Hopefully you all can help... | INFJ Forum

Hopefully you all can help...


Nov 5, 2011
I have taken about 3 online MTBI tests in the past few days, and they all have come up INTJ. One test that quantified the scores put my T score at 51 to my F score of 49. I read and re-read all the INTJ information I could find, and something just doesn't click. It seems too harsh, I don't seem that mechanical. But when I found the traits of the INFJ I felt at home. I know this has been done before, but I would love to hear what you think I may be..

First off, I have very few people that I would consider friends. About two. While I am friendly with most people, I often find too much fault with too many to want to bond with them. I find many people dumb, and their personalities irritating. I hate hypocrisy in people, as well as a mean spirit. I tend to dislike people who have qualities I dislike about myself. Even with my small group of friends and family, I find it extremely difficult to express my feelings verbally. I would much rather write them a letter or poem, than speak with them face to face.

Even though I do not actively seek out friendships, I lament the fact that I am so "unpopular". I wish I had a more active social life. But not too active.

I Like for people to like me, even if I do not like them. I hate being rude to people, and always feel bad if I am. But I also will be irrate and rude if I am pushed to a limit. I hate laziness in people.
I love reading and studying about philosophies and ways of life. I often have useless facts of information.
I will spend hours analyzing things,everything. I am always making charts and lists, and planning my life out. I carry 4 journals in my purse, each for something different.

I cry easily, whether it be a movie, someone's sad story or a memory. I feel I have insight to people and what and how they think. As for music and art, they are exhilarating, but I am very ignorant about both. Lastly, I have always felt out of place, an odd ball. Most people think I am highly intelligent, but I think I am fooling them. And maybe myself.

Well there you go. Any (small) insight would be great!
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I scored INTJ the first time I took the test, when I was in a school environment. After college I scored INFJ consistently.
I have to say, from this information, it sounds very infj, and not intj, though we do test as those.
From my experiences with INFJ's (four in my family and I know others) there is a little INTJ in each of them.
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We do have our rational side.
We do have our rational side.

You should see my 5'3" INFJ physician wife on rounds when some 6'2" fellow comes in unprepared. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes! Talk about getting reamed out in the most INTJ-like way! Yet, were you unlucky enough to have one of the disorders for which she's known in her field, you would be incredibly lucky to have her as your physician. She embodies compassion and understanding. INFJ physicians can have an incredible sensitivity, insight and intellectual acumen that puts them at the top of their profession. Just yesterday, a patient called my wife her "special angel." Forgive me my pride.
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You should see my 5'3" INFJ physician wife on rounds when some 6'2" fellow comes in unprepared. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes! Talk about getting reamed out in the most INTJ-like way! Yet, were you unlucky enough to have one of the disorders for which she's known in her field, you would be incredibly lucky to have her as your physician. She embodies compassion and understanding. INFJ physicians can have an incredible sensitivity, insight and intellectual acumen that puts them at the top of their profession. Just yesterday, a patient called my wife her "special angel." Forgive me my pride.

Was he working with her or a patient? If it's a patient, that's actually kind of funny.
A "fellow" (as in, fellowship) is someone who has completed a residency and is now doing sub-specialty training. For example, typically in the US, a cardiologist first trains in internal medicine (one year of internship and two years as a resident) followed by sub-specialty training in cardiology, which is typically three years.
I suppose personality characteristics are qualitative and not quantitative. Whatever the case maybe, I'm glad to have found this site. It puts my mind at ease about a lot of things I have always suspected about my personality. It's been a revelation. (corny, I know)
an INTJ is just an INFJ in denial
Taking a few test over the course of a few days is not solid proof of personality type, and while you may feel inclined to associate with one type over another, it does not make you so. You need to increase the length between testing, this is konwn as test-retest reliablity and adds to the validity of the test. If you are an INFJ and you test as a different classification wait a month then retake the test. i would suggest that doing this multiple time will help you classify your self. I took my assesment over the course of a year , with 2-4 months in seperation before I could claim my slef as an INFJ. One thing that stands out in your comments are that you " find many people dumb, and their personalities irritating." An IFNJ displays a level of patience and understanding of other personality types, Also " I lament the fact that I am so "unpopular". " INFJ's are not unpopular, infact we often sought after by many other types as a a shoulder to cry on so to speak. While your solitude, emotional state, insight and disposition to written communication do lend to the INFJ classification, I think there maybe some areas that are not, but as stated in perviuos posts we do often show signs of other personality types, but I would suggest that if those alternate types are a main focus in your personality, you may not be an INFJ. Only time will tell.
@Forensic..Thank you for your input. And to clarify myself...I think most people would say that they "like" me, and I am also know as a good listener. I lament the fact that I never seem to be the one anyone wants to hang out with for a good time. I am the last one invited to things, social gatherings at work etc.. Its as if they already assume I wouldnt want to go. And also, I struggle with in myself for feeling about people the way I do sometimes. I might say as a group, people do tend to annoy me, but individually I can always find the good in them, and fancy myself understnding them, and why they do the things they do. Even though I feel my motives are too deep sometimes for anyone to comprehend.
51/49? Middle of the road. Adhering to absolutes in typology isn't necessarily practical imo.
I think the most practical advice to be given is that it is beneficial insofar as you take it with a grain of salt. (cum grano salis)