’s they would had thought the lack of actual competition in this day and age obscene.
We have too many, to big to fail companies….besides, the American taxpayer has been written into law now just recently by the new congress putting us on the hook for the next Wall Street bailout…that’s wrong and disgusting.
When Wal-Mart is the biggest employer of employees who receive food stamps to supplement their paycheck…guess where it gets spent - Wal-Mart who is the largest recipient of Food Stamps in the nation…funny how last time the numbers were ran they made a cool 17 BILLION in pure profit.
They shut down the small shops because everyone’s wages have been stagnating for decades now and people can’t afford to buy it there on principle when they also have to keep the heat on, etc, etc….it adds up. Many are just barely living from paycheck to paycheck…they don’t have an opportunity to save, they don’t have time to go to school and still pay the bills…and so they are trapped. This is the reality a lot of people face. It isn’t a matter of working harder, or even smarter in some cases.
There are no boot-straps that will lift someone from poverty when even our most qualified college grads are finding work far below what they should be getting.
That was part of what that whole Wall Street crisis was about….they axed all the decent paying manufacturing jobs and shipped them elsewhere to be made cheaper.
And what kind of jobs took their place? Didn’t pay as well….benefits suck…no retirement…pension, what’s a pension?
We need to break up the investment houses from the banks firstly.
Then go back to a progressive tax rate that worked incredibly well from the 40’s until Reagan allowed it all to be bought and privatized.
Let’s roll that back.
Let’s go get the estimated $21 TRILLION dollars that people like Mitt Romney have in offshore tax shelters and we tax it like the rest of us are taxed….no more bullshit.
We repeal Citizen’s United and the McCutcheon decisions and take big money out of politics.
We reform our stupid and undemocratic system of voting in this country.
Then I think we would see some really great steps in the right direction.

Cancer patients today live longer, healthier lives thanks to America's investment in medical research.

But since the early 2000s, Congress has been strangling NIH funding.

On World Cancer Day, help us raise awareness for the Medical Innovation Act to substantially increase medical research funding –

and help America find the next major breakthrough against cancer.

Truth be told, I have no idea how to fix this....

But here's what life could have been like for everyone... The video is a bit dramatic, but it has a point...

Truth be told, I have no idea how to fix this....

But here's what life could have been like for everyone... The video is a bit dramatic, but it has a point...


Yes, a bit overdramatic but I do like the overall message and tone.
Thanks for posting it!

And no, this isn't a mis-post...
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Reactions: Skarekrow
That is great.
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After the horrific attack on the French Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, “Anonymous” videos began appearing on the internet with the hash-tag, #OpISIS.
About a week ago a press release in the form a video (the video contains extremely graphic images) from a person who claims to be a member of Anonymous called for an all-out cyber war against ISIS’s social media outlets. The person in the video made claims hackers from Anonymous in collusion with GhostSec:

“have taken offline over eighty websites of the Islamic State and supporting Nations that were used primarily to recruit more terrorism, fund and circulate their propaganda of hatred. Furthermore we have removed hundreds of terrorist social media accounts being used for communication of future attacks against civilized nations and will continue to do so until we have completely dismantled their digital infrastructure.”



This moment is one of the most important in our lives to stand up and inspire change.#Anonymous #GhostSec #OpISIS
3:33 PM - 5 Feb 2015

A YouTube user then posted a video to YouTube entitled Anonymous- #OpISIS Continues… that makes the “clarification” that Anonymous members and those involved in #OpISIS have varied religious, ethnic, racial, and class backgrounds. The person in the video then goes on to say “directly” to ISIS:

“We will hunt you, take down your sites, accounts, emails, and expose you. From now on, no safe place for you online. You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure. We own the internet. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not Forget. Expect us.”



They include a link to a list of Twitter accounts used for ISIS recruitment purposes that the group took offline. Also included was a list of websites used by ISIS that they alleged were taken down. Links to Facebook accounts were included that may be owned and operated by people recruiting people to join ISIS.

ISIS is well known for using social media as a means for recruitment and intimidation. Now people are fighting back against this cancer in the middle east, with non-violent methods that can seriously cripple their entire organization.

