This is ridiculous. Who cares? She won it, so she won it. Gender should not be an issue; like the article said it's not a matter of cheating. Issues like this make me want to scrap the whole gender thing.
Kinda thought we were past all this. Guess not.Her dramatic improvement in times, muscular build and deep voice sparked speculation about her gender.
This is ridiculous. Who cares? She won it, so she won it. Gender should not be an issue; like the article said it's not a matter of cheating. Issues like this make me want to scrap the whole gender thing.
And if she is a she, and just happens to bust people's bullshit preconceived notions of everything a she should be? Especially since she exceeds the limit of what they think he capabilities should be?I'm surprised at the responses here.
If "she" is actually a "he", it does matter. Competitions are gender specific for a reason (depending on the sport), men often times have natural physical advantages over women, and as someone posted previously, there have in fact been imposters. For her (or him) to keep the medal would not be fair to the other competing women.
Although, maybe I'm missing something because I'm seeing a lot of opposite opinions of those I usually agree with.
There have been cases where women were actually men, and did not know it until they were tested because of competitions like this.
"You know, I always thought I was different from the other girls. It wasn't until I entered the olympics and won a medal did anyone explain to me that the other girls don't have a penis."
"You know, I always thought I was different from the other girls. It wasn't until I entered the olympics and won a medal did anyone explain to me that the other girls don't have a penis."
And if she is a she, and just happens to bust people's bullshit preconceived notions of everything a she should be? Especially since she exceeds the limit of what they think he capabilities should be?
I wonder if she'd lay back on that table, her legs spread and sit up and smirk as the gynecologist came up and said, "Yes, indeed. You are a woman." Or if she would be absolutely mortified that officials believed her a liar and demanded proof.
And if she is a she, and just happens to bust people's bullshit preconceived notions of everything a she should be?