Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX


Stop molesting my cat.

He looks like he just thoroughly read through the Let's Discuss the D thread in one sitting.
That's not a crush. Which member do you fantasize about when you are lying in bed awake? I know who it is, but I won't tell anyone. Yet.
@atree, just wondering of that's enough to freak you out?!

OK well your on the right tracks ...finally! With that orange tash he looks like he could be a Scot, but STILL NO KILT! Wonky this is not good.
Oh my god if only men wore Kilts more, or lets say all the time, 360 days a year - or at least on days when it's not snowing.
Reminds me of when I was rescued out of a stuck lift where I used to live by 5 Fire Men, well hello!
Those orange uniforms are not the sexiest ever, but the uniform thing, well yes.

post edit- no Kilt no crush, see?
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Wait a tick... are you telling us that our very own tinman @Jacobi is a crush too?

Sounds like someone's projecting. Tell you what free, I'll have my body delivered to you at the end of the working day. Do what you will. Just don't leave too many marks.
*buys a catnip scented santa suit for @Jacobi *

What? He did say 'do what you will'.

(Don't ask)

Hey, I post my body to people I meet over the internet. I'm not going to judge the weird stuff you're into.

*rummages through closet of whips, chains, and santa suits*

Just so you know, my body has a "Not for resale purposes; single use only" warning on it. So selling it to a big burly dude name Leon who's wearing a full latex Santa suit is a no-no.