Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX | Page 22 | INFJ Forum

Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX

Yes. I've proposed to myself and I said yes yes yes!
I've been looking for an engagement ring and a marriage celebrant. I will love myself till death do I part.
Ok confession time. I have had crushes on 2 forum members each lasting about a week.
I have deep feelings of love and friendship for another 5 members. 2 of whom would not even have a clue that I feel like this about them.
And 2 forum members have taken my breath away.
And 1 forum member who my heart beats faster for.
No further elaboration is forthcoming.
@Sandie33 I totally ship you with @CosmicINFJ The astrological discussion between you two -- Your Moon in His House. Hawwwt

Oh that's whose Moon has been in my house. If I had a dollar for every time someones Moon has been in my house, maybe I could afford to buy her dinner :) :)
:m122:Even at $11.50 a plate that's a lot of moonshine in your house....which evokes the question--were they all full moons???:m146:

(;) TY Cosmic for being s good sport & playing along)
I think @Dragon has soo many crushes for and received.. @Wyote is blanket banning them. Why ? #possesive.

Ok Puts on Grown up voice.

@Wyote for keeping this forum a good place. I know many others appreciate the hard work you do for this forum. yeah for once @Milktoast Bandit I am not tagging you. It's because of wyote and others threads like this happen and aren't just "cola" adverts or whatever bs some trolls want to post/spread. I think @ruji saw what I mean.

Whoa and you all thought I joked all the time... Ok @Milktoast Bandit get the car and meet me round back. I don't want @Sandie33 or @Sadie seeing us leave together. I am still wearing the same clothes and @atree and @invisible will talk. I'm not even gonna mention @Vicarious @hush (bad santa) @Jet @Free @Gist @CindyLou or @bellisima

If I missed you out ? Same reason as @Stu and @Scientia too emotional for me to types your names..

#gossips.. ;) lol

(in the car milkys making out with ..... insert name here.. ) to be continued......
Hey you--- yeah, You @James....hold up...why you moving so fast...:m044: ....WAIT!!...

:m032:you crack me up @James, even when you try to be serious lol hugz.
:m071: i don't even know why i was dragged into this thread... :m196: if i remember correctly im just a lurker.. liking every posts :p

i'd still go with @Sandie33 she has amazing out of this world sweets to offer me :D
You're always, always welcome to tagg with me @bellisima ....we all love you so we want to include you in all the goings on:D
Ok confession time. I have had crushes on 2 forum members each lasting about a week.
I have deep feelings of love and friendship for another 5 members. 2 of whom would not even have a clue that I feel like this about them.
And 2 forum members have taken my breath away.
And 1 forum member who my heart beats faster for.
No further elaboration is forthcoming.


You're always, always welcome to tagg with me @bellisima ....we all love you so we want to include you in all the goings on:D

awww :m033: that made me tear up for real
i crush you ya'll


seriously though, im crushing on only 1 member.. kthnxbye.. :m044: