flaunt your privilege


Si master race.
Its like the title says, lets hear about how easy you have it
I have an education, I own my vehicle, and am buying a house soon. I'm a good provider for my family, even as a poor wittle oppressed female (sarcasm). I live in the states.

Privileged as fuck. :D
I own a house. I have three gorgeous and smart kids and I can claim as dependents on my taxes. I'm spoiled rotten.

As [MENTION=13729]Free[/MENTION] said, privileged as fuck.
I have running water, a roof over my head, electricity, and am allowed to make my own decisions about my life.

There are a frightening amount of people who can't even say that.
I've got a fairly nice dick. Good size, in both girth and length. If I met a guy and that's what he pulled out, I'd be thinking "Hm, not bad."

Well actually I'd probably be thinking "Oh god. Why am I covered in blood and why does that guy have my penis?!"
I have twelve Rubik's cubes, ten computers, three guitars, two amplifiers and a self propelled electric start lawnmower.
I have twelve Rubik's cubes, ten computers, three guitars, two amplifiers and a self propelled electric start lawnmower.

Wanna trade?
The EZ pass I have on my car so I can breeze through highway toll gates.

I've got a fairly nice dick. Good size, in both girth and length. If I met a guy and that's what he pulled out, I'd be thinking "Hm, not bad."

I'm an artist. I have a house and have the choice to move to one I like better. I have many choices about many things I do not need to survive. I choose what I eat and I have clean water. I can take a shower and wash my hair every day (no matter how many people tell me it is bad for me). I have a computer. I am loved, including by dogs and cats. I've only experienced war via stories told by loved ones and teachers. I am well educated. I have traveled and met all kinds of people.
Biggest of all, I grew up middle class, and in an act of rebellion and adventure at age 18, I rejected that privilege, and *chose* to experience a rougher life for a long time... then worked my way back up to having financial choices.
The thing I feel the most privileged to have are my SO and my Son.
Everything else is trivial.
The thing I feel the most privileged to have are my SO and my Son.
Everything else is trivial.

Indeed it is. Material possessions = privilege in this day and age. I value liberty and freedom, my family and the fact that I can care for them without having to worry where their next will will come from. These are the things that make me privileged above all else.
The thing I feel the most privileged to have are my SO and my Son.
Everything else is trivial.

I love this, so true. I was about to list my prized worldly goods and material opportunities, but you made me think twice. I have great healthcare now, my supportive husband and 2 canine family members all with me and in good health. Even the family I don't get to see is okay for the moment. And as [MENTION=13729]Free[/MENTION] mentions, I have my freedom. All is well. As you say, the rest is trivial.
I am also privileged. As [MENTION=13729]Free[/MENTION] said, I have my freedom. As [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] mentioned, I have my family. I am able bodied to work for what I need and my children do not want for anything. I couldn't imagine more to be thankful for.
I'm a step above poverty, but I have people who love me. I have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful partner. I have amazing friends. I may get made fun of for how shitty my electronics are, but i still manage to have a phone and a computer and the internet -- without those life could get a lot more difficult. I have enough to manage to pay the essential bills each month and we haven't got gone hungry. I have a roof over my head. It could be so much worse.
Even as an oppressed white male living in the us I own a home with running water. I have a cat.
I have a large bag of weed... That is all.

But that is all one needs.