Dunno if this title makes sense, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone since I have been MIA...
For this reason alone: too many people, too many gatherings, too draining!!! Do you ever feel like that around the holidays?????? Do some type of group function that last all day everyday for a week or so(with NO escape to recharge), then become extremely EXHAUSTED?!?
The holidays are always great, you know I love my family, but it wipes me out and suddenly I slack at everything else... This first week will be recuperation and then playing catch up...
Too many extroverts in my family...
I miss my INFJ friends!
For this reason alone: too many people, too many gatherings, too draining!!! Do you ever feel like that around the holidays?????? Do some type of group function that last all day everyday for a week or so(with NO escape to recharge), then become extremely EXHAUSTED?!?
The holidays are always great, you know I love my family, but it wipes me out and suddenly I slack at everything else... This first week will be recuperation and then playing catch up...
Too many extroverts in my family...
I miss my INFJ friends!