Friends and Boy Friends?

Sounds about right to me.
Yeah right.

It's entirely possible for a male and a female to be just friends. I guess if as a male you mainly see women as sex objects, it would be impossible to maintain an actual friendship with one...
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My guy friends consider me a guy and therefore it would be gay to do anything- it alway feels quite homosexual, that's why we don't do it.
Why can't they pretend I'm a boy then? I have yet to hear one of my straight guy friends say "Ted's an awesome guy. I bet he'd be even more awesome bent over my kitchen table". Meh.

cause you are a q t 3.14
Yeah right.

It's entirely possible for a male and a female to be just friends. I guess if as a male you mainly see women as sex objects, it would be impossible to maintain an actual friendship with one...

whatev. eventually we will kiss you fuckin freak.
Meh I don't mind this. If I become good friends with a guy then I like his personality enough to give him a shot, and if hes not interested then cool! That makes things simpler. Also I've had perfectly awesome platonic friendships with guys after dating them.
Do you want to kiss me?

I do not want to kiss you.
'Fess up.
Not yet, it supposedly happens later on when I realize how great a person you are. HA!
What about women who are incompatible in other ways, such as political or religious affiliations?

If a girl is so religious that I couldn't date her (and assuming she's not defective in any other way), I probably couldn't be her friend, either. I went on a few dates with a really devout Christian girl and we didn't really talk much after that (I worked with her). She actually kind of turned into a bitch.

I guess she loosened up at the end when she started to realize that I was trying to be friendly and that being condescending to me wasn't making things any better. She's a nice girl and I think her heart is in the right place, but she's super naive.

Politics I couldn't really care less about either way, unless they were a Sarah Palin supporter. This is a great filter for stupid women.
What about women who are incompatible in other ways, such as political or religious affiliations?

incompatible for relationships doesn't mean incompatible for sex.

Yeah right.

It's entirely possible for a male and a female to be just friends. I guess if as a male you mainly see women as sex objects, it would be impossible to maintain an actual friendship with one...

No, we simply grow up with lots of male friends we can actually trust, so we've no real need to try and understand the strange/different psychology of women.

Our physiology and biological make up pretty much ensure that we see women as sex objects, but only a male chauvanist sees them as nothing but. That's the argument you see, we're completely able to have women as friends, but we always want sex with them as well, no matter if we hide it or not, unless they're ugly.

cause you are a q t 3.14

You little geek you.

Meh I don't mind this. If I become good friends with a guy then I like his personality enough to give him a shot, and if hes not interested then cool! That makes things simpler. Also I've had perfectly awesome platonic friendships with guys after dating them.

I think that's also a key.

If we've already enjoyed a sexual relationship with you, and the cons of being with you outweigh the pros, but don't outweigh the pros of friendship, we're more than willing to continue as friends.

Or, I am.
cause you are a q t 3.14

Why you've managed the near impossible and made me blush. Hee, aren't you a charmer. I heart nerdy compliments. *swoons*
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I think EVERYONE who is in a male/female friendship (if straight) thinks about sex with the other, even if it isn't acted upon or continuously thought about. It at least crosses your mind once.
I think that's also a key.

If we've already enjoyed a sexual relationship with you, and the cons of being with you outweigh the pros, but don't outweigh the pros of friendship, we're more than willing to continue as friends.

Or, I am.
You made my simple mindset sound confusing :confused:

I think EVERYONE who is in a male/female friendship (if straight) thinks about sex with the other, even if it isn't acted upon or continuously thought about. It at least crosses your mind once.
This is true.
Yes, I do think that any straight guy who is friends with an attractive girl will develop feelings with her (in addition to the normal masturbatory fantasies, of course).