Help me figure out my type? | INFJ Forum

Help me figure out my type?


Mar 29, 2013
I've taken typology tests and came up INFJ, however frankly I don't place all that much value on such simplistic methods of testing, they're also potentially influenced by unconscious bias and whatnot, so I figured considering many of you are pretty experienced with typology I could post a little about myself and you could post what you suspect my type to be. If you'd like to help me out anyway! :) I'd like to do this before I invest time in this forum, only to find out that I'm not an INFJ or something like that...


For a start I should say for the longest time I was very depressed / down. I tried to kill myself when my girlfriend left me, and have tried self harm to detract from how I feel sometimes (I didn't find it helped much though). So I'm not really sure of my personality during that period of my life (almost 10 years). I was bullied a lot in high school and it effected me rather badly as I guess I'm somewhat sensitive. It's only recently that I'm making an attempt to effectively fix my life. Previously I was very recluse, during my depression I wouldn't really interact with anyone at all.

I moved away from my environment to get away from that feeling and I'm pleased to say it seems to have been relatively successful. I've been pretty happy for the past 8 months, it has ups and downs though but generally I'm a lot better. Although I don't like clubs and whatnot I go to societies and such at my university. Generally I don't enjoy being the center of attention and although I will sometimes force myself to enter the center of a crowd I usually sit on the sidelines.

What I absolutely love is to isolate people and get to understand them / how they feel. I love finding out what's underneath the surface and building really close relationships with people. I find I really enjoy the company of damaged people in particular. I love being there for people who actually need it, I get so sick of hearing about someone's trivial night out. There are so many people who seem to feel that they have to be perfect, and when they falter it gets them down or depressed, I like to be there as someone to talk to. Girls often say I'm very easy to talk to, I think I'm relatively good at empathizing, understanding and making people feel special. Although I often find myself shedding tears if they end up talking about their depression or how they're not happy in themselves. It makes me so sad, but at the same time I don't mind that. I enjoy the closeness.

I find myself caring about people I don't really know too. For example one of our lecturers, she's pretty publicly hated because she's kind of cold. I like to think differently, about what might make her that way. I told my friends I thought she needed a hug, but they didn't seem to understand. Similarly someone from the gaming society is often a bit of a dick, but I'm pretty sure he has aspergers, so I have to be the guy that steps in to defend him. My friends want him out of the society, but I like to think about... hm... more than the direct consequence. I think about what interactions through the society might mean to him, how important it might be, and how hard his life must be already.

I spend most of my time in my 'own world', thinking about philosophical or psychological concepts, playing video games, on occasion I have girls around to my house to relax and talk, I write poetry from time to time and I'm trying to get into photography. Girls hit on me but I push them away, generally. The last girl I told her I liked her, but I'm sure I'd hurt her in a few years time, so it wasn't worthwhile. I think however I'm just as afraid that they might hurt me, and that's a determent. I don't hang out with guys, as I don't find that I relate to males very well. They're often emotionally closed and I don't know what to say at times. We can bond over things like video games though, but I can't be open and myself in front of male company, so it's not as enjoyable as female. I hold relatively romanticized values, I'd argue they've been largely adopted from childhood, cartoons and whatnot, disney films.

Generally I feel like an outsider. That used to bother me, I recall telling my mother, when I was 10, that I didn't think I thought in the same way as the other children. Reflecting back on that I think that awareness at such a young age was somewhat telling, and concerning, really. I didn't think anything was actually different at the time, didn't think much of it.

Of the subjects I am interested in, video games, psychology, and literature to some extent I'm very well versed in and have strong opinions for. Similarly I feel very strongly about cultural concerns like world hunger, homeless people and so fort. Last time I was drunk in town I ended up giving all the money I had on me to a homeless guy next to the cash point. I sat down next to him and cried, spoke to him about his concerns, what he wanted to do with his life... how he was going to get there. Of course I wouldn't do that without the alcohol, I'm far too reserved and closed off, to be that expressive, let alone in public.

Whilst I feel like I'm close to finding myself, emotionally... I'm not sure what I want to do, I feel like I need to get behind something and make a difference. Even if it's just to individuals, that's fine. I think perhaps counselling would be good for me. Some form of counselling, but if I can't find anything I'm going to go into children teaching. I have decided meaning for my life and whilst no specific direction I know what I want out of it and roughly what I need to do.


Not sure if I can think of anything else that's relevant. Hopefully that's enough to give indication of my typology. Thanks. ^_^
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I dunno here guy, you are pretty new. A lot of people will post their test results for other's to see. Also it helps if you explain more about how you see yourself similar and different to various type descriptions.
Istj. Obviously.
I dunno here guy, you are pretty new. A lot of people will post their test results for other's to see. Also it helps if you explain more about how you see yourself similar and different to various type descriptions.

Always INFJ but sometimes the percentages vary.

Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(50%) Judging(1%)
You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)


That's what you mean by results right?

I don't know about your MBTI type, but there's some Enneagram Type 4 stuff there that resonates with me.
It's hard to say bro. You sound like an INFJ to me, but so many things influence how we see ourselves and how we make ourselves come across. I think there are many aspects within each of us that are overlooked by our minds' radars for whatever reasons. If we don't know about them, how can we explain ourselves to others accurately? I feel that MBTI types don't indicate our personalities so much as they simply indicate what traits we value or think we should value.