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How can we take it back?

I need this bumper sticker.

More news of impending end for US Federal Reserve. @muir

US Treasury Secretary Lew: Our global financial influence is being challenged

"...Lew's comments came after Germany, France and Italy said they had agreed to join a new China-led Asian investment bank. Britain also defied U.S...."

Yeah the system is being severely challenged

The danger comes then that the US is imploding inwards in the sense of ramping up surveillance on its own people and basically militarising its home soil against its own civilians whilst simultaneously exploding outwards in that it is through NATO trying to expand its sphere of influence in the east of europe and is trying to create war in Europe and also in the middle east by arming various factions there

So they are not going quietly!

It's going to be messy and i think the only thing that is going to pull us back from the brink now is if enough people wake up and say 'no' to war of any kind

There is a real possibility that Greece will crash out of the EU which could have a knock on effect on the global economy which could lead to war hotting up

The zionist controlled US is pouring fuel on the flames everywhere we look

But people are beginning to wake up. The Germans are getting restless. Here is an amazing speech by a german politician lambasting the german leader angela merkal for putting US imperialist ie corporate interests ahead of the interests of the german people (because merkal is a zionist puppet)

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How do we fight back?!

Where i live lots of politicians are going down because of unethical/fucking illegal funding of campaigns from the same entity. One thing that stood out, is that NO ONE from left to right could escape, EVERYONE was into that shit. I felt murderous towards them, they were literally mounting a circus in front of everyone and they turned out to be a whole bunch of two-faced assholes.
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Where i live lots of politicians are going down because of unethical/fucking illegal funding of campaigns from the same entity. One thing that stood out, is that NO ONE from left to right could escape, EVERYONE was into that shit. I felt murderous towards them, they were literally mounting a circus in front of everyone and they turned out to be a whole bunch of two-faced assholes.

Most of the politicians, right wing or left are crooked assholes here too. Bernie Sanders is the ONE Congressperson that is registered as “Socialist”, which here in the US is almost like calling someone a traitor to freedom…this is the kind of bullshit everyone here has been fed for so long.
People don’t realize that the regulations and rules we had in place to prevent big money from permeating our elections were there for a fucking good reason.
Most were put in place after crooked Pres. Nixon and the Watergate scandal…how quickly people forget…how ignorant and apathetic and submissive people here have been groomed into being.
The one hope I have is the more and more fucked up it gets, the more obvious it is to the public.
We are reaching a breaking point here too….people are tired of paying taxes while the rich and the large corporations pay nothing, have large amounts of money in offshore accounts, and many in fact, get money BACK from the IRS which is absolutely insane.
These are companies that make millions or billions in profit…and yet, Congress won’t touch them…instead they cut social programs for the poor and then demonize them as lazy or drug abusers or just garbage.
Fuck them…it’s gonna bite them in the ass one day…I say we break out the guillotines.
This is mind blowing....

The Best "Democracy" Money Can Buy: For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back

View attachment 23115

That is insane…that almost makes me physically ill.
What will become of us when there is no more money to fleece?
Then you will see people rising up…then you will see the debt of the middle class erased IMO…all of it…null and void.
All the bags of cash and money in offshore accounts won’t mean a thing if we decide it’s not worth the shit paper it’s printed on.
They think they will get away with what they are doing to this nation and to the nations of the world…they’re going to have a very rude awakening one day.
The world is waking up…the US is waking up…it won’t be much longer now.

Lol except the bankers pay money to the evangelical christian leaders to get them to tell the christians to be zionists and that what the world needs more of is war!

I must have missed the bit in jesus's ministry where he said ''and thou shalt wage endless war against all the peoples of the world''
Lol except the bankers pay money to the evangelical christian leaders to get them to tell the christians to be zionists and that what the world needs more of is war!

I must have missed the bit in jesus's ministry where he said ''and thou shalt wage endless war against all the peoples of the world''

There was something about their bullshit not fitting through the eye of needle too wasn’t there?
There was something about their bullshit not fitting through the eye of needle too wasn’t there?

I think some of these christian zionists are trying to bring on the eschaton

Yay world war 3...lets all ascend to heaven on a cloud of nuclear dust!

When are people going to wake the hell up?!