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Anonymous Warning
Revolution 05/01/2015
Make ready it is upon us


On this day America will Be free of our tyrants that subdue our freedom's as American's we stand as one as the world we will not be stopped
New Evidence That Half of the US Is Broke


The argument for a barely surviving half of the US has been made before, but important new data is available to strengthen the case. (Image: photosteve101 / Flickr)


Happy Monday!

S&P 500 now up 10% for year
--CNN Money

Third-quarter U.S. economic growth strongest in 11 years --Reuters

The U.S. economy is on a tear --Wall Street Journal

Half of our nation, by all reasonable estimates of human need, is in poverty.
The jubilant headlines above speak for people whose view is distorted by growing financial wealth.
The argument for a barely surviving half of America has been made before, but important new data is available to strengthen the case.

1. No Money for Unexpected Bills

A recent Bankrate poll found that almost two-thirds of Americans didn't have savings available to cover a $500 repair bill or a $1,000 emergency room visit.

A related Pew survey concluded that over half of U.S. households have less than one month's income in readily available savings, and that ALL their savings -- including retirement funds -- amounted to only about four months of income.

And young adults? A negative savings rate, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. Before the recession their savings rate was a reasonably healthy 5 percent.

2. 40 Percent Collapse in Household Wealth

Over half of Americans have good reason to feel poor. Between 2007 and 2013 median wealth dropped a shocking 40 percent, leaving the poorest half with negative wealth (because of debt), and a full 60% of households owning, in total, about as much as the nation's 94 richest individuals.

People of color fare the worst, with half of black households owning less than $11,000 in total wealth, and Hispanic households less than $14,000. The median net worth for white households is about $142,000.

3. Cost of Living Surges as Income Falls

Official poverty measures are based largely on the food costs of the 1950s. But food costs have doubled since 1978, housing has more than tripled, and college tuition is eleven times higher. The cost of raising a child increased by 40 percent between 2000 and 2010. And despite the gains from Obamacare, health care expenses continue to grow.

As all these essential costs have been going up, median household income has been going down since 2000, with the greatest drop occurring since 2009, as 95 percent of the post-recession income gains have gone to the richest 1%.

4. Lots of New Jobs (Below Living Wage)

'Amazing' jobs report, apart from wages --Marketwatch

Amazing at the top and at the bottom. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, there have been job gains at the highest paid level -- engineering, finance, computer analysis; and there have been job gains at the lowest paid level -- personal health care, retail, and food preparation.

But the jobs that kept the middle class out of poverty -- education, construction, social services, transportation, administration -- have seen a decline since the recession, especially in the northeast. At a national level jobs gained are paying 23 percent less than jobs lost.

Worse yet, the lowest paid workers, those in housekeeping and home health care and food service, have seen their wages drop 6 to 8 percent (although wages overall rose about 2 percent in 2014).

5. Our Greatest Shame: Half of the Children Feeling Poverty

Over half of public school students are poor enough to qualify for lunch subsidies. There's been a stunning 70 percent increase since the recession in the number of children on food stamps. State of Working America reported that almost half of black children under the age of six are living in poverty.

The celebratory quotes about a booming economy seem so far away.
Accumulated offshore profits at end of 2013:
General Electric: $110 billion
Microsoft: $76.4 billion
Pfizer: $69 billion
Apple: $54.4 billion
Exxon Mobil: $48 billion
Citigroup: $43.8 billion
Google: $38.9 billion
Goldman Sachs: $22 billion
Walmart: $19 billion
McDonald's: $16 billion


Last year, Burger King obtained the Canadian doughnut chain Tim Hortons and announced plans to move its HQ to the Great White North. Here's what the fast-food giant stands to gain:

Avoiding $400 million to $1.2 billion in US taxes over the next four years.
Major shareholders could avoid as much as $820 million in capital-gains taxes.
Its low-wage employees would still receive more than $350 million in federal benefits and tax credits.


Few big companies actually pay the 35 percent corporate tax rate. Profits are up 21 percent since 2007, while corporate America's total tax bill has dropped 5 percent.
