Highly attractive personalities (post videos) | INFJ Forum

Highly attractive personalities (post videos)


Sep 5, 2009
Post videos of people demonstrating what you consider to be highly attractive personalities. Yes, they can also be physically attractive, but they must also show something in the video that reflects what you think is attractive about them. So, it's not based simply on looks but things about their body language, behavior, speech, or way they carry themselves.
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Ian Anthony Dale (Hawaii-5-0) and Murder in the First. Funny enough I never really noticed him in these shows because I don't watch them regularly although these are the ones he is most known for. I just started noticing him this morning when I saw him in an interview on a morning talk show, and realized he was shy, unassuming, and had the most beautiful smile. He was so self effacing, which seems counter to his characters. Very sweet guy, and easy going. I liked the way he would smile and look down to avoid eye contact when he was asked questions about himself (in the talk show interview).
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Just kidding.
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I love Robin Williams messing with the Nixon interview. Robin Wiliams displayed his some of his very best in Good Morning Vietnam: Humor, wit, intelligence, compassion, conscience.
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May take some time to find a video...

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I love Robin Williams messing with the Nixon interview. Robin Wiliams displayed his some of his very best in Good Morning Vietnam: Humor, wit, intelligence, compassion, conscience.

Williams always had a rawness about his personality, where he will go as far as he can, regardless if others did. It's as if he felt it his duty to make everyone laugh and have fun. It was almost a pure joy he would derive from making people chuckle, so I agree that his ability to make us laugh was very attractive.
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I love the salt and love this little lady has.

Crap now I gave to watch lor :/

I found Vin diesel attractive in a Jay Leno interview, I'm still fiddling with my new tablet, so I don't know how to do pics and video well. Basically Leno was asking him about co-star in F&F Michelle Rodriguez and some racy pics she did and he was soooo polite and respectful toward her. He got bashful and shy when Leno asked when he was gonna marry...it was adorable. I really respect a man who can let those kind of vulnerable feelings show and be respectful toward women? *swoons* I generally find those muscle type of guys unattractive.
I don't identify with people, I identify moreso with something that sparks feeling.

I love her vulnerability, probably b/c most can identify with her (but some of us too stubborn to ever show.)

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Emily Blunt is really awesome.
She's witty, intelligent, a bit stubborn and laughing a lot.

Luckily her husband is awesome too. Together they did some prank battle with Jimmy Kimmel:
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Fiona Apple is so cool and intuitive. She's reflective, creative, intelligent and funny! Her music is amazing too :)

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This guy has a great personality.

The part Charlize Theron played was very attractive to me.
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I would post a video of myself but I have the tendency of being like a freshly lit bulb in a room full of moths....

"i do not want to talk to you about money."

im sure other people will think Celine Dion appears crazed or even unbalanced in this video, but i find her personality attractive.

i watched a documentary once about her once, and it caused me to adore her. i bought a couple of her CDs. i have enjoyed some of her recordings and i think she has a great voice but unfortunately i cant get very excited about her music in general. but from what i have seen of her, i do admire her greatly as a genuine type of person who i would want to be like, and i think that she has some lovely qualities about her personality.
John Cena. I don't watch WWE or whatever shows he's on. Always thought he was cute yes, but never followed his life or career. But today, I am watching The View, and he was on as a guest, and just listening to him speak, I fell in love, almost deeply, in love. :D He's a really great guy, and I love how he handles himself. He's a real guy's guy, but he's also very easy going, and genuine. I don't know his political views or anything else, but I'm impressed. He just seems really cool.

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John Cena. I don't watch WWE or whatever shows he's on. Always thought he was cute yes, but never followed his life or career. But today, I am watching The View, and he was on as a guest, and just listening to him speak, I fell in love, almost deeply, in love. :D He's a really great guy, and I love how he handles himself. He's a real guy's guy, but he's also very easy going, and genuine. I don't know his political views or anything else, but I'm impressed. He just seems really cool.

I agree with you, he seems like a genuinely decent guy. He even said his superpower would be invisibility <3 <3 <3
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Enya, just a lovely person with a beautiful singing voice

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