Gaddafi: how do you feel about this now? | INFJ Forum

Gaddafi: how do you feel about this now?

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
How does everyone feel about Gaddafi's death? How about how his body looked? How about the chaos in the country now? How about where it will lead? How about how long it may take? The smuggled shoulder-mounted anti-air weaponry missing, sold outside the country? Heck: what do people think and feel about the situation?
He was a very bad man. I'm not sorry he's dead.

I don't think his death will accomplish much. The rebels do not have a plan for what they want "instead." It is only going to bring more chaos followed by some other strong man taking power, as is happening in egypt. If anything good comes of this at all, it will be in OTHER countries, where the dictators think, "I better be nicer, or I could be deposed just like that."
quote"If anything good comes of this at all, it will be in OTHER countries, where the dictators think, "I better be nicer, or I could be deposed just like that."

Bashar Assad is trembling in his shoes. (joke, of course)
Gaddafi. I have heard about this man almost my whole life. The only thing that disturbs me about is that he IS dead. He should have stood trial for war crimes, and crimes against his people, like Saddam Hussein. Sadly, this is another dictator that the CIA (placed) supported at the beginning of his tenure in office, then left the Libyan people to live under his dictatorship. Libya was going to push for a gold currency for trade of oil. This would be a move away from the US dollar, the current defacto Petro-Dollar. If the Dollar is not sustained as the required asset for purchase of the worlds most desirable energy medium, then the US dollar would be on it's way to the grave. This is the same reason Saddam was invaded, he wanted to switch to EUROs for oil trade.
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"Is there no republican who can be gracious and statesmanlike like in this situation? We removed a dictator in six months, losing no American soldiers, spending, like, a billion dollars rather than a trillion dollars, and engendering what appears to be good will in a people who now have a prideful story of their own independence to tell (not to mention oil, they have oil). Anybody want to give credit?" - Jon Stewart.

Also Id like to know why we didnt provide him a Islamic burial at sea.

I'm am no lover of Gaddafi. But there is a saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." There are worse things in this world than a strong man dictator. Totalitarianism is much worse because while a strong man pretty much lets you live your own life as longas you don't threaten his power, a totalitarian regime wants to control your very thoughts. We waged a war against a form of totolitarianism called Communism, and in order to win that war, we were allies with a lot of bad guy strong men. If you still don't see the logic of it, well, at least I tried.

I'm am no lover of Gaddafi. But there is a saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." There are worse things in this world than a strong man dictator. Totalitarianism is much worse because while a strong man pretty much lets you live your own life as longas you don't threaten his power, a totalitarian regime wants to control your very thoughts. We waged a war against a form of totolitarianism called Communism, and in order to win that war, we were allies with a lot of bad guy strong men. If you still don't see the logic of it, well, at least I tried.

This makes no sense to me. Are you saying that the end justify the means? And also, there is no need to imply I am unable to discern your brand of logic without any proof thereof.
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Gaddafi. I have heard about this man almost my whole life. The only thing that disturbs me about is that he IS dead. He should have stood trial for war crimes, and crimes against his people, like Saddam Hussein. Sadly, this is another dictator that the CIA (placed) supported at the beginning of his tenure in office, then left the Libyan people to live under his dictatorship. Libya was going to push for a gold currency for trade of oil. This would be a move away from the US dollar, the current defacto Petro-Dollar. If the Dollar is not sustained as the required asset for purchase of the worlds most desirable energy medium, then the US dollar would be on it's way to the grave. This is the same reason Saddam was invaded, he wanted to switch to EUROs for oil trade.

THIS!!!! He was deposed as the USA was shitting it's pants as they knew there currency was going for a long walk up fuck street.
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"Bullshit. War ain't over till people stop shooting. You can't say you're done taking a crap if shit's still coming out of your ass."
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I keep wondering what if the Jews had gotten a hold of Hitler? As gruesome as his death was, he was a tyrant who hired mercenaries to slaughter his own people. I'm surprised his death wasn't even more gruesome than it was.

I am concerned. This resembles the French Revolution far more than it does the American Revolution.
I keep wondering what if the Jews had gotten a hold of Hitler? As gruesome as his death was, he was a tyrant who hired mercenaries to slaughter his own people. I'm surprised his death wasn't even more gruesome than it was.

I am concerned. This resembles the French Revolution far more than it does the American Revolution.
Peace, I totally agree. The Americans already had a plan ready to go for a new nation (Articals of Confederation). The French had no plans, except out with the aristocrats and clergy. This "Arab Spring" is more similar to what happened in France. With one exception -- the Arab Spring has a preference for Sharia. The only thing worse than a plan is a bad plan. Sharia promotes a totalitarian form of government where people are not free to believe as they wish. Just this morning was yet another artical about egyptian totalitarianism: "Egypt's Ayman Yusef Mansur has been sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour. His crime? Insulting Islam on Facebook." IOW, instead of making their countries better, these Arab uprisings are simply going to make things even scarier.
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Gaddafi went the way of Mussolini who preceded self righteous protests of Amnesty International and ACLU. If there's a hell, you'll find him there with his friends Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. I'm generally against capital punishment, but this son of a bitch got what he deserved.
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Replace the government with Sharia Law, so they are saying. Don't like the sound of this.
It's their revolution, let them own it.
It's their revolution, let them own it.

Human rights plays an important role in world politics. I really am still in chambers about whose revolution this was.

from wikipedia:
Professor H. Patrick Glenn asserts that the European concept of human rights developed in reaction to an entrenched hierarchy of class and privilege contrary to, and rejected by, Islam. As implemented in sharia law, protection for the individual is defined in terms of mutual obligation rather than human rights. The concept of human rights, as applied in the European framework, is therefore unnecessary and potentially destructive to Islamic societies.[SUP][178][/SUP]
Many secularist, human rights, and leading organisations have criticized Islamic states' stance on human rights. In 2009, the journal Free Inquiry summarized this criticism in an editorial: "We are deeply concerned with the changes to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by a coalition of Islamic states within the United Nations that wishes to prohibit any criticism of religion and would thus protect Islam's limited view of human rights. In view of the conditions inside the Islamic Republic of Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, Syria, Bangdalesh, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we should expect that at the top of their human rights agenda would be to rectify the legal inequality of women, the suppression of political dissent, the curtailment of free expression, the persecution of ethnic minorities and religious dissenters — in short, protecting their citizens from egregious human rights violations. Instead, they are worrying about protecting Islam."[SUP][179]

I guess Sharia should be a different topic, so....

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Gaddafi tortured, maimed, raped as he destroyed the soul of his country. He is completely responsible for the chaos and disorder his crimes caused. It should surprise no one that his death was chaotic and messy.

If your opinion is influenced by the horrible photos of his corpse, remember that many innocent people looked worse after being subjected to his murderous henchmen. These unseen dead should affect your opinion more.
How does everyone feel about Gaddafi's death? How about how his body looked? How about the chaos in the country now? How about where it will lead? How about how long it may take? The smuggled shoulder-mounted anti-air weaponry missing, sold outside the country? Heck: what do people think and feel about the situation?

Libya may consider itself "free", but from what I read it doesn't seem like they will be for long. They are in a vulnerable state, which I highly doubt anyone will care to admit to. As for the state of his body...well, its not much of a shock. Anyone with his track record shouldn't expect to leave this world unscathed. I am curious about the missing weapons, but its not alarming to me. Of course people will smuggle weapons! That happens everywhere. I'd just like to know who is receiving most of the artillery.
