Have you ever fallen in love with an idea


just thinking about it.. imagining it to be real in your mind's eye..
Idea no, Ideal maybe
Yes, but unfortunately the ideas I fall in love with tend to be my stupider ones.

I get really obsessive then I wake up and am all wait... what was I thinking.

(An ideal ... not so much. But there are several that I have a strong fondness for.)
Yes! When it's so close you can almost touch it, when you can feel it on your skin and see it in your mind's eye... in the brief moments of imagination when it's whole and flawless and infalliable... Yes.

Then it slips away into the grey murk of day and life, only a wisp of remembered wonder remaining, the details and reasons and brilliance lost forever to memory and time.

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Surley the Ideal must be king, it is the reason for the Idea.

Oh to see a church divided by doctrine be united in love. Such love I can only imagine.
An idea is something not real, but in this case, envisioned so perfectly it takes on an etherial reality, fleeting and true, leaving a sense of wonder and inspiration in the heart.

An ideal is something real, but so rare it may just as well be imaginary. Something that pops up just often enough in actual practice to raise your hopes just enough so that, when they're dashed against reality, it hurts no less than it did the first time, if it doesn't manage to hurt more. :m074:
Rare, I shall live to see such a thing exist, if not I shall see it in death.
I never realized the worth till they were taken from me
They're your children
I've grown very protective since then.
Yes! When it's so close you can almost touch it, when you can feel it on your skin and see it in your mind's eye... in the brief moments of imagination when it's whole and flawless and infalliable... Yes.

Then it slips away into the grey murk of day and life, only a wisp of remembered wonder remaining, the details and reasons and brilliance lost forever to memory and time.


oh i could kiss you, you described it so well. especially the part about it leaving you with a sense of wonder and awe <3
Yes, i agree and telling you, i am in love with IDEAS. They are coming to me every single moment, and me busy and as confused to receive it.

I am afraid of running out from ideas. :(
All the time. I fall in love with ideas for my writing. <3
What mode of understanding do we have not involving our own interpretations?

There is only one answer that my own understanding desires to say: that is, if I am to love it all, it must be through ideas themselves.
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