How can we take it back? | Page 29 | INFJ Forum

How can we take it back?

You can try and run...

George W. Bush cancels visit to Swiss charity gala over fears he could be arrested on torture charges

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Now I know I’m crazy.

Glenn Beck Declares He Is No Longer A Republican:
'I'm Done With Them'


Republicans shouldn't expect any support from Glenn Beck in 2016.
The radio host announced on his show Wednesday that he is "done" with the Republican Party.

“I’ve made my decision -- I’m out,” Beck said. "I’m out of the Republican Party. I am not a Republican. I will not give a dime to the Republican Party. I’m out. I highly recommend -- run from the Republican Party. They are not good."

Beck cited the party's handling of the Affordable Care Act and illegal immigration as the reason he is so outraged.
He accused Republicans of "torpedoing the Constitution" and said, despite being a supporter four years ago, he is moving on.

"They set us up. Enough is enough," he went on. "So I'm done with them."
Beck's frustration with the GOP is nothing new.

In a promo for his web program GBTV in 2011, Beck said of Republicans, "I hate them. I think they are as much of a problem as the other side."

Just last week, the host also threatened to terminate his membership with the National Rifle Association because of one of its board members, who he said is a "very, very bad and dangerous man."


Worked fucking great asshole.
A lawyer shows up at a 'right-to-work' hearing.
And ... cue the laughter.

Wisconsin became one more “right-to-work" state in 2015, but before that was legislated and signed into law,
there were a series of hearings about what it would do, who supported it, etc.

PAUL TUDOR JONES: Income inequality will end in revolution, taxes, or war


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Legendary hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones II gave a dire warning about the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the US during a sold out TED Talk in Canada this week.

"Now here's a macro forecast that's easy to make and that's that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest it will get closed.
History always does it. It typically happens in one of three ways— either through revolution, higher taxes or wars. None of those are on my bucket list," PTJ said, according to a video of the event viewed by Business Insider.

During his talk, Tudor Jones, who has an estimated networth of $4.6 billion, praised capitalism.
"It's a system I love because of the successes and opportunities it has afforded me and millions of others."

Over the last several decades, however, there's been a shift.
Tudor Jones continued: "I've seen a lot of crazy things in markets ... And unfortunately, I'm sad to report that right now we might be on the grips of certainly one of the most disastrous certainly in my career."

According to Tudor Jones, the problem has to do with how companies nowadays derive their value from profits, quarterly earnings, and their stock price.
"It's like we've ripped the humanity out of our companies," he said, explaining that we don't value people based on their monthly income or credit score.

"We have this double standard when it comes to the way we value businesses. You know what? It's threatening the very underpinnings of our society."

Right now, corporate profits in the US are at all-time highs. This, he said, is increasing income inequality.

"Higher profit margins do not increase societal wealth.
What they actually do is exacerbate income inequality, and that's not a good thing."

He explained that if the top 10% of American families own 90% of the stocks, then they will take a greater share of those corporate profits and there's less wealth for the rest of society.

Tudor Jones said that income inequality in the US is "literally off the charts" and that's going to come along with "the greatest societal problems" such as lower life expectancy, teenage pregnancy, and lower literacy rates.

His solution is to advocate for justice in corporate behavior.
Tudor Jones recently formed a not-for-profit called JUST Capital with a mission to help companies by using the public's input to find out the criteria that would define justice.

"Now capitalism has been responsible for every major innovation that's made this world a more inspiring and wonderful place to live in," Tudor Jones said. "Capitalism has to be based on justice ... I'm not against progress. I want a driverless car and a jetpack like everyone else, but I'm pleading for recognition that with increased wealth or profits should come, has to come ... greater corporate social responsibility."

This year, they will survey 20,000 Americans and plan to release those results in September, Tudor Jones said.
"Maybe we will find out the most important thing for the public is create living wage jobs or make healthy products or help, not harm the environment," he explained. "At JUST Capital, we don't know. It's not for us to decide. We are but messengers. We have 100% confidence and faith in the American public to get it right."

They plan to issue the survey every year. Eventually, they will rank the companies in order based on the data they collect.
The hope, he explained, is that human and economic resources will be attracted toward those just companies and that they will be the most prosperous.

This is coming to America….people are waking up.

Wait for it.


Ted Cruz is a proud American who just wants to make sure immigrants can't just come to make a life in America the way his father did.
When a bills authors are swimming in money from the chemical industry, it can’t possibly have the public’s best interest at heart.

I wonder why the birther movement isn't up in arms about Ted Cruz. He's legitimately Canadian and running for president. Oh, that's right, they were racists.
I wonder why the birther movement isn't up in arms about Ted Cruz. He's legitimately Canadian and running for president. Oh, that's right, they were racists.

Sad isn’t it?
This country has very deep systemic racism throughout…one only has to look at our private prison system that basically makes money off incarcerating mostly minorities.
We in the US have the most incarcerated population in the world…more than China…more than North Korea (concentration camps an all).
It’s disgusting.