Hotmail = Bing?


Director of Glomps
6w5 SO
Just recently, I tried to access

No dice - it redirected to Bing. I thought "Okay, guess M$ is consolidating everything into Live and didn't tell anyone." So I tried to sign on to Live. No dice again. Then I found this. I have *never* had this problem before. I have wireless internet, but the network I connect to is protected by a decently strong password. Any thoughts?

EDIT: I'm also concerned about hotmail passwords being leaked and I wanted to change mine... Guess I'll have to wait...
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I think gmail is the safest of the available emails out there. I had yahoo some years ago but they had policy issues with what I was doing and was blocking some emails and such. I've had no problems with gmail as far as I know.
I think gmail is the safest of the available emails out there. I had yahoo some years ago but they had policy issues with what I was doing and was blocking some emails and such. I've had no problems with gmail as far as I know.

Yea, gmail doesn't mind the child pornography.
That's why we love it :m204:
